RandJ6280 Member


  • SW: Start Weight; GW: Goal Weight; LW: Last Week; TW: This Week; OL: Overall Loss SW: 237.2 04-15-2020 GW: 200.00 LW: 222.0 TW: as of today 219.5 OL: 16.1
  • This is my first Friday weigh-in in quite some time. SW: 237.2 04-15-2020 GW: 200.00 LW: 222.0 TW: as of today 221.1 OL: 16.1 I fasted on Wednesday, then yesterday ... sadly had a high sodium dinner. I'm happy to be dancing around the 220 mark instead of the 230 mark. I still a a ways to go.. but I AM on the right track.
  • Great job everyone!
  • SW: 231.2 GW: 200.00 LW: 222.0 TW: as of today 219.8 OL: 11.4 lbs I'm back.... hopefully this time for good. I seem to do better and take care of myself much better when I'm here. Today is a fast day... fast days seem to go on forever. But I'm good.
  • No I haven't...... I do a 24 hour fast about once a month.
  • Welcome @Vicchix Use this group to help you get back on track. Just start slow, taking one step, one day at a time.
  • Thanks @SummerSkier - Yeah... my doc put me on a statin..... which I don't want... but I will take for a while. I have included oatmeal for breakfast ~ and increasing my veggie intake. Thanks... and best of luck to you as well.
  • Sadly I was adopted and I have NO clue as to the heathy of my biological parents. All the reason to work hard and eat smarter.
  • Awesome~ Go get it! Then do it again tomorrow... one day at a time!
    in Day One Comment by RandJ6280 June 2021
  • I'm in the same boat as you. I'd LOVE to lose just 20lbs... but as I get older (58 y/o) it seems like it's two steps forward three steps back. Feel free to friend me ~
  • RandJ6280 Fri 230.2lbs.
  • If I were you I'd be in love with you too.
  • Happy Friday Eve everyone. Today is a day with new opportunities to move in the right direction. We can be better --- one choice at a time.
  • Good morning Lady ~ That is what I want to..... consistent loss every week. I lost it last night too. I tripped and fell last night... smack dab into a bowl of chips and salsa.. .and well actually also into rice, beans, taco and a small burrito. With that.. .my weight was up today.. ugh!!!! The price I paid. But back on…
  • GREAT, that is awesome.
  • @Antara_Kld I agree, in my head I KNOW what to do, but actually doing in everyday.. I struggle. Like last night OH NO, I tripped and fell last night... smack dab into a bowl of chips and salsa.. .and well actually also into rice, beans, taco and a small burrito. With that.. .my weight was up today.. ugh!!!! The price I…
  • OH NO, I tripped and fell last night... smack dab into a bowl of chips and salsa.. .and well actually also into rice, beans, taco and a small burrito. With that.. .my weight was up today.. ugh!!!! The price I paid. My name is John and I live in Alabama. I will accept most friendships for encouragement and motivation. Age…
  • Great morning one and all - Waving back to @LanaCabana537 thanks. If I sit quiet enough I can hear the beach calling meI will answer this call very soon. SW - 230.4 CW - 225.8
  • @ladychr0nic --- I'm wanting to drop 20lbs by Oct 1st this year. Ok men..... we can do this too lol...... Who needs an accountability buddy? LETS DO THIS MEN
  • @WellWishesSandy I'm, with you on this. I'm need to get back to taking care of myself. Time to get serious. Go get after it Sandy.
  • Happy Hump Day everyone - may your thoughts be happy - your blessing be many and your calories be few lol How is everyone doing today? My name is John and I live in Alabama. I will accept most friendships for encouragement and motivation. Age 58, 5'8” Highest Weight: 242.2 Challenge Starting Weight: 227.7 Challenge Goal:…
  • Hi @broadwey21 trust me ~ you are NOT alone in this. I too need to get away from that awfully high number looking back at me on the scale. Feel free to add me - I'm tired of being a sluggish all the time. I want to get stronger, thinner and most of all ... happier.
  • Fit Father Project - Phase 2 - HIIT training on the Dreadmill for 35 mins
  • @LanaCabana537 well make sure you go to bed on the RIGHT side of the bed tonight, then get up tomorrow on the same side lol. Sorry to hear a bad day at the lawyers office... but I like where you are hiding. lol.
  • @brennerjlb Sounds like genetics is not on your side. Glad it gives you the motivation, and like you say... one day.. one step.. one choice at a time. You can do it!
  • @bellfamily6109 Plateaus happen. Maybe change up your workout, have a free meal day, then get back on track. I can't wait to get under 200. I have 27 lbs to go.
  • @renaegry You can do this! I myself want to lose 37 be Oct 1st... so I too need some motivation. I don't know you, but if you're here and saying it... then I believe in you and that you can do it!
  • Great Taco Tuesday Group. I did good last night with dinner. Not wanting to just throw leftovers out, I did cut down on my portion size of what I did eat... but with that, I fear I didn't get the nutrients my body needed. Side note - I REALLY need to try and start logging my food. My name is John and I live in Alabama. I…
  • @deepwoodslady -- Hi DWL, I FULLY understand life getting in the way. I myself have yo-yoed but gaining slowly. I'm sorry you have no privacy in your home to exercise... why is this? I was working from home, thank-you Covid, for the past year, that was not healthy for me. Thankfully I am back in the office as of last…