

  • Legend of the Overfiend Akira both ROCK! And with subs, of course, none of this dubbing rubbish :p Dying to watch Ghost in the Machine and Blood, I keep spying Blood at my local CEX, might pick it up next time I'm in there.
  • I like it to a point, it's fun with the trick or treating, but it's starting to go the way of christmas with all the decs and crap in the stores. That said, I also put a note on my door saying 'no trick or treats - sorry' - but it's not me being a hallowe'en Scrooge, it's me protecting mine and my dogs' sanity because I…
  • Not far off you - Sept 30 :-) although a few years later!
  • Sc.unthorpe, Lincs in ENGLAND! From the South originally though, I am a Kent bird :p
  • Housemates who do F-all day in, day out, week after week after week no matter what I say, do, threaten, what threats I follow through on... seriously. I've cajoled, bribed, asked nicely, praised, rewarded, punished, complained, and publicly embarrassed her. Just what the hell does it take?!? Oh hang on... is that too much…
  • The Scat Mat produces a nasty electric shock when stepped on - it is seriously unpleasant and a huge punisher, nothing less. It has no place in dog training and should be binned along with the electric collar, spray collar, water spray, rattle can and so on. Stair gates are a much fairer way to keep a dog out, they are a…
  • I'll eat each thing at a time and always the best thing last, which can be stupid because I'll be too full to eat it. :p If I have something mixed like tikka or bolognese with pasta, I will eat the rice/pasta first then the chicken/meat last. Always look forward to my little pile of meaty loveliness :D And on a slightly…
  • Food addiction is just not possible - to my mind at least, addiction is to do with something that we don't *need* but which the body is convinced we do. Each and every one of us *needs* food - without it we die. It's a necessity, not an addiction. We don't *need* sugar though, so he could be suffering sugar addiction -…
  • Well, after 6 points and one of those stupid speed seminars, I am clearly hopeless at spotting the cameras so no, I don't speed!! Seriously, I don't. I really can't spot the damn things (yep, even with all the flourescent hoohar) so I am a very well behaved driver :p
  • Neither. Wouldn't have peircings - just can't go with holes where holes weren't before LOL! But I will get a tattoo (one of my weight loss aims). Wolf paw prints up my spine, one for every dog I've had - small so I can add to it as and when I get more dogs in the future. I've had 10 already so they will need to be small!!
  • Whenever you are ready and able (financially) to cope with the massive responsibility it brings. For some people that might be very young - we've all read the stories of teenage parents being way too young/immature for parenthood but I've also seen the stories of teenagers being absolutely fantastic parents - the one that…
  • Usually they involve at least 2 really hot guys (usually more :devil: ) and well, yeah. Not a whole lot of plot LOL! Otherwise I fantastise about not having to count every flippin penny... just having the money to not only pay bills but actually have money spare to enjoy myself occasionally! Oddly i tend to not have any…
  • My number 1 bit of advice - learn about canine body language and behaviour (language first)! Just about every story in the papers can be explained through a lack of understanding of the basics of both; all those 'he/she attacked with no warning' are almost always total rubbish, what has happened is the owners have not seen…
  • Ok, first thing I will say is that I haven't read every single reply so apologies if this has already been addressed. I'm not going to touch the relationship issues - everyone else has done that! You say you and your fiance can't leave these dogs uncrated because they become destructive. As a behaviourist, this suggests to…
  • I suck it in a bit, not that you could tell lol! I don't make a conscious effort to stand up straight any more - but that's because my neck and shoulder muscles are trained to do it. When I was younger I slouched horribly and my head/neck would naturally hang forward - I had the nickname Quasi at school :( which is whne I…
  • Get yourself over to the Thyroid Patient Advocacy group on Yahoo! Groups - it's a UK-based (but worldwide supportive) group for thyroid problems (and endo/GP problems...). That goes for all of you who are struggling - it's a brilliant little group, the founder is extremely knowledgeable having fought for her health for…
  • Ooh same here! Aussie I like too and a decent southern US accent really gets me going :tongue: I've noticed lately that living in the semi-north of england means my 'native' south-easterly gets to me too now!!
  • Hmmm, let's see. Uneducated for me too Homophobes, racists etc. Arrogant Wants kids - I don't do kids. At all. Don't understand them, don't get on with them, don't want them! Someone who tries to put a limit on how many dogs I have! Come to that, someone who doesn't like dogs! Pointless. Totally. Immaturity - can't stand…
  • Hello! Similar position here although I'm not on any meds (my problem doesn't fit with the NHS's standard expectation of thyroid trouble so I'm fighting for treatment atm) so you're a step ahead of me :) So, can't offer any advice on the exercise/diet front - but I can suggest you go have a look at this group:…
  • Kent bod here (hiding in lincs now tho), you're welcome to add me :)
  • Hello :) Commoner from the south (now hiding in the semi-north lol), welcome to add me :)
  • Pro-kaolin's great for this - and not walking them when they've got the squits of course :p My lot, I always pick up unless I physically can't get to it or I just can't find it (we walk a lot in long grass and woods). Otherwise I always, always pick it up - given that I am always walking 4 dogs at a time, twice (I have 8)…
  • I will be getting one - been planning to for years but only just getting the design near what I want :p This is it so far: One paw print for each dog I've been lucky to share my life with (light for the girls, darker for the boys). I'll be getting them as small…
  • My kinda thread! Not got photos of all my pets - I've got a lot of goldfish and mice and 3 chinchillas but I do have a portrait shot of my dogs. If I can post it... OK trying again! My rabble... Top L-R: Paige (dobe), Raine (lab/malinois), Remy (dobe), River (lab/collie) Bottom L-R: Saffi (lab), Tia (heinz), Soli (dobe),…
  • Fantastic mini-goal! I have a similar one - I've had a tattoo in mind to run up my spine for years, but I won't get it till I'm at my goal weight (although I may regret that when there's less covering on my spine lol!). Brilliant idea and good luck with it (and hope it's not too painful when you do get it) :)