Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Another day down the drain. I may have to do something spectacular to reach 6k but I will make sure to got 5k.

    Lynn what beautiful birds - how many do you have and how are they at egg production?

    Lana - on my way. Just need to get the outfit on to match the pina colada's and long island ice teas I will be enjoying.

    Tracy wow I hate being in a blue funk. I am glad to see you have a good view of the whole picture. What can you do or what would you LIKE to do that is healthy?

    I need to ignore the kitchen after dinner, hard to do when you get a case of the munchies.

    Wishing all a good night, stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** April 8th ***

    Good morning All~~

    Just getting us started 🌴

  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member

    Happy Friday Eve everyone.

    Today is a day with new opportunities to move in the right direction.

    We can be better --- one choice at a time.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    John - thanks for the inspiration 🌴

    Roz - Look at you!!! OMG You are rocking this! 🌟
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Chickens - yes they are mine. We ventured into them last summer. Must've been a COVID thing lol. They are dual purpose, so for now we have eggs - 10 birds about 7-9 eggs per day. I give some to my daughter. I do have two roosters. Only will have one at some point. Got two in case one did not survive the winter. it was our first attempt at chickens. My plan is to hatch out new ones and then turn over the older ones for meat after they are not as good layers. Yes...that sounds harsh. They are very cute and fun to watch. But they also are food :wink: Maggie took weeks of training and she got tied up a handful of times for really the first time ever at home when she chased them. Decided she didn't like that much and leaves them pretty much alone.
    John - I love that picture...wish i was there.
    Roz - you rock!
    Been a very busy day. Gotta run
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Just one of those tech dont days - will try again and I hate to ask for help but will if must.

    Had meeting with manager. Told her Monster and her inability to communicate (using valley talk from the early 80's is slightly weird). I can almost guarantee you nothing will come of it and while I was "gone" police helicopters were over head at work and my boss was all in a froth because she couldnt find me. It just another day at work.....

    Lynn thank you for the details about your beautiful chickens - decent amount of eggs - quiche and omelets sound really good!!!

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** April 9th ***

    Wow! It is Friday!!

    Sara - So sorry that you have such awful work conditions. Thank goodness for the weekend! 🤗

    Lynn - The chickens must be good for mental health in addition to the obvious fresh eggs etc. Maggie is a smart girl 💗

    Waving to Caroline and Jordanna and Tracy and John and Runa and Roz and Dawn and Maureen and Missy and everyone who stops by today~

    The end-of-week Happy Hour at the Cabana Club promises to be a lot of fun - plenty of zero calorie cocktails and foot massages 🌴

    *tossing beach bag and sunglasses onto favorite lounge chair for later*


    265.6 today
    269.6 highest
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Good evening,

    Found out there was a Senate Bill to help pay for people who had to take time off from work from getting the COVID shot. I may be able to get 12 hours back of time off. You can imagine this was NOT a happy moment for my boss.....

    Is there any way to make the FONT SIZE larger? Wow did it go small.

    Okay Lana you can hide in the Cabana - but better to go and stomp off your frustration when you get a chance.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.

    That’s interesting. I just had to use 4 days PTO because I got flu like symptoms and couldn’t go back to work until the C-19 was ruled out.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Just in to say hi and wish you all a great weekend.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Happy Friday!!

    Yippee another week is done -

    One of the temps has a job interview in another sub department- so we may yet lose another person. Glad for her but that doesnt make my boss look too good........

    Still counting my steps for the day. Did some dejunking and will continue this weekend.

    Someone may be giving me a large amount of pasta and tomato sauce - I can donate to the food pantry but a nice pot of spaghetti also sounds good - it freezes pretty well.

    Going to get my disco outfit and will be dancing off a few calories at the cabana club.

    Just a thought - does snoring burn calories??

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** April 10th ***

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - The idea of spaghetti does sound very good. The old WW trick was to put less pasta and add cooked vegetables to the dish, then the sauce. The other trick - was it you who did this? - was to use spaghetti squash either partially or entirely.....

    Waving to Missy and Lynn and everybody who pops in later on~~


    forgot to weigh this morning
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning!! Happy Saturday!

    I haven't had pasta since I started this diet...I miss it. Maybe I should try what you said Lana and just add more vegetables. I tried the spaghetti squash thing a while ago and wasn't crazy about the texture.

