Thank you! Good luck on yours!
Thanks for the advice guys. I found a cheap golds gym set on Walmart but I'm weary on why it's half off and such.
This goes for any meat also but it's mostly chicken for me
For high carb foods go with brown rice, whole wheat pasta and bread.
Gnc lean shakes with 25 grams of protein has been good to me. Holds me over for about 2 hours. I'm a 340 pound male so that says a lot about it
Thank you guys for all the advice and input! Appreciate it all!
That's awesome! Yes I am already fortunate to have good leg muscle. Legs carrying around 340 pounds for 2 years gets a lot of strength training haha
One more rep and this new one I got with beads in it? Forgot name without looking at label.
That's why I hate the low carb diet. I did it before and it came back. I figured do it to jumpstart the weight loss and then do a regular diet. Guess I just have to work extra hard now.
That's true. Thank you guys.
That really sucks :( it was such a motivation to lose weight then now seeing it come back faster than I lost it :(