
Hello, all! I find myself constantly thinking about this weight loss journey that I’m on. I read a lot of articles and I’m constantly googling things to keep me inspired. I figured it’s time to branch out and engage with some like-minded individuals. I’m 5’6” and currently 190 lbs, down almost 10 lbs from when I started this almost 6 weeks ago. I have a loving boyfriend who is incredibly supportive. Since beginning this journey, he looks at the labels on everything he buys, he looks up healthy meal recipes and cooks them for me, and even joins me about once a week for a hike. I’m very lucky to have him.
My approach to weight loss combines carefully monitoring my calories and exercise at least 3 times a week. I’ve become addicted to hiking. I go on 2 moderate hikes per week (3-4 miles with some good hills), and at least 1 strenuous hike per week (5-7 miles with bigger hills). I do strength training at home with hand weights about 2-3 times per week on the days that I don’t hike. Recently, I’ve found it difficult to not eat my exercise calories back.
I’ve added water consumption as a primary goal - I was drinking only about 30 ounces a day and not seeing any weight loss. After bumping up the water consumption to about 60-90 ounces a day, I’ve watched the lbs seemingly melt off over the last 2 weeks.
I’m trying to slowly add in new weekly goals like: don’t eat close to bed time, get a decent breakfast within a reasonable amount of time after waking up, and next week I’ll factor in having healthy snacks throughout the day instead of saving my calories for a large meal at night.
It would be nice to talk to other people who are going through the same thing. Please add me so we can keep each other motivated!


  • roxanerocknrolla
    roxanerocknrolla Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure how to add you? Haha
  • sarahlucindac
    sarahlucindac Posts: 235 Member
    I added you!
  • Enthusiast84
    Enthusiast84 Posts: 171 Member
    It sounds as though you are on your way doing all the right things. Feel free to add me.
  • alancorey1979
    alancorey1979 Posts: 112 Member
    Not sure how to add you? Haha

    Haha I’m in the same boat! How do you add people?

  • jayneyMat
    jayneyMat Posts: 8 Member
    This is such a sensible approach and one I am at last trying to adopt - small changes and not the all out approach I have taken before (and miserably failed at!)....
    Water is the challenge of the week - gives me good motivation to see it has worked for you.
  • sarahlucindac
    sarahlucindac Posts: 235 Member
    Click on the name here, it will bring you to a screen that you can message from. Once there, click on the name again and it will bring you to a screen where you can add someone as a friend (there’s a little icon to click)
  • sarahlucindac
    sarahlucindac Posts: 235 Member
    jayneyMat wrote: »
    This is such a sensible approach and one I am at last trying to adopt - small changes and not the all out approach I have taken before (and miserably failed at!)....
    Water is the challenge of the week - gives me good motivation to see it has worked for you.
    Yes! I worked pretty hard for 3 or 4 weeks and saw no progress until I started with the water goal. I realize this rapid weight loss will probably taper off once I’ve gotten rid of excess water weight, but it sure feels good to finally see that scale moving. Now I’m excited to weigh myself!
    On that note- I wonder how long it’ll take the water weight to come off? I’ve been drinking more water for almost two weeks now, I thought the extra boost of weight loss would be done by now. I’m hopeful that perhaps I’m really losing more than just water weight now.
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Always need more motivation and friends!!
  • Kelleygirl79
    Kelleygirl79 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Sarah - I don't think I've met anyone on MFP that more closely aligns with my experience than you (except I'm much older. I'm 56) Here's why I say that:

    I am 5'6" with starting weight of 200. I lost 45-50 lbs in 8 months 3 years ago. I keep my maintenance range 150-155. I aim for <1800 calories to maintain and stayed at 1400 calories to lose. I hike a couple times a week in the 4-7 mile range but will prob do less this summer to golf instead. I do kettlebell workouts at home 5-6 days a week. My husband has always been my biggest supporter and while he may not cook all of my meals (and he's a great cook!) he never pressures me to cook large tempting meals so we can eat together -- if I want to just eat vegetables for dinner sometimes, he's good with that! I prep breakfast and lunch every week so, except for dinner, those choices are already made for me every day. I make very poor choices when I'm hungry and unprepared :) I consider that my best tool to keeping the weight off!

