PieAndLattes Member


  • Stay on track for the beach vacation I have coming up in 3 and a half weeks. Eeeek! Bathing suit season just snuck up on me a whole lot earlier than normal!
  • Congrats! And, if you like retro styles, you should check out Jessie Steele. You might find something there to buy yourself as a little treat. :) ~ http://jessiesteele.com
  • I second blogilates. Its a very approachable method of Pilates, which is awesome for core strengthening, and is great at using muscles you don't normally work. One of the other main reasons I like it is that it's low impact and doesn't piss off my neighbors (I live in an apartment! ).
  • Other than very occasionally lifting some heavy things, I pretty much stick to yoga and Pilates exclusively. I like it, it's fun, there's always a new challenge and it's definitely making me stronger. As long as I eat well, it's enough for me. :)
  • Yoga (Yay YouTube! ). Or, anything low impact. I don't want my neighbours to think the apartment building is falling down around them.
  • Me too. I have a trip to the Bahamas planned for Easter. Bring it on!
  • I have a pair of non-beats over the ear wireless headphones. I love them. They stay in place better than ear buds (in my ears) . The only down side is that the ear padding can occasionally get a bit sweaty. Not a big enough deal to matter to me, though.
  • Even though it's only a few days away, the gorgeous (and slightly pricey!) dress I'm wearing for New Year's Eve is my current motivation. Small goals. :smile:
  • I could have written this post with you, OP. The last few weeks, I've been having one particularly hard day at the gym and I always end up taking a nap after. Glad I'm not the only one!
  • I certainly can't help you with the sleeping, because it sounds like your situation is a little more complicated than simply the schedule, but I work second shift and sometimes I work doubles and I used to work third shift, I'm used to flipping my schedule around. What I do, is just do my best to stick to the regular meal…
  • I find it really hard to enjoy any cardio that doesn't involve me riding my bike outside in the summer.But, if I've been feeling particularly sluggish, I'll sometimes force myself to do a walk/Sprint HIIT workout on the treadmill for 20 minutes, or incline walking on the treadmill (again, 20 minutes is about all I can do…
  • Great ideas here! I'm just over 5ft tall and I'm now in that nebulous spot between "just wanna lose 5 more pounds" and maintenance (but I've been successful and getting weight off when I try, and keeping it off when I'm not) and the hubby is almost a foot taller than me, has a very active job and about 8% body fat.…
  • I might skip a day (the day before) since I usually have a fairly terrible headache, and I do admit that I give in to some of the food cravings. I manage to keep things in check, but I'd say that week is a little less pretty in my diary (what do you mean that peanut butter and Graham crackers aren't a balanced meal?!), in…
  • I got a replacement for my polar on Amazon.
  • We had a celebration in our life today as well. I certainly celebrated and ate far more (>400 calories) than my daily calories at lunch alone. Now, I'm still not hungry for dinner, but when I am, I'll probably have something light, like salad or soup and then get back on track tomorrow. I might, as others have suggested,…
  • I don't have anything scientific to bring to the table, but I do know that, for me, the best activity is the one that you like to do more. You'll do it longer, with more intensity and more often, because you'll look forward to actually doing whatever activity you've so chosen. Something like running may be a million more…
  • My number one tip is: always take the stairs. Throughout the day, you're usually going up and down all over the ship, for meals and stops back at the cabin and entertainment and back up to the pool and down again and up again as you go about your day. If you commit to the stairs instead of the elevator, whether it's one…
  • Pandora (80s cardio radio is my latest go-to) if I'm feeling too lazy to make my own playlist but, lately, I've been all about making my own playlists on Amazon Prime music. But, I also listen to audio books when I drive, so sometimes I'll pull out the audio book while doing cardio, if I'm at a particularly good part!
  • I hope you love it!
  • Totally agree! The other great thing about yoga in a group setting is that you don't have to think about anything off of your own mat and you can completely ignore everyone, or you can often meet some pretty great, like-minded folks! I am super, super unbendy, but I've definitely gotten better over the last year. And, it…
  • Love this so much!
  • Fantastic!
  • I've never tried this myself, because I've never met a veggie that I didn't like, but you could always try the "hidden veggie" technique. Something like this...? http://www.delish.com/cooking/g1248/hidden-vegetable-recipes/
  • There are as many types out there as there are people who practice! In general, the best thing to decide if you are looking for a general stretching session, a vigorous workout (which sounds like you may not be), or somewhere in between. The more gentle styles, such as yin, restorative or Hatha may be for you. Or, you may…
  • Biking (I hesitate to say 'cycling' only because I'm much more in it for the fun of riding along the ocean in the summer, the calorie burn is a bonus). Otherwise, yoga.
  • I do agree that it would be nice, since vinyasa/ashtanga yoga is a huge part of my exercise schedule. But, I just log the generic mfp option, don't eat back my yoga calories, consider them a bonus (like my lifting calories) and log other exercises, mostly biking, occasional walking, jogging or elliptical.
  • I do the slightly more athletic types (mostly vinyasa, with a sprinkling of ashtanga) and it's definitely helped my overall strength (as, after all, there's a fair amount of bodyweight work). Its definitely also helped my flexibility. And, not work out related, I've definitely seen improvements in muscle definition since…
  • I've been obsessed with cinnamon Graham crackers and either PB2 or peanut butter, depending on which fits into my day. Not the healthiest, but I have a sweet tooth like no other.