What was the final straw for you?



  • Ffiffion
    Ffiffion Posts: 19 Member
    My final straw was realising that nothing fits me and I wear the same 2 outfits all the time because they're the only ones that actually do fit. Also the weight I've gained around my stomach makes me look constantly bloated or like I'm pregnant. Right now I'm trying not to think about how I feel about the way I look but it's hard and I now have a month and a half before graduation so I need to lose some weight for that.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    For me, it was having to start taking high blood pressure medication.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    It was when I got off the bus and dreaded the idea of walking 1/4 mile to my home.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    For me it was that everything was hard to do. EVERYTHING from tying shoes to getting out of bed to wiping my.... now i am almost 20 weeks in and have lost 67 pounds and people notice and everything is easier...not done yet another 70 or so to go
  • Wophie
    Wophie Posts: 126 Member
    For me it was sitting at my desk every day and realising that every pair of my trousers were so tight on me it was painful. I was sick of them digging into my waist and stuck tight to my thighs. I want to be able to feel comfortable in myself and the clothes I wear.
  • suzyjane1972
    suzyjane1972 Posts: 612 Member
    Passport photo.
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    Hated the way I looked in a bikini.
  • Wophie
    Wophie Posts: 126 Member
    I never realized I was getting to be overweight until a couple of my guy friends, on separate occasions, told me I'd be "super hot if I would just lose 20 pounds". I think that was the first time I stepped on the scale and saw that I was 215 lbs (I'm 5'9"). I then started to look at candid full-body pictures and was disgusted with myself.

    I'm honestly sorry that comments like that were the final straw for you. While it's obviously a great thing getting healthy, that wasn't a very nice way for it to be done.
  • greatnonna2015
    greatnonna2015 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been down this journey before I never made it to my goal weight or even close. After about a month sometimes longer, I would give in and just not try. I am 56 now I can't stand looking in the mirror. I moved recently and the full length mirror in my bathroom is unforgiving. When my knees started bothering me, I decided enough is enough I will not give up. So between the discomfort of being overweight and those darn mirrors, I am going to succeed. My goal is 110 lbs off as quickly as possible.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    It was when I realized I never liked my body. I realized I either need to make the sacrifice and do something about it or be lazy and complain. It's tough and it's a struggle but I owe it to myself. I'm worth my own happiness. This is for my life, my health, and my mental strength. Achieving accomplishments helps build confidence and character and there's nothing more rewarding than sticking to and following through on your own goals.
  • SkunkOnARug
    SkunkOnARug Posts: 27 Member
    My final straw was when my blood sugar went up sky high even though I was taking medicine for it for years and at the same time the doctor told me that I needed to stop taking that medicine because I had chronic kidney disease and the medicine wasn't good for that. She told me to take another medicine. "Forget that!" I thought to myself. That very same day I changed my eating habits and started doing what exercise I could. In a couple of months I went back for a follow up appointment. My A1C had come down showing I was now pre-diabetic. The doctor said, "So the new medicine is working." That's when I told her I never filled the prescription and I told her why. She was happy and so was I.
  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    Having my daughter and going through severe postpartum depression were the impetus behind starting the weight loss. I hated myself for about a year after she was born - for lots of different reasons - but once I made it through to the other side, and started to be kind to myself, I realized how unkind I was being to my body and how that behavior was feeding more negative emotions I had about myself.

    I want my daughter to have a mom who loves herself, takes care of herself, and has the energy and health to watch her grow and play with her every day. I want my time with her to be quality time, because we never know how much of it we have left.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    I saw a number on the scale that I had only seen when I was 9 months pregnant. I looked at pictures of myself and could not believe that I had just let myself go. I'm down 22 pounds with about 30 more to go. I will never see that number again if I can help it!!!!
  • jwcanfield
    jwcanfield Posts: 192 Member
    Actually there wasn't ever a final straw, for me because I've been "dieting"; since I began gaining weight. All my previous efforts did, was prevent me from gaining without losing. Meaning that, all I've ever accomplished was losing the same pounds that I've gained; over & over again. Some'd consider that a failure but I don't because I assume that I've gained & lost possibly 100 pounds, over that course of that time & without my previous loses, I'd be 100 more pounds overweight currently & all at once. My constant "failed" diets, have ensured that I've never been more than 4 pounds into obesity (which was water weight because a week later, I lost 5 pounds; without changing my diet).

