purpleflux Member


  • I think your friend may want to wear a crash helmet before attempting any trolley-based sporting activities...
  • Which raises the next question: how many calories do you burn running away from security? I suppose you'd need to factor in how many donuts said security had been consuming prior to the chase.
  • I've been on anti-depressants for anxiety and depression for 15 years now, and will likely be on them for life (this is fine with me, I like being able to function as a human being). I've not had problems losing weight so far using MFP and the CICO method. I think an important thing is to remember why you're on this…
  • "Verified" just makes me think of celebrities on Twitter who really shouldn't be allowed access to the internet without supervision. Interestingly, the quality of their twitter content is often about as good as the accuracy of many verified foods on MFP.
  • Yeah, the only time I've had that with mine is when my dosage was too high, so I had some hyperactive thyroid symptoms. That was... interesting.
  • Not to mention converting to stores around the world. We're metric in the UK! (Sometimes.) We'd have to convert to Sainsbury's or Tesco laps. This laps for donuts thing is pretty complicated...
  • Thanks, guys! :) (He says finally, now he's finally managed to actually have long enough access to the site to post.)
  • Look for the DeskCycle on Amazon, it should be the first one that pops up, $159. It's basically a stationary cycle but without the seat - you sit in a chair or on the sofa and pedal. There are cheaper ones, but that one has 8 resistance levels that should keep you going for a long while. I've been using one for a couple…
  • Lower carbs, and exercise does wonders for my sugar levels. Dropping just 10lb also reduced the amount of insulin I needed, and it's been dropping since - I've just had to drop my basal insulin again at 24lb lost.
  • I wear my Charge HR all the time (except in the shower - don't fancy testing the water tolerance of it), because it's interesting to see my heart rate logged during exercise even if I have to log the exercise itself manually. I also work at a desk, and it can be fascinating to see what my heart rate does when I'm having to…
  • Lower carbs is better for us in general, really (though I love bread, so still eat it rather than feel miserable by depriving myself, but I've cut out pasta and a lot of potato and stuff like that). So reduce carbs where you're happy to, and keep an eye on your sugars, as your insulin needs are going to change. If you're…
  • It was my back flaring up that made me realise I'd put even more weight on. I started at 252lb, so I don't know what it will be like for you, but just dropping the first 10lb improved things dramatically for me. I still get twinges, but it hasn't flared up at all since the beginning of September. I'd hope that even the…
  • Waking me already has the approach that if it happens, it happens. In fact, it'll happen next week as it's my mum's birthday, so I'm declaring it a counting-free day. Unfortunately, dream me has yet to catch up on this. @daniwilford I have exam dreams like that, too! Brains are really annoying sometimes. Hopefully you…
  • Oh, come on. Elephants look lovely in tutus! ;) The technology seems cool, but more a novelty than actually useful for we mere mortals this early on. Like with all technology, it'll evolve, so maybe in a few years it'll be a miracle calorie scanner. But not yet. And the Daily Mail is the equivalent to Fox for its level of…
  • Yeah, that sounds like a hypo alright. I've had several in the past few weeks since starting losing weight because I'm diabetic and haven't got the hang of needing less insulin since being more active and eating better! They really suck and leave you feeling horrible and drained. If you know what they are, it's possible to…
  • Definitely exercising a lot more! Is that likely to make me feel more energetic in a similar way? Or cause me to metabolise it faster? I noticed this a couple of times, I had my coke after work instead of during the afternoon, and had trouble sleeping those nights. But it wasn't like regular insomnia with my brain going a…
  • I know you can get f.lux on your iPhone if it's jailbroken (https://justgetflux.com/ios.html), so you might be able to find something similar in the apple store. Otherwise just really dimming the light at night is still helpful.
  • If you're using electronic devices at night, using something like f.lux (for Windows) and Twilight (for Android devices) can really help. The more orange light at night helps you relax more and wind down for better sleep. The default blue light from electronic devices is quite harsh. I'm also on Escitalopram, which changed…
  • I was on Metformin 10 years ago before they twigged I was actually Type 1 diabetic (oh, the annoying assumptions GPs make when you're fat, has the potential for so much damage). Horrible medication, the diarrhea was epic. Anyway, from what I remember, Metformin helps weight loss in pre/T2 diabetics by reducing the appetite…