Jenna8915 Member


  • I work 12 hour shifts, a mix of days and nights. On days... Breakfast: banana + 2 boiled eggs Lunch: pre-cooked jacket potato with cheese + a 120g tin of tuna with 1tbsp of super light mayo Afternoon snack: apple, satsuma, individually-packaged cheeses (babybell/dairylea) or greek yogurt. Dinner: cooked by my husband and…
  • Fitness Blender on Youtube! They are awesome :)
  • You no longer understand how people can eat "normally" with no idea of the calorie content of what they're eating!
  • I am in a very similar situation to you... I ran my first 10 miler yesterday, and found it pretty tough... i would only advise that for me, I don't think I would be capable of another 5k on top of that run, not within such a short time frame... give me a month, and then I'll smash that half-marathon! It is also increasing…
  • I've also done C25K twice... first time, I got to running about 8k with short breaks before giving up over summer. Second time around, I'm able to run 10miles (slowly - it takes me 2 hours!) with no breaks or stops... working towards that half marathon mark! C25K is brilliant, I would never have started running without it…
  • If u are new to this, it is likely to be water weight ... totally normal, dont panic!
  • Uninstall and re-install the app... worked for me. The downside is that u lose all the exercise information from previous days stored on your android device, because MFP has never actually synced that into your diary... it annoyed me a bit because im a bit OCD over things like that!
  • Nope, still predicting a gain! I'm just ignoring it now as I am still losing at the same rate as ever.
  • Thank you everyone! I personally think that it must be a glitch, even though it has shown a projected gain for the past 3 days, despite eating healthily under my calorie goal as normal! I will just use the scales to judge progress and ignore the message until i notice a problem with my weight loss!
  • I work 12 hour shifts with completely unpredictable break times, and I always eat the same things on the day shifts that I work. A medium banana for breakfast, then a pre-cooked jacket potato with cheese for lunch (I buy them pre-cooked and pre-packaged from Tesco) with a whole tin of tuna and 1tbsp of light mayo. I love…
  • I am really proud of myself this year - I planned ahead, exercised hard everyday for the week leading up to Xmas, and created myself an additional 3000 calorie deficit, of which I consumed 2000 calories on Xmas Day. I haven't gained an ounce (in fact, I still lost the pound I was shooting for this week!), and I even…
  • You have had multiple medical professionals giving you advice that your diet and exercise regime is unhealthy. Listen to us! Seek personalised medical advice from your doctor to check your blood work; reduce the intensity of your exercise routines (and especially reduce the impact on existing injuries); and eat a healthier…
  • To anyone struggling with C25K on a treadmill, I strongly suggest running outside! I have already completed C25K once (managed to get to 8k non-stop at my best), and am now on Week 6 for the second time and can already run 5k. I have found that the motivation of actually seeing your progress as you move around your running…
  • I have a tsp of clear runny honey when i am craving something sweet... really takes the edge off for minimum calories!