Hoohoohaa Member


  • Tripe is ok, used to eat chicken hearts, don't any more. Properly prepared calves liver, foie gras, beef bone marrow and ox tail are my favorites (very judicial use of the word organ...). If you have an immersion circulator or sous vide set up, liver can be phenomenal. Most of that coppery taste is because it is over…
  • I'll take friend requests. My diary is about as accurate as I can get it, filled in daily.
  • I agree about the really buckling down and focusing. Going from HW 320 a few years ago to approx 199. Feel free to add me.
  • It usually takes me about a month, but I've done it a few times. Lots of water and I break the meals up. Soon enough it becomes a habit, and having big cheat meals gets difficult for me. Also, make sure your macros are in a good proportion. Cutting back on pasta was very difficult for me, even when I'd make 1/2 lb dry at a…
  • Ten Favorite Foods 1.Macaroni & Cheese 2. Pizza 3. Mashed potatoes & gravy 4. Cheesecake 5. Lasagne 6. The shortribs with polenta that my dad makes 7. Baby back ribs fallin' off the bone 8. Fried Catfish and coleslaw 9. Chocolate 10. True smoked BBQ Top 10 bucket list items: 1. Hike the Grand Canyon
  • I don't interact with all my friends all the time, but I do read through their posts at the end of the day. I may not comment, because I am about to go to bed, but often times something they have said sparks something in me, or tells me that yes, I can fight another day. Maybe some see my updates and get some motivation. I…
  • Can't comment from the bikini angle, but I can from walking around without a shirt on. I've had the confidence once to walk down the street on a hot day with no shirt on. I would in the yard at that time. I do in the house now. I'm not comfortable going swimming, but playing with my kids in the pool over rules my feelings.…
  • Under food, click on recipes, then add the items and amounts you want.
  • If I wake up later (7a), it's usually steak or chicken and potatoes. At 4a, all my stomach can handle is liquids, so it's usually a smoothie and coffee.
  • Is the info you are looking at listing it as cooked or raw? I generally figure it by cooked weight for proteins, because that is how it's going into my body. Something like oatmeal I'll do by dry weight, since that is how it is intended to be listed by manufacturer.
    in Calories Comment by Hoohoohaa June 2016
  • Are you talking surplus or deficit based on BMR or TDEE? Seems like they are used interchangeably on some threads. I'm having a very hard time hitting my TDEE calories, too much food and I feel sick. I'm currently about 150 kcal over my BMR. I've been able to drastically increase my strength gains, and visibly my shoulders…
  • It can, especially if you load your body back up with carb rich foods. Also, in my experience, what I think is a few hundred calories is actually quite a bit more. When I've done cheat days, I've blown my cal limit out of the water, but thought I only ate a little more. I think logging it like you said would give you a…
  • Most store brand versions have brown sugar in them. Add just a touch of molasses to greek yogurt (it'll mask the yogurt flavor a bit) and you will get close.
  • I started making excuses about my clothes fitting, ability to keep up, taking naps, etc... I don't allow excuses from my kids, my staff, or the players I coach, and my son ended up calling me on it. Now I've see-sawed a few times (drastically) with my weight, but I don't want to set an example that it is ok to quit, so on…
  • *ahem* You bat your eyes at me, I can pretty much guarantee you could charm me too... Most of my cousins are thin/smaller. I hated being average when we were growing up. Once we got older and I put on too much weight, I hated they were average. But when something needs to be done in the family, they know I'm the reliable…
  • This^^^. I don't have the 1 and 2 week projections, but I do enter the 5 week projection MFP gives me when I complete a diary entry to compare accuracy.
  • Few days to clean it out and feel better if you have been eating fairly healthy on a regular basis (at least it usually is for me). Drink lots of water. It helps.