How much exercise should I be doing?

Im a 18 year old girl,about 5'6/5'7. I weigh 90kg/14 stone. Does anybody know how much exercise I should be doing daily to lose 1-2 pounds weekly?
My daily calorie allowance is : 1610


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You don't *need* exercise to lose weight! :)

    You can lose 1-2lbs per week by eating at a calorie deficit alone. Exercise is definitely a good thing to be doing alongside but it doesn't necessarily 'speed up' the process. Do whatever you feel comfortable with.

    I generally exercise 4 times a week - but that's so I can eat more than I could if I wasn't exercising! :D
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You need to change how you eat, most of weight loss will come from eating less calories.
    Ideally, for health reasons, you should aim for a minimum of 30 minutes cardio 5 times per week (e.g. a walk), and a couple of times per week some sort of resistance training. These are the usual minimum recommendations from cardiologists, for health reasons, not weight loss. Especially at your age, definitely the more the better.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    You should be think about your health and your fitness goals when determining your exercise routine.

    Your calorie balance determines if and how fast you lose weight - exercise is only the minor player in that equation.

    Read the stickies in this forum to understand how to use this tool.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Based on your stats it looks like you asked mfp to give you a number based on losing 1lb a week. To do that your calorie counting needs to be accurate.

    You can burn extra calories with exercise, but it requires a lot to burn a modest amount of calories.
    A rough guess would be 100cals per mile walked, so 5 miles every day might get you closer to 1lb a week.
    In the gym I think it would take you anywhere from 1-2hrs every day. be realistic about what you lose based on gym burns and just look at a steady loss of 1lb a week imo, you might exceed it, but 1lb a week is manageable.

    If you wnat to know how much exercise its recommended you do for health reasons, then these guidelines will give you an idea.
  • SuzLink
    SuzLink Posts: 32 Member
    edited September 2015
    Im 5'7 & was a bit heavier than you are, & when I first started I tried to do about 30 mins a day for 5 days/week. I then got stuck a bit when I got to about 84/85kg & after a period of being annoyed at this but not really doing very much exercise to change things, I started Insanity in January this year for 6 days a week as it states, for the full term of 9 weeks, & lost 11kg. I would highly recommend it if you can do it! It is difficult, & I could not do as many reps, nor for as long as those in the video, but just go at your own pace, doing as much as you can & taking rests when you need to. I couldn't even manage through the whole of the warm up when I started, but you can see yourself improving, managing to go for longer without breaks/less time in your breaks.
  • mlcollins89
    mlcollins89 Posts: 87 Member
    While exercising is not necessary to lose weight ("abs are made in the kitchen not the gym"), regular exercise has many positive benefits. Exercise can increase you energy, help you sleep, boost your confidence, de-stress... our bodies are made to move.

    I personally aim for at least 30min of vigorous exercise a day. Try taking a walk around the neighbourhood, swim, walk/run up the stairs.
  • dljones67
    dljones67 Posts: 88 Member
    While I agree with the CICO to loss weight I can tell you from my personal journey I wouldn't look or feel like I do without exercising. Started 225 lbs, size 18. I'm down 37 lbs in 4 months, currently 187 lbs & just about in a size 12, woohoo! Have been going to a gym 4-5 days a week doing 30 minutes of cardio & lifting weights alternating days on upper & lower body gradually increasing. I may not be gaining muscle but I'm at least holding on to some as I'm losing & firming up. I try to walk on weekends with my kids too. Start off slowly & keep going. You can do it. :) also I'm 48 yrs young ;)