dianamaine Member


  • I am going to give it a go! I love tortillas but find that I am not always happy when I read the ingredient list in stores. I will try and make my own! Thanks!
  • Love Ezekial 4:9 but did not know they make tortillas! I bet they are amazing! I love their sprouted grain bread....the best is the one in the blue bag. Gotta try that bread if you have not!
  • If you do make your own try and use organic corn. All other is genetically modified and if you are going to put the effort into making them why not use better ingredients. Spelt flower is even better. Just trying to be helpful.
  • Hi! I started my "lose weight, change my life " last August and was really focused, lost 17 pounds with 15 more to go. As of mid-November I too have not lost any, or gained either, which is great, but I still have a little more to lose. I also found myself more complacent and not quite as motivated. What I have done right…
  • I m also in! Have been here since mid August and am 10 pounds down! Looking to shred another 22 and then assess. I have added many of you..let's do it together! If I missed someone please send me an invite! This is too important...we can do it! And yes...I have tons of bikinis I want to wear again! Hahaha!
  • This is exactly what I do! It would make me crazy to only weigh in once a week- what if that was the "up" day? Definitely a personal decision, as is everything when it comes to diet and exercise. What works for you is what you should do!
  • You are looking terrific! Awesome job you are doing...keep it up! Thanks for sharing!
  • Hi! A great video if you don't know about it is the Gillian Michael 30 Day shred! It take s20 minutes and you only need some small hand weights. I do it in my living room but you only need a television, DVD player and small area in your home! It is great...I have done 3 days of lvl1 and can already feel a massive…
  • Hi! I started her 30 day shred and am on day 3. First day I thought I would die but it is already soooo much better! I will join you if you want!
  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That worked! My progress has now been duly recorded! Phew...wouldn't want to miss out on 5 pounds of loss! Ha,ha,ha I tried to find it on Ipad/Iphone and it does not seem to work on those apps as I could not locate the entries link. I went onto the laptop and voila! So, thank you for the…
  • Hi, I would like to do this with you. I am 51 and most of my life weighed between 138-144. I now weigh a horrifying165 and am committed to lose 30 pounds by end of year with diet/strength training/cardio. It would be great to be part of a small group for support, so count me in. I am eating 1000-1200 calories and want to…
  • Hi Katie, Just added you! I am new too and looking for a few friends for support and fun along the way! I have been doing this since last Wednesday and the scale this morning (finally) was a wonderful 4.8 pounds down! Wahoooo!
    in Hi Comment by dianamaine August 2015
  • Double yum Octopus
  • Love that squirrel/groundhog (?)! Thanks for posting the initial post and for all the feedback. I have completed a week and lost 2 pounds...yeah me! It is good to be reminded to be patient though! I am digging this site, not only to help keep track of everything but also for the community aspect!
  • Hi Steph, you can do it! A baby is the most heartfelt motivation! My baby is now 11 and I had him when I was 40. Keep at it and your dream will come true! I am new to this forum as well and will add you as a friend!