mlcollins89 Member


  • Preach! It's the damn stomach! I love having strong, thick thighs, but that pesky "flabby" tummy is actually the worst to get flat. I'm currently sitting at goal is a firm, toned 135
  • I'm travelling right now for work and I'm sorry to say but this, and an orange, was my brekky B) I ask for the sandwich to have no butter, or cheese and I eat it open faced, throwing the top of the english muffins to the seagulls. Honestly, it could be worse!
  • Good: Spiralizer Crockpot Dutch oven (LOVE) Food Processor Magic bullet Bad: Cheese cutter. We have like 3. We keep getting them as gifts...I'll just use a knife, thanks! Toaster. We maybe use the toast 3 times a year
  • Usually I'll go for a bit of yogurt, nubbin of cheese. I try not to eat much. I find that if I eat before going to bed I wake up with a belly ache, yet incredibly hungry.
  • As I sit here in my hotel room destroying some Reese's Cups... How do we all feel about Reese's Puffs cereal? I personally try to eat all the chocolate balls first then the PB...
  • This! Or people just generally getting in your SPACE while you're squatting, lunging, lifting.... Like let me live!! I don't really care about guys or gals hitting on me at the gym... I usually just throw out some stink face and carry on.
  • DEEEElicious!
  • LOVE this! I feel like when you're training you come to realize that the scale really doesn't mean much. You begin to read more into how your body feels (energized, tired, etc) how your clothes fit, and whether or not you can do another rep rather than if the scale went up or down.
  • I recently got the app "Sworkit" (the lite version is FREE). With the app you indicate whether you want to work strength, cardio, yoga or stretching, how much time you have to workout, and it creates a circuit for you. Each exercise in the circuit also has a video example of how to do the workout. Pretty flawless!…
  • Have you looked into doing home workouts or joining a gym? I'm currently doing the Beachboy T25 program (no weights required) and it gives me a full body workout. The workouts vary from cardio to strength training, using resistance bands. These workouts are 25min a day, 5 days a week, no breaks between exercises (I do…
  • Hi Jan, You should be so proud of yourself for pushing your body and starting C25K. Are you stretching? I, too, get hip pain when I run or walk long distances (as well as back pain). My issues lie in my hip flexors and quad muscles -- this may be what's bothering you as well. Try some of these stretches. Hold for 30sec…
  • My goal weight has changed for sure! I'm 5'2 and have learned over the last year how much muscle affects the scale. My "goal weight" is 135lb (currently 150). However, my larger goal is to have my "skinny jeans" fit again. I'm less concerned about the scales more so about meeting fitness goals and having my clothes fit.
  • Karim, do you have access to weights or a gym? When I was starting out with strength training I found going to fitness classes helped me out. They taught me form, technique, etc.
  • I always look forward to your photos! You're always eating such interesting, nutritious, and clean food (also looks like you try to get locally sourced produce and meats when you can). MMMM! :)
  • While exercising is not necessary to lose weight ("abs are made in the kitchen not the gym"), regular exercise has many positive benefits. Exercise can increase you energy, help you sleep, boost your confidence, de-stress... our bodies are made to move. I personally aim for at least 30min of vigorous exercise a day. Try…
  • Good luck! P90x3 is next on my line up (after T25)
  • That's awesome! Maybe I'll try it once I'm done this month of T25.
  • I think in the case of special occasions you have to give yourself a break; enjoy the food, have pice of cake (or two!), have the mashed potatoes, the gravy, the stuffing. The next day, get back to business and don't punish yourself. I found this summer I constantly had various celebrations, back to back. It was very…
  • Congratulations! I'm just about to start my first day of T25 after a 3mth summer hiatus of working out/eating healthy (HELLO s'mores!). How'd you like P90x3? I was looking into that one but didn't know anyone who has started/completed yet.
  • Hi All, I'm starting my 2nd round of T25 today (did it this time last year). I will be living out of a suitcase for the next 11weeks while I travel for work. The toughest part for me is having my diet in check with so many fast, naughty, sweet food temptations :|. So I've got a little cooler in the car loaded up veg, and…