MFrey718 Member


  • thanks guys! I'm going to make them now. you all go hard.
  • im sorry, total miscommunication. I meant the process of making them. baking or frying. breadcrumbs or flower
  • a woman after my own heart
  • my store has them 4 (6 pack) for $11 but I tend to finish it all in a day or 2. will have to order bulk!
  • what I try to do with swings is add them as a "topping" to my daily work outs. with time, some times it is my only workout. but I try to spread them out throughout the day, so before work (I have a very active job), before the gym, after, before sleep. a great throughout the day workout
  • I got to day 15, then my schedule just got crazy. I love KBs tho and found the swing and get-up most effective
  • on the east coast! lotta snow and lot of "water" here as well! haha! I just wanted to make sure there wasn't some seceret about flavored water that I was missing
  • so is what your saying is not only does eating late not effect your diet, it has been medically proven that it poses no health risk at all? because then I was completely misinformed.
  • for all around health reasons not just weight loss.
  • let me clarify. I am on this site to gain more knowledge, and it seems as though elaboration wasn't my strong point this point. the negatives of eating before bed or the "basics" did not pertain to weight loss basics. the last part was my question and the part where weight loss was involved. the basics are more health…
  • I need to get one, however hasn't been priority. will change that. but I try to go for very ball park estimates just to keep an idea. I never take it for face value. thank you tho! will have to get one
  • So I haven't been at it for long. 3 months now, but after I was able to lock down a diet and excercise routine (I think I am still under eating but still working on it) I start the morning with 2 glasses of ice cold water. I try to do some sort of yoga/stretch position but keep it fun. the other day I did 20 front rolls…
  • meaning I am not eating enough? or I don't have enough left over calories at the end of my day. I juice vegetables in the morning however don't log them most of the time because it's very early in the morning.
  • sorry, still new to all this. I think I changed it so everyone could see. it may make a little more sense, I was wondering most if I am under eating ( i am 5'10, 199lb. I have been going to the gym frequent and do atleast 2 HIIT trainings per week. I'm on the right track I just want to make sure my diet is consistent with…