    So if there was a final straw for me, I'd have to say that it was my 1st straw because especially since I've been disabled, since I began gaining weight; I knew that if I ever became obese that'd be the point of no return for me. I knew that it just be impossible for me to lose that much weight, so I had to do my best; to prevent that from happening. I didn't know anything about water weight gain, when the scale said that I was 4 pounds obese, so it was devastating/defeating. At that moment I cried & accepted that I'd just keep gaining. I also didn't care to ever use a scale again but as the week progressed, I physically began; to feel lighter. So I chose to weigh myself again & was just overweight again, so I began my "dieting" again.

    Unfortunately even though I currently know what to do exactly/successfully to lose & keep off this weight. My declining health, has made it as though; I am just "dieting" again. So I'm back to gaining & losing again, as though I am just winging it; like when I was uneducated. So I fear that unless I can get rid of all of this excess weight, before I turn 40 (in approximately 4 years); that I'll be too unhealthy to try.

    I know that what works best for me, is to have home cooked meals because I make them voluminous, filling & less calorie dense but shopping/cooking enough, to sustain this; is becoming increasingly impossible. So I am considering hiring someone once a month (that's all I'd be able to afford), to shop for/batch cook (not everything I buy, can be ordered online & delivered/hopefully a month's worth, of food) for/with me & help with some other tedious chores, at least until I've gotten rid of this excess weight; so that I can just focus on becoming as healthy as possible. My hope is that I gain some energy, by being healthier; to then not need help to maintain whatever I've lost.

    So sorry about your health. Know it must be disconcerting at only 36! Do you plan your daily nutritional goals and calorie intake based on a sedentary lifestyle? I'm fairly sedentary, with bursts of activity, and that hasn't been overly difficult.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    Wophie wrote: »
    I never realized I was getting to be overweight until a couple of my guy friends, on separate occasions, told me I'd be "super hot if I would just lose 20 pounds". I think that was the first time I stepped on the scale and saw that I was 215 lbs (I'm 5'9"). I then started to look at candid full-body pictures and was disgusted with myself.

    I'm honestly sorry that comments like that were the final straw for you. While it's obviously a great thing getting healthy, that wasn't a very nice way for it to be done.

    Thank you. :) There was no hard feelings there; I'm actually glad they figuratively slapped me back into focus on me and not the relationship I was in at the time.
  • justinea90
    justinea90 Posts: 4 Member
    I am starting again, and this time I am serious for a few reasons, some vain, some not so much. I really hate my pictures, and as another user said, I never want to be in pictures with my family. I am also planning on going to Hawaii next year and I'd like to not hate myself in a swimsuit. Third reason is health. My family has a history of diabetes and heart problems due to weight problems, and I would like to get my health under control before it is an issue.
  • jkane101
    jkane101 Posts: 6 Member
    My mirror :'(
  • Colt1835
    Colt1835 Posts: 447 Member
    edited June 2016
    Wophie wrote: »
    I never realized I was getting to be overweight until a couple of my guy friends, on separate occasions, told me I'd be "super hot if I would just lose 20 pounds". I think that was the first time I stepped on the scale and saw that I was 215 lbs (I'm 5'9"). I then started to look at candid full-body pictures and was disgusted with myself.

    I'm honestly sorry that comments like that were the final straw for you. While it's obviously a great thing getting healthy, that wasn't a very nice way for it to be done.

    Why? Some people need that kind of eye opener. Not everyone is motivated by others being nice to them. Some need the truth.
  • Hoohoohaa
    Hoohoohaa Posts: 48 Member
    I started making excuses about my clothes fitting, ability to keep up, taking naps, etc... I don't allow excuses from my kids, my staff, or the players I coach, and my son ended up calling me on it. Now I've see-sawed a few times (drastically) with my weight, but I don't want to set an example that it is ok to quit, so on I go
  • Kylie0625
    Kylie0625 Posts: 5 Member
    For me it was several things. I just had my senior pictures taken and I have a double chin in every picture and I look really big from the side angle pictures. I also want to atop having to go into the women's and plus size sections for clothes, I want to be able to fit into clothes my peers can fit into. I like shopping and get excited, but then I get there and can't fit into anything and get sad. I also have acid reflux which can be helped and maybe even eliminated if I lose weight. I've finally had enough.