karliebethell Member


  • The short answer is "YOU CAN DO THIS". The longer more complicated answer is not as easy and cute. Many different things work for people. You have to find out what works for you. Your story sounds a lot like mine. I would do okay then I'd be like "Eff it" and eat a bag of chips, and some cookies, and a pop, etc. Then you…
  • I do I Do I Do!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I started at 364lbs and I started by going to the pool, waterfit, walking, etc. There is also a lot of plus size workout videos on youtube that are lower impact. My personal favorite is #PSPFit. If you find the workout too strenuous they recommend just sitting and doing the arm portion. Any movement helps.
  • I have two small little kids who I want to do things with. I want to kayak and go on amusement park rides. I want to go places and not worry if I'll fit.
  • I drink Promasil Rivalus in chocolate. It's 25g of protein, 1g of sugar, and like 120 calories a serving. Its the only shake that I've liked so far.
  • I can't speak to medication by any means, however I know binging. DO I EVER! So I'll tell you my ancient secret to curb your binging. Ready? Binge on healthy alternatives. Sounds boring right? Get rid of the chips and chocolate and all that crap and fill your fridge with better alternatives. If you're craving chocolate…
  • LOL The comments are comical. Listen. If you don't want to eat breakfast, then don't. Chances are if you don't eat breakfast currently, you're not going to start because a bunch of people copied and pasted a bunch of articles in the comment section. I find that eating breakfast or having a protein shake in the morning…
  • You don't have to see a nutritionist. There I said it. There is TONS of information online, at the library etc. You can educate yourself on nutrition. It's important to understand how many calories you need daily. 1200 is too low. There are calculators online where you input your height and weight and it gives you a…
  • Gimme ALL the friends!!!!!!!! :)
  • I'm on my second serious run. I've been doing really great so far. The difference this time for me is I educated myself. Really informing myself about nutrition. It's really helped keep me on track!
  • Hey and Welcome! I'm fairly new too but have had some good results so far. In my opinion the best thing to do to get started on your lifestyle change is get educated. Start researching how your metabolism works, what nutrition your body needs, and fitness plans that are free and easy for you to start. A lot of people just…
  • My favorite is cottage cheese with half an avocado, sliced cucumber, and cherry tomatoes topped with a bit of fresh black pepper!
  • I'm definately down for an accountability buddy! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Hey Girl, I read your post and I've felt like that myself. Many times. I'm not going to reiterate what these fine people said above me. They all have fantastic ideas on how to help. I am going to say add me as a friend. I'm here if you need to talk, cry, scream, yell, laugh, etc. We are all in this together!