    I have to add: kettlebells are the MOST rewarding, highly underrated fitness tools available. I am in the best physical shape I've ever been in and I HATE CARDIO only workouts.

    Anyway, you sound like you are on a great path to success! Add me if you want (I won't promise to always be prompt to respond as we travel quite a bit too) but I will do my best!

  • SouthernCountryGirl
    SouthernCountryGirl Posts: 195 Member
    It sounds like you’ve done a lot of thinking, research and planning, which is wonderful! You’re doing all the right things. Congratulations on seeing the scale move. Don’t give up and don’t quit. There will be days when it doesn’t and that’s ok too. Just hang in there. Water water water. One of the most important parts of this road we’re all traveling. Drink water! I drink between 5 to 6 bottle a day.

    Feel free to add me. I’m sure I’m older than you from the look of your pic. I’m 55. I came back to MFP in September and am currently down 43 pounds (175.4 to 131.4). I’ve had to work my *kitten* off to be successful this time (I’ve been with MFP 7 years now and always either failed miserably or just gave up - this time I didn’t - I stuck it out and it was worth it!) so don’t ever ever give up. You can do this!!
  • SouthernCountryGirl
    SouthernCountryGirl Posts: 195 Member
    edited April 2018
    Guess MFP has gotten strict. I didn’t type “kitten” lol!
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
  • sarahlucindac
    sarahlucindac Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Sarah - I don't think I've met anyone on MFP that more closely aligns with my experience than you (except I'm much older. I'm 56) Here's why I say that:

    I am 5'6" with starting weight of 200. I lost 45-50 lbs in 8 months 3 years ago. I keep my maintenance range 150-155. I aim for <1800 calories to maintain and stayed at 1400 calories to lose. I hike a couple times a week in the 4-7 mile range but will prob do less this summer to golf instead. I do kettlebell workouts at home 5-6 days a week. My husband has always been my biggest supporter and while he may not cook all of my meals (and he's a great cook!) he never pressures me to cook large tempting meals so we can eat together -- if I want to just eat vegetables for dinner sometimes, he's good with that! I prep breakfast and lunch every week so, except for dinner, those choices are already made for me every day. I make very poor choices when I'm hungry and unprepared :) I consider that my best tool to keeping the weight off!

    I have to add: kettlebells are the MOST rewarding, highly underrated fitness tools available. I am in the best physical shape I've ever been in and I HATE CARDIO only workouts.

    Anyway, you sound like you are on a great path to success! Add me if you want (I won't promise to always be prompt to respond as we travel quite a bit too) but I will do my best!


    Thank you so much for sharing your story! It does indeed sound like we have a great deal in common. I have never worked with a kettlebell but I’d like to get started! Have any pointers in terms of what kind of moves to do? I have no idea where to start with that lol. Congrats on losing so much weight and keeping it off. My goal weight at this moment is 150. How does it feel to be so much lighter than you were before? Your success is inspirational!
  • sarahlucindac
    sarahlucindac Posts: 235 Member
    It sounds like you’ve done a lot of thinking, research and planning, which is wonderful! You’re doing all the right things. Congratulations on seeing the scale move. Don’t give up and don’t quit. There will be days when it doesn’t and that’s ok too. Just hang in there. Water water water. One of the most important parts of this road we’re all traveling. Drink water! I drink between 5 to 6 bottle a day.

    Feel free to add me. I’m sure I’m older than you from the look of your pic. I’m 55. I came back to MFP in September and am currently down 43 pounds (175.4 to 131.4). I’ve had to work my *kitten* off to be successful this time (I’ve been with MFP 7 years now and always either failed miserably or just gave up - this time I didn’t - I stuck it out and it was worth it!) so don’t ever ever give up. You can do this!!

