Lucille4444 Member


  • I bet He didn't eat the pizza the devil offered. But some of us fall off the wagon and sin. But there are other reasons for cheating, as I pointed out before, no matter how small the portion, if there is a family wedding cake, first birthday, etc I want a taste of the real thing.
  • I overate yesterday, a huge plate of fried (no flour) eggplant with tomato sauce and mozzarella and parmesan on top. So good. Better than cupcakes :)
  • I think that if you are at a wedding, it is OK to have a sliver of the wedding cake. A tiny sliver. And I from time to time (not often) I will have a few more carbs, although I ordinarily try to keep them under 15 or 20, the last time is when I had a couple slices of home made bread, did not even throw me out of ketosis.…
  • I am starting to harvest fresh tomatoes from my garden. I make 4 egg omelets with the microwave omelet maker stuffed with chopped ripe tomato, fresh chopped green onion, and melted American cheese.
  • I'm doing alternate day IF, it is going well and I like that I can eat at maintenance on the alternate days.
  • Experience is a hard teacher. Happy Birthday!!
    in Carb Day Comment by Lucille4444 May 2017
  • I'm doing intermittent fasting, today was a feed day, the kids and my grand came over and we had bbq and fixings which were all low carb except dessert which was an apple pie, I had a piece about 1 inch x 2 inches and it was all I wanted. I love that on my feed day I can eat at maintenance. Kept it all low carb, throughout…
  • I understand what you are saying but have made a different choice for now. I am going to enjoy real carb treats- the slice of wedding cake, or the birthday cake for my grand baby, or even rare treats for myself. I agree with your choice for yourself. Maybe my periods of fasting which will make short work of the occasional…
  • Old Navy Active athletic capris with a tunic length shirt are wonderful comfortable, and very fairly priced. They do have the full length athletic pants as well.
  • There is a controversy among many whether to use net or actual carbs. Like you, I use actual carbs for my count. As far as deliciousness goes, yesterday I made home baked bread, froze most. Tomorrow my son and grand baby are coming over and she loves a slice of my homemade bread along with her lunch (which will be salad…
  • Here is general info. What is interesting is that ghrelin also seems to have a function in avoiding depression. It does seem to be as if I ignore a hunger wave it goes away. If it is too pesky I have a cup of bone broth and it goes away. I am doing intermittent fasting, and Dr. Jason…
  • Ghrelin, the hormone responsible for the hunger feeling, is issued in waves. If one feels hungry, one simply has to wait, whether or not one eats the hunger feeling will disappear.
  • You appear to have problems with food, and he appears to have problems with alcohol. He should not be verbally abusive, I agree, but I hope he gets back on a healthy track just like you have.
  • I am recently starting fasting/feasting weight loss using info from Dr. Fung, who is an endocrinologist with a website who talks a lot about weight loss, insulin, etc. I alternate fasting with days at maintenance or a little over. Next Saturday my son is visiting and I plan an epic low carb feast with home smoked ribs,…
  • I used the microwave bacon cooker for the first time, setting a paper towel under and over, and made half the package of bacon. It turned out very well and was so easy to clean up. I am doing intermittent fasting, and on my 'feeding' days I am aiming for at or a bit above maintenance feeding (which means bacon).
  • I think you should read again, this time more slowly. Dr. Fung outlines frequently how fasting is different from other 'diets' and I believe somewhere in there he shows a picture of a couple of starving men and specifically points out that this came about because the men were on a low calorie diet and not fasting. Fasting…
  • Your question and situation is not disgusting at all, our bodies and how they work are not disgusting. Your idea to space the pills is a good one, since it seems that you have trouble with pills. Also, your assumption that you did not get birth control protection is an excellent assumption so if you are taking those pills…
  • I think this makes a lot of sense. My plan is to eat at maintenance in between fasts, but eat low carb.
    in Fasting Comment by Lucille4444 May 2017
  • Fasting seems to have some physiological processes that prevent lowering of metabolism and other things, so it is of interest to me. I think weight loss should be safe, but there is some new and interesting info on certain kinds of fasting that seem to say that it can be healthy under certain circumstances. I did an…
    in Fasting Comment by Lucille4444 May 2017
  • I'm not sure what to make of it, but to me, it is very interesting, and at this point feel neither the need to engage in it or try to denigrate it either. Far too may times in my life I have made too quick judgments. Now, if something seems interesting, I try to learn more.
    in Fasting Comment by Lucille4444 May 2017
  • It's time to see your doctor. A low thyroid can cause weight gain no matter how much physical activity you engage in, your doctor may change your thyroid medication dosage.
  • What is a fathead pepperoni pizza?
  • Hellman's Mayo has 0 carbs. I think what has more carbs is the mayo-like stuff in a jar they sell as 'salad dressing'.
  • You know what works for you. I agree with jemhh, just smile and nod. Many who give advice are trying to help, (even though it isn't helpful if you've found a successful WOE) it doesn't hurt to just nod.
  • I am not sure that is true. There are many who regain despite health risks and social difficulties and when they come here to try again, their posts show they are aware of the good reasons for the original loss; it is hard to lose weight and more difficult still to keep it off long term.
  • Ordinarily, I think it behooves us to be courteous to one another, and that includes not pushing a particular subject when it is not well received. But I am not a pacifist and if someone is not courteous and pushes their agenda when it is plainly not sought after, (this especially applies to ridiculous advertising calls) I…
  • I lost over 200 ugly pounds the day I divorced my second ex.