Redztime2shine Member


  • Short ribs with veges...........mmmmmmm!!!!
  • I like getting either the Beach club or the Lulu Unwich. No mayo, add avocado & onion & cucumber.
  • I check mine in the morning before I eat or drink anything and usually take the readings about 2 -3x a week. I also order my strips from here: They are out of Canada, but they are cheapest ones I have found. They ship fast too. Red
  • I just turned 50 and I'm doing keto, but I have only been doing it since the 12th of this month. So far I really enjoy the freedom from hunger and feeling better healthwise!!!!! And my skin issues (menopausal acne) has vastly improved :) Red
  • I have a standing Treadmil desk and walk anywhere from 1 1/2 - 4 hours 5 days a week. It started off by making a standing work station with boxes and would do squats or walking in place. Then I got an adjustable computer stand and then got a desk Treadmil. Red
  • That's awesome!!!!! I started off eating 3 meals a day, but now I only eat about 1 - 2 meals a day. I don't worry about meal times because now I just let my body tell when it's time to eat. Just do what you feel is right when it comes to eating!! Red
  • I've read that it could take 4-6 weeks (some sooner and some longer) to become fully KA (keto-adapted) fat burner instead of a sugar burner. I do believe that while you are a sugar burner you are going to have more sugar in your blood, but when you become fully KA you should see a drop in your fasting glucose levels. Maybe…
  • I have the Precision Xtra Ketone/Glucose meter and I'm very happy with it. I get my ketone strips from They are out of Canada, but they seem to be the cheapest around. I ordered 40 strips for $90 + $7 S&H which works out to $2.25 per strip or $2.425 including the s & h. Red
  • Yesterday I had cooked cocktail shrimp with guacamole and today I had Hormel Natural Uncured Pepperoni slices dipped in Kerry Gold's garlic & herb butter (about 2 T). Red
  • I just started with Keto and really could use some guidance if I get stuck, so please feel free to add me. I've read Keto Adapted (bought Maria's 90 day program) and I'm in the process of reading Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore. I'm also trying to find more information & recipes on Keto. So far I've lost a little over 3 lbs…