smalltoongirl Member


  • Thanks! This is a lot of useful information! The beginning bit is basically me, but if i'm honest i'm not in that good of shape and i'm only looking to lose about 5lb maybe a bit more. My main goal is to get back into shape after years of doing nothing. Tomorrow i'll try C25K and see how it goes and take it from there!
  • Nope not diabetic. He asked me to keep a diary of what I eat on a daily basis to keep track of any trigger foods for my IBS, but I did mention things I often often but not on a daily basis. My sugar intake is usually below the target, maybe sometimes above when I have a sneaky coca-cola, but on days when I don't its under
  • I think thats what i'll have to do next. Its been fine for a while but has been flaring up within the last two weeks. I got told to keep a food diary and to keep a record of when it flares up by the doctor. Hopefully it will get sorted out!
  • Yeah thats what I thought. I'm not overeating and i'm getting the right nutrients. He told me to change a few things for my IBS but not the fruit. It was at the end he just said that i'm eating too much fruit as I was walking out of the door!
  • Went for my IBS as it had been flaring up. He didn't ask which fruit I was eating, just how many portions a day. He didn't say it in relation to my IBS as well, just as a general passing comment.
  • I just had over 1200 calories worth of mcdonalds
  • Some of my family have fitbits and always complete to see who does the most steps a day. I looked into the polar one, but for the amount of exercise I do I feel like it won't be as good for me. I like the idea of the fitbit zip being in your pocket or clipped on. I wear a watch everyday which is why i wouldn't want a wrist…
  • Like everyone else had said, genetics. Last year I dropped weight because of stress and anxiety, caused me to have a thigh gap (not right at the top, but nearer the middle part of my thighs) and tbh i didn't like it. To everybody saying there thighs helped catch their phone, the one time in my life i had a thigh gap my…
  • The exercise program takes about 65 minute total to complete (including warm up, 12 rounds, extra 10 minute abs and cool down.) According to my polar fitness watch on average it burns about 500 calories a time depending on what intensity I do. Like someone above said, its multiple 3 minute workouts alternating between…
  • 2lbs a week seems doable!
  • Its alternating between cardio and resistance. 6 x 3 minute sets of each. There is a beginner version for each workout incase its too hard. Charlotte isn't really involved to be completely fair, she just does the routine along with you but hardly speaks, I think they just put her name on the DVD to sell it. I've done doing…