    So I've been weighing in everyday and I really notice a fluctuation. I was up 2 pounds again in one day. I'm back down a pound now but still not at my lowest. It sucks how it's so fast to come on but takes great effort to come off. So frustrating.
    I've been keeping quite active though! Hiked a mountain two days ago with my boyfriend and our dog. It was Max's first hike! He did so good and loved every minute of it. I did well too and didn't die :) This hike is sooo close to our house, so I'm thinking of doing it frequently so that I can get in shape for hiking season. Even if I don't do the whole hike, but just do whatever amount I want to do in the amount of time I have. It's hard to commit two hours for a hike when you can just do it for a work out and turn around at a certain point. it'll be something fun I can do with my pup!

    Have a good weekend guys!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good morning,

    I weighed in and wished I hadnt.... do NOT like spaghetti squash like Jordanna(?) but adding zucchini would not be bad at all. I was going to put ground turkey in it but used it for my asian noodle stir fry kit. Oh well I can always buy more turkey.

    Almost have 4k in steps and will see if I can get 5k.

    Best advice I have ever heard when it comes to weight is - Dont.ever.stop.

    Wishing all a good day. Stay safe and sane out there.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    edited April 2021
    *** April 11 ***

    Happy Sunday everyone~~

    I hope that you all have a great day 🌷



    267.6 today
    269.6 highest
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Good morning, Cabana Crew!

    I survived the very long day at the Moose on Saturday. Everything went as well as I hoped it would.

    Our Charters came back from the framers at noon on Friday. We hung them back up Friday night and they are beautiful!!!

    The Significant Other and I have now been ordered to attend the International Convention in Cincinnati. Ordered is a bit strong, but the phrasing was "You two are going to Cincinnati and this Lodge will do whatever we have to do to make it happen."

    We had not planned on going due to some household repairs taking a bite out of our budget, but there are long and complicated reasons for us being required to go. I won't bore you with them.

    Looks like I will now spend the 4th of July weekend in Cincinnati.

    April goals went out the window. May's not looking too hot either.I

    Think I will spend today in the Cabana -- lounging and napping are in the cards today. If anyone sees the Cabana Boy who specializes in massages, please send him my way.

    Have a great Sunday!

    Tracy in Tennessee
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good morning,

    Large cities have great firework displays!! Might as well find something good in it.

    Got 5k yesterday, getting that many today will be harder, but I will try.

    Goals for me this month were not attached to the scale - luckily and so far I am doing well.

    I may stop by and find a lounge chair next to Tracy - reading sounds good today.

    Wishing all a good day. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** April 12 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Tracy - I feel bad for you that the Moose puts that pressure on you and your SO. It might be time to gain an ally within the group of decision-makers, and let them know that these trips are indeed a hardship for you two for health (and mental health) reasons. People will have expectations of us until we let them know otherwise. They know you are an earnest, hard-working member, but may have no idea that these long trips are a serious burden. 🤗

    Sara - So good to hear that you are doing well with your goals!

    I have a busy couple of days doing necessary "office work", so I best get to it!

    Waving to all who stop by later on~~

  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    *** April 12 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Tracy - I feel bad for you that the Moose puts that pressure on you and your SO. It might be time to gain an ally within the group of decision-makers, and let them know that these trips are indeed a hardship for you two for health (and mental health) reasons. People will have expectations of us until we let them know otherwise. They know you are an earnest, hard-working member, but may have no idea that these long trips are a serious burden. 🤗


    This pressure is actually lovingly put on us by very close friends. They do know the issues we have and are sympathetic.

    The requirement to attend the International Conference comes from Moose International. Part of the long boring explanation is that the SO must attend this convention to be eligible for his leadership award. With the year ending May 1st, that requirement had been waived, so he felt he would get the award.

    He did not achieve the award this year due to someone else's non-compliance with reporting. Since he is retaining his current office in the Lodge, we are trying again to get his award, therefore, our friends have ordered/encouraged us to attend the conference. The Lodge will do some fund raising to help offset the travel costs, but there is nothing to be done about the physical toll. We are among many in that regard. Moose is by and large composed of middle aged and elderly members, at least in my experience. It seems to be an organization that people find once empty nest syndrome kicks in. Our Lodge has attracted some younger members lately, but we have worked hard to do so.

    Thanks so much for caring! One of these days, we must meet for beverages and a nice long chat.

    Tracy in Tennessee
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hello all
    Had a fun and busy weekend. Went to a local garden shop and bought some outside plants for my flower beds. LOVE doing that! Wish I could buy more, but it adds up quickly. Went with my mom and sister. Yesterday my youngest turned 21. So true to the culture in WI he went out and drank a lot :smile: I did not go with - but got to see some of his friends and such and got to laugh at him a bit when he got home. He does still live with me. Works FT and has a girlfriend, so I do not mind. He is a good kid.
    Very tired today....yawning as I type. Might have to hit the bed early!
    Have a great day!