

  • weight goal: to lose 100 lbs more exercise goal: start toning my body up some more... i have lost 60 pounds in 14 weeks...
  • just wanted to say thank you everyone for the encouragement... means a lot ... and miss bean thanks for the great idea... i always run out of things to eat... lol keep up your great work... also i am at 58 pounds lost in 13 weeks... i go for my weigh in tomorrow... ughhh.
  • try using flavored water enhancers.... like crystal light.... or stuff you add to water to make it taste better... eating more times a day more frequently... will keep your metabolism going... so eat 6-8 times a day small meals... meaning snacks included in meals keep exercising... daily if you can... even for twenty…
  • well good luck with that... i have been doing good too cause i needed to do something and follow the guidelines if you want or don't eat your extra exercise calories and lose the weight quicker... good luck
  • I gather if you follow MFP guidelines to the letter you will be fine... but i don't want to wait around for two years to lose 30 pounds.... so do what you need to do... follow MFP guidelines and you will be good... I personally wanted to lose weight quicker... so im not following the guidelines... and i am doing fine... so…
  • i wouldn't say im a binger but before i got myself into this strict new way of eating i was a big overeater... meaning i would overeat whatever i was eating till i was past full... now i don't do that anymore... but i will say try eating healthier options i agree with the last poster at least you will be binging on healthy…
  • i don't have many thin friends i have a few and yes i feel that they look great and i keep telling myself i will get there one day... you just need to find what songs on your ipod or music player work for you and utilize that to motivate you in the gym... or to give you better confidence you should feel great knowing you…
  • don't worry about what they tell you.... i started out only having like 1800 calories a day... it doesn't seem like much but when you start adding your calories you make healthier choices by default... so you can have more food... :) also exercise at least 30 minutes a day... and you should see weight falling off you more…
  • found them at trader joes... baked blue tortilla chips and queso cheese dip... a serving size of chips 18 chips for a 110 calories... and two tablespoons of cheese dip is 15 calories... so a nice unhealthy but healthy snack for 125 calories per serving... i love them... favorite meal probably wheat pizza crust and making…
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