I need to do something!

I am to a point in my life where I have to do something about my weight and overall health! I have tried and givin up in the past because I have no support. I am going to be my own support this time and make the changes I need. So here starts my journey!


  • BiggestLoserTimmy30
    well good luck with that... i have been doing good too cause i needed to do something and follow the guidelines if you want or don't eat your extra exercise calories and lose the weight quicker... good luck
  • Akahime
    Akahime Posts: 35 Member
    You have the right attitude, nobody can change you but you. I've been doing it on my own for a long time now. You might be surprised that once you get going and others around you see how hard you are working they will start to encourage you. I started by replacing my habit of buying snacks at work with buying fitness magazines. Learn as much as you can about nutrition and fitness and slowly work it into your own habits. That's the best advice I can give. Diets don't work you have to change the way you think about food to develop healthy habits for life. Above all, don't get discouraged if you fall off the wagon. Remember how bad it made you feel and get right back on. Forgive yourself, don't deprive yourself of an occasional treat, and you will learn to love yourself. Good luck on your journey and remember it's not the destination that counts it's how you get there.