Vacation Panic. NO

I know when starting out with MFP, I often looked at the Maintenance Board for inspiration and hope, so that's why I'm posting this here......

I see so many threads about people panicking or being nervous about being out of their routines, especially going on vacation. Tis the season, right? This was me in the past. Even a long weekend would be enough to throw me into panic mode... where will I eat? How will I exercise? What if there's drinking involved? What if I gain a pound or two? Will I starve to death on a plane for 4 hours?

People on MFP would say "it's just a week, enjoy it an get back on track" or "it's a vacation, relax and have fun." I'd think, ......"you have no idea what I'm, going through".

Now, with three years in the rearview, I must say, they're RIGHT. Raise your hand if you remember the lady that was spending two weeks on a private yacht in the Mediterranean and all she could focus on was not being able to lift weights. She used the word "terrified" about gaining weight.

So here you's a vacation, have fun. Treasure time your friends and family. Walk a bit more. Don't drink TOO much. Make sensible choices. And if it goes a little sideways, get back on track. There is no train, or bus, or wagon, its just life. Enjoy it.

There you have it. Vacation thread 2019. Done.


  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    That’s the spirit!!
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    my son had to have surgery earlier this month so we were homebound for 5 days straight. I wasn't able to exercise and i really didn't feel like tracking either. It didn't harm my progress at all lol
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    I think the more secure we become in our progress, the easier this becomes. I know when I first started losing weight, the thought of vacation would have scared me more. Even when I had made some progress, I still took a lot of precautions on my vacation. I'm travelling again in May, and I think I'll be more confident to let go and live a little. That doesn't mean I still won't try to make smart choices where the opportunity arises, and working out makes me happy and feel good so I'm going to try to incorporate that. But I will definitely indulge more than I would have felt comfortable with when I was at a higher weight.

    I would love to go on a cruise again. I haven't since my honeymoon, but it was so much fun. We have all of one cruise that ports out of my country, so my options are somewhat limited. But if I was to go again, I would absolutely enjoy the indulging and just try to stay active.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    I think the more secure we become in our progress, the easier this becomes. I know when I first started losing weight, the thought of vacation would have scared me more. Even when I had made some progress, I still took a lot of precautions on my vacation. I'm travelling again in May, and I think I'll be more confident to let go and live a little. That doesn't mean I still won't try to make smart choices where the opportunity arises, and working out makes me happy and feel good so I'm going to try to incorporate that. But I will definitely indulge more than I would have felt comfortable with when I was at a higher weight.

    I would love to go on a cruise again. I haven't since my honeymoon, but it was so much fun. We have all of one cruise that ports out of my country, so my options are somewhat limited. But if I was to go again, I would absolutely enjoy the indulging and just try to stay active.

    Thank you OP!
    Thank you @MikePTY
    I had a steady decrease in weight for over 2 years, but as I’ve neared GW, my weight has gone up & down, especially around social eating and weekend trips.
    Mike, I know you are right. Each time I reset & successfully reverse a gaining trend, I feel more confident about maintaining long term.

    I’m not planning to go overboard, in a free for all, as I haven’t the past few years, since I don’t want to reactivate that beast & I HATE dieting!

  • kellycz
    kellycz Posts: 57 Member
    I COMPLETELY agree OP! I am now beginning my 5th summer of maintenance. I'm up a few lbs. right now but we schedule all-inclusive vacays 3 times a year, next one is in 6 weeks and I get back to fighting weight every time, before we go. So I can wear my cute bikinis and dresses. haha

    And while we're there? (Mexico) the dark-side of too many calories everyday is noted in my mind, but not freaked-out over! If I start to freak, I get another Gin & tonic to wash those freaks away. Party on. :)

    But when I come back - so far - I immediately go back to my deficit eating plan (and it's REALLY HARD!!!!) but I do it anyway. I sure have enjoyed maintaining a normal weight and that fuels me. And my mantra -- "Never Give Up" is meaningful every day!
    I am jealous of this on so many levels (see bolded content)! Congrats on your ongoing success. Hoping to be there someday too.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    I don't do all inclusive vacations just like I don't do buffets, and I don't cruise either. On the other hand, I don't agree that going on vacation is an excuse to pig out, and that is the only way to enjoy them.

    In my book it is OK to try new foods and have occasional treats, without going overboard. I don't weigh or count my food when on vacation, but after being in maintenance for nine years, I have a pretty good idea of how to "regulate" my calories. No drinking alcohol helps a lot.

    An approach that has worked for me in the last few years is to decrease my CI and/or increase my CO for a month before going on vacation (especially if I am gone for several weeks), and I try to keep my weight at the lower maintenance level or even try to lose a pound or two. So any weigh that I gain on vacation would mostly be water weight and shred it in a couple of days. I noticed that this approach has reduced any weight gain anxiety, and when vacation is over is very easy to get back into my normal routine. I also do as much walking as the places that I visit allow it, and some light calisthenics and light yoga to keep my body happy.

    I understand that not everybody will like or follow this approach but is something that has worked very well for me and it has reduced those awful up and own vacation's fluctuations and worries. And by the way, I enjoyed the places that I visited too :D
    I’m in maintenance and when I have a vacation planned, I usually eat a a deficit for a few weeks before the trip and try to lose 1-2 pounds. It’s totally unnecessary, but it makes me feel better about eating what I want on the trip.

    @Gisel2015 & @SuzySunshine99
    Thank you! I hadn’t thought of that, but what a perfect solution! Hard enough to leave a beautiful & energizing vacation, let alone have to lose wt too!
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    Love this post!! I just got back from Vegas and I’m up a few pounds (a few above maintenance range actually) but it’s no big deal. I know most, possibly all, is water weight. My plan is to re-*kitten* after a week and if I’m not back in my range I’ll return to a small deficit until I am. It was a great trip and worth every calorie consumed 😃
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    Just got back from 4 months away. Ate differently, did not exercise as much as I usually do, and yes, gained 2 lbs. But back on track. Life is good. I do think that we eat differently if we've been on maintenance for a while (5+ years here) ... at least I do. It comes pretty automatically to make good choices most of the time, even on vacation, but also to indulge. I find that the indulgences aren't really all that expansive, and I enjoy them well.
  • pinkgurl456
    pinkgurl456 Posts: 64 Member
    This post is so great and reassuring. I was worried but the funny thing was after coming back from a trip out of the States I actually lost weight I wasn’t even trying
  • blondywyn
    blondywyn Posts: 8 Member
    This is me right now. I transitioned to maintenance two weeks ago and so far I have been eating slightly under my net calorie allowance simply because I'm not hungry at the end of the day. I'm heading off to Australia for 2 weeks tomorrow and have decided I won't be logging at all. I also won't be intentionally excercising, but when I'm on holiday I usually end up walking a lot to see the sights.
    I'll check in when I'm back and take action if I need to. At present I'm a couple of kilos under goal so I have some wiggle room built in.