I really really need help on this one. I'm so confused


Ok so here is the breakdown

Maintain is 2,620 calories
Lose 1lb per week is 2,120 calories

How the heck do I figure out my deficit and how the heck do I figure out how much is what I should be eating on the lesser days?

I currently intake about 1620 calories ( MFP set @ 2lb weight loss)

I think I did my math wrong because I got that I should be eating 1,820 calories on my low days and 2,620 on my high days. Is this wrong? Am I setting myself up for failure by eating only 1,620 calories a day? ie being that I would put myself in starvation mode? :/ I'm so confused. Please help me


  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I think OP of that topic is really complicating things.

    I zig-zagged for a while, just going up by 200 extra cals one day and down by 200 the next to average out. My weight loss was exactly the same as when I'm not zig-zagging. Just my experience.

    I just don't know why it has to be so convoluted, personally.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    WORRY yourself crazy later on, just move your body and eat less, drink water eat your fruits/veggies, you WILL loose weight :)
  • neuro316
    neuro316 Posts: 42 Member
    I think you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be. Right now, you should be able to safely lose 2 lb a week, since your 1000 calorie deficit puts you at 1,620 calories. I highly doubt you will go into starvation mode eating that amount. Just let MFP do the work for you - tell it what you've been eating and how much exercise you've been doing, and let it do the math.

    Since it looks like you're just starting, I wouldn't worry about zig-zagging calories just yet. That tends to be helpful for people when they hit a plateau. Or, if you are really having trouble fighting cravings or hunger, you could set one day a week to eat at maintenance level (so, your 2,620 amount), for example.
  • Rhayne05
    WORRY yourself crazy later on, just move your body and eat less, drink water eat your fruits/veggies, you WILL loose weight :)

    Quoted for truth! :)
  • BiggestLoserTimmy30
    don't worry about what they tell you.... i started out only having like 1800 calories a day... it doesn't seem like much but when you start adding your calories you make healthier choices by default... so you can have more food... :) also exercise at least 30 minutes a day... and you should see weight falling off you more than a pound... but don't eat those extra calories... that they give you... the less calories you eat but stay full the better off you are in losing the weight... lots and lots of water.. that is all the tips i can help you with for now... hope u start losing some weight...
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    don't worry about what they tell you.... i started out only having like 1800 calories a day... it doesn't seem like much but when you start adding your calories you make healthier choices by default... so you can have more food... :) also exercise at least 30 minutes a day... and you should see weight falling off you more than a pound... but don't eat those extra calories... that they give you... the less calories you eat but stay full the better off you are in losing the weight... lots and lots of water.. that is all the tips i can help you with for now... hope u start losing some weight...

    This is not correct.

    You're supposed to eat your exercise calories. You don't seem to understand how MFP works.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    ...but don't eat those extra calories... that they give you... the less calories you eat but stay full the better off you are in losing the weight... lots and lots of water.. that is all the tips i can help you with for now... hope u start losing some weight...

    ^^Fine for a day or two, but don't follow this misguided advice as a normal plan.

    2 pounds per week is enough, and you will do that if you just follow the guidelines. Don't worry about zig zagging or anything else for a while. Just focus on eliminating bad habits, creating healthy habits, and following the deficit plan the way MFP sets it up... and move your body. It will work. If it's not working, then look a little closer at your logging, calorie burns, etc. Something is probably off in your calculating. Like others have said (and hundreds of others would say), there is NO reason to make it complicated, to over-analyze it, or anything else. Just do it, and it will work.

    Maybe when you get close to your goal weight and are on a constant legitimate plateau, zig-zagging would be a reasonable option.
  • BiggestLoserTimmy30
    don't worry about what they tell you.... i started out only having like 1800 calories a day... it doesn't seem like much but when you start adding your calories you make healthier choices by default... so you can have more food... :) also exercise at least 30 minutes a day... and you should see weight falling off you more than a pound... but don't eat those extra calories... that they give you... the less calories you eat but stay full the better off you are in losing the weight... lots and lots of water.. that is all the tips i can help you with for now... hope u start losing some weight...

    I gather if you follow MFP guidelines to the letter you will be fine... but i don't want to wait around for two years to lose 30 pounds.... so do what you need to do... follow MFP guidelines and you will be good... I personally wanted to lose weight quicker... so im not following the guidelines... and i am doing fine... so far...