    Your success is very inspirational! My goal is similar to what you have already achieved, to lose another 40 or so lbs. I find it hard to be patient but I know I can do this if I just stick it out. I find myself looking at the calendar and counting the weeks and pounds I hope to lose. It’s hard not constantly fantasizing about it but in a way, it’s also good motivation. I think it’s important to get excited and constantly look forward to achieving my goals. Thank you for introducing yourself and for the encouragement, I’ll certainly add you!
    Now to go work my “kitten” off some more ;) lol
  • Kelleygirl79
    Kelleygirl79 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Sarah - I don't think I've met anyone on MFP that more closely aligns with my experience than you (except I'm much older. I'm 56) Here's why I say that:

    I am 5'6" with starting weight of 200. I lost 45-50 lbs in 8 months 3 years ago. I keep my maintenance range 150-155. I aim for <1800 calories to maintain and stayed at 1400 calories to lose. I hike a couple times a week in the 4-7 mile range but will prob do less this summer to golf instead. I do kettlebell workouts at home 5-6 days a week. My husband has always been my biggest supporter and while he may not cook all of my meals (and he's a great cook!) he never pressures me to cook large tempting meals so we can eat together -- if I want to just eat vegetables for dinner sometimes, he's good with that! I prep breakfast and lunch every week so, except for dinner, those choices are already made for me every day. I make very poor choices when I'm hungry and unprepared :) I consider that my best tool to keeping the weight off!

    I have to add: kettlebells are the MOST rewarding, highly underrated fitness tools available. I am in the best physical shape I've ever been in and I HATE CARDIO only workouts.

    Anyway, you sound like you are on a great path to success! Add me if you want (I won't promise to always be prompt to respond as we travel quite a bit too) but I will do my best!


    Thank you so much for sharing your story! It does indeed sound like we have a great deal in common. I have never worked with a kettlebell but I’d like to get started! Have any pointers in terms of what kind of moves to do? I have no idea where to start with that lol. Congrats on losing so much weight and keeping it off. My goal weight at this moment is 150. How does it feel to be so much lighter than you were before? Your success is inspirational!

    The biggest concern with kettlebells is learning the proper form right from the beginning, then building from there. I didn't have a certified trainer nearby so I did the research (and there are ALOT of very poor kettlebell trainers online & DVDs, many that you would THINK they know what they are doing but they don't). I bought the Encyclopedia of Kettlebells by Steve Cotter and perfected my form from that. I think women don't use enough weight to see the results with kettlebells. Working your way up in weight is key to seeing huge results! I love being strong -- it feels so good! Especially as I age. And the $ investment in your kettlebells is pretty minimal considering you can swing these bells for a long long time before needing to increase to a heavier bell. (and you'll still use the lighter ones too) I have several workout DVDs. If you are interested just ask and I'll give you the DVDs that are on my approved list. Haha!

    Learning to manage my weight is certainly one of my biggest accomplishments. In fact, after a year of lotsa fun and travel, and then the 2017 holidays, I found myself 7 lbs over the top of my range for a 10 Lb. gain. After a meltdown in my closet one day in February, I decided NO MORE so I put my head down, grit my teeth and DID IT. I went back to a non-negotiable deficit, picked up my bells every day, hoofed it on the hiking trail and lost 10 lbs. Yay! A real win for me, I can hardly believe it. CICO for life!!! So I'm ready (again) to put on my 2-piece to lay on the beach in Mexico in 22 days 14 hours and 52 minutes. LOL (but who's counting? )

    You can do this Sarah! It sounds like you have all the tools in place -- Now you just have to do the work! I think you can be at 150 by October.

    Physically I feel SO MUCH better, happier, healthier and confident that I can manage my weight while living my life and having fun! I'm motivated by my OWN daydreams -- wearing a certain dress, sitting comfortably in an airplane seat and not feeling frumpy just because I'm [this] close to 57 years old. More than anything I LOVE feeling strong and not remaining a "victim" of a high BMI -- that is something that IS in my power to change.