Cheap Dumbbells

whats the cheapest place to get Dumbbells and other equipment in the U.S.?


  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    edited December 2015
    Check your local Craigslist daily. 99.9% of the time it'll be utter trash people think is gold, but every so often you'll run across a great deal. This isn't a quick process though. lol

    This works especially good for dumbbells as they're expensive no matter where you buy them in my checking around anyway.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited December 2015
    Depends on where you live. Sometimes it's Craigslist, sometimes a second hand store, sometimes garage sales, sometimes Walmart, etc. There's also the "you get what you paid for" factor to consider. I have seen some sets on Craigslist super cheap but the pictures make them look like they are rusted out from being outside all the time.

    You can also ask around or mention that you are thinking of buying something. I mentioned at work last year that I wanted to get a bench and one of my employees said her son was getting rid of one. For $25 I got a bench with 80 pounds of plates and he delivered it to my house.

    ETA: I'm not sure what kind of dumbbells you are looking for but I have these. They aren't super cheap (you can get cheaper if you check secondhand places) but if you add up the cost of buying individual sets of dumbbells the cost isn't bad.
  • ShawnApple
    ShawnApple Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. I found a cheap golds gym set on Walmart but I'm weary on why it's half off and such.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    ShawnApple wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice guys. I found a cheap golds gym set on Walmart but I'm weary on why it's half off and such.

    I got a set from Walmart that can be up to 20lbs each. They come with 4 2.5lb and 4 7.5 plastic sand filled weights and a fairly cheap plastic bar on which to attach them too. They are better than nothing and a good deal for the price. I have had them for 4 years and they still work fine even though the kids play with them and toss them all over the house.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    ShawnApple wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice guys. I found a cheap golds gym set on Walmart but I'm weary on why it's half off and such.

    Look at reviews for the set on might have reviews too (I'm pretty sure they do.) Is it a bench and weights or just weights?