Biggest advice from people who have lost 50+lbs

I'm asking anyone who has lost 50+ lbs to share your number one rule to weightloss.


  • All of these insights are amazing♡
  • Goodjaz50
    Goodjaz50 Posts: 12 Member
    Find exercise that you LOVE so that you can stick to it. For me, I switch it up: HIIT+Strength 3 days/week, Zumba 2 days/week, personal trainer 2 days/week doing conditioning and weight training. I did boxing for awhile (amazing exercise) until I injured my wrist doing something else. Also, for me I know that I can't eat carbs without gaining weight. So I track on MFP with the goal of keeping carbs below 50 net (carbs - fiber). Finally, I track my steps and do everything possible to hit 10,000 steps/day. But key is nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. All the exercise in the world won't make up for a bad diet. So find a program you like. For some people, it's limiting the variety (eating the same thing every day - not for me). I love to cook so I search for low-carb/high fat recipes and cook something new at least 2x/week. Good luck!
  • bladebiker
    bladebiker Posts: 133 Member
    If you do a treat day do not allow it to drag into the second day, get that day done and the next day be very disciplined and get back to the diet.
    As fast as possible is not always the best way
  • So many helpful posts here. Thank you everyone :)
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Eat healthy and make sure it's something you can do the rest of your life.

    The trick will be keeping the weight off.

    I lost 100 lbs then gained it back and now have lost alittle over 35 lbs.
  • louann_jude
    louann_jude Posts: 307 Member
    I have lost 94 pounds out of the 120 pound goal I set. For me MFP and my food scale. The online support systems I have got. Also dedication is a big one. The first weeks when you get the big numbers from water weight loss is great. I lost 8 pounds my first week. 25 my first month. Then the numbers started getting smaller then stalled. I would have up to three weeks with no loss. Some weeks a small gain during TOM. You need to learn weight loss is not a down hill slope. There is downs, ups and straight lines. That is where dedication comes in. You may not feel like it's working but it will if you stay in your calorie goal.

    Take pictures. Plenty of them. Going back and looking at them helps a lot.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Honestly, I've learned that losing weight has to be less about dieting and more about changing one's lifestyle. A diet implies a behavior that you start & stop... I just read an article in Prevention Magazine that said 95% of people who lose weight regain some or all of it. Hence, a lifestyle change is sustainable & health focused :)

    ^^ This nails it. Thinking of it as a "DIET" is like trying to hold your breath. Eventually you're going to need to breath. (If you made a bad food choice today, log it and then don't dwell on it. Just vow to make a better choice tomorrow)

    Making a decision to implement a series of small lifestyle changes (around food choices and exercise) brings lasting results. Eventually, these healthy steps become habits and weightloss becomes a happy by-product of your new healthy lifestyle. Finally, for me, having a performance goal (like in running, swimming, weights) provides a strong focus and motivation once the weight loss goal is met. Weight management then becomes just another habit that helps in achieving my performance goals.

  • jefelol
    jefelol Posts: 2 Member
    drink water. a lot of water
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,134 Member
    Eat things you like. Don't eat things you don't like. And weigh your food as often as possible.