PCOS and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis



  • You aren't going to like this, but honestly it will be harder for you to lose the weight than a "normal" person, at least it was for me. That doesn't mean that you can't, it means you have to try harder and work harder, the best part of that is when you do lose it, you will feel so good that you did it. I did.

    I don't have PCOS but I do has hashimoto's. I was diagnosed December 2002, and it's a roller coaster ride for sure. The only thing I can tell you for sure is to make sure you have a good doctor who listens to you, who is willing to run all the tests you need and they are not willing to stop until you are better.

    For me it took 18 months and 4 doctors to just get my levels right. You don't have to have an enchronologist your regular doctor can treat you just as well. For me they only gave me T4 and while my TSH was good I still didn't feel good and no one was listening. I finally found a doctor who was willing to run the proper tests and I needed T3, I felt instantly better.

    Eat right and exercise. It will take a while to figure out exactly what works best for you, but being honest with yourself and how hard you are really trying takes a part too. (Not being mean just honest) If you are eating crap you aren't going to lose the weight. You can't eat fried food, chips, ice cream and all those things and lose the weight. You need to eat healthy things that are close to there natural state, aka carrots, broccoli, grilled fish/chicken ect..... At least that is what worked the best for me. I took me 15 mohths to lose my 40 pounds. Good luck to you!
  • Well, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto 2 years ago and I'm on T4 since then. Last month, after 6 months of quiting smoking and after 6 kg I cannot loose, I had my blood tests again because I also had some problems with my period. The TSH hormone, was pretty high, although I take the pill every day, so the endo increased the mg that I take. He also told me that my weight gain doesn't have any connection to my Hashimoto thyroiditis...but...
    Today, while reading for it I found a lot of medical sites where I read that high TSH levels and Hashimoto are some reasons of gaining weight.... I don't know what to do anymore.
    I cannot explain why 2 months of good diet and everyday exercise didn't have any results.
    I stopped for a month the gym and I gain 4 kg!!! I just hope that my new pill will help me....

    Get yourself over to the Thyroid Patient Advocacy group on Yahoo! Groups - it's a UK-based (but worldwide supportive) group for thyroid problems (and endo/GP problems...).

    That goes for all of you who are struggling - it's a brilliant little group, the founder is extremely knowledgeable having fought for her health for years. I've had a lot of help from there - right now I'm at the 'fighting for a diagnosis' stage because although I am clinically hypothyroid. my bloods do not reflect that (well, at least not in the endo or GP's eyes although there are clues in the results) so they aren't doing anything - I am edging towards a private referral at the moment to get my health back.

    Seriously - those of you who are on meds and still having problems, get over there - there are a myriad of reasons why the meds might not be working. Even if you don't post there are hundreds of files with information in that can help.
  • I just went over to the Yahoo group. i am almost a member. I am willing to do anything to get back to fit and fabulous!
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 315 Member

    Get yourself over to the Thyroid Patient Advocacy group on Yahoo! Groups - it's a UK-based (but worldwide supportive) group for thyroid problems (and endo/GP problems...).

    That goes for all of you who are struggling - it's a brilliant little group, the founder is extremely knowledgeable having fought for her health for years. I've had a lot of help from there - right now I'm at the 'fighting for a diagnosis' stage because although I am clinically hypothyroid. my bloods do not reflect that (well, at least not in the endo or GP's eyes although there are clues in the results) so they aren't doing anything - I am edging towards a private referral at the moment to get my health back.

    Seriously - those of you who are on meds and still having problems, get over there - there are a myriad of reasons why the meds might not be working. Even if you don't post there are hundreds of files with information in that can help.

    I got a message:Welcome to the thyroidpatientadvocacy group at Yahoo! Groups.

    but then, a member asked me to make my email visible to all members....
    They kicked me out of the group when I answered that I'm not giving my email!!!
    Sorry... but not interested!
    Is this a thyroid patient group or they wanna have your email to sent you spam????
  • eclecticdeb
    eclecticdeb Posts: 23 Member
    Ziggy, if your doctor won't talk to you about the test results, GET A NEW DOCTOR! You are your best advocate .. make sure that YOU understand everything that is going on with your body. You deserve nothing less. Good Luck!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Hello All:

    I am new to this site and was wondering if anyone is familiar with either of these diagnoses. I have found a few topics with PCOS that have really helped answer a lot of questions. These posts have also made me realize certain things about my body - ex: weight goes to my tummy region...

    I was diagnosed with both PCOS and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis almost 2 years ago. This past year, I have gained 25 lbs so it has definitely become more of an issue. I currently weigh 293 lbs (I think) and am aiming for a goal weight of 180 lbs.

    I have tried a lot of different weight loss programs - Weight Watchers, Calorie King, Spark People, Livestrong, etc. I chose MFP because it is Free and I am able to have it with me at all times on my phone.

    The reason I post this is because I am looking for a support system (as are a lot of other people it seems) and am wondering who is out there. If anyone has both diagnoses and can offer any kind of advice for weight loss, I would really apprecaite it.

    Here's to a new life with different habits :wink:

    To be very honest with you, if the advice you are looking for is related to your PCOS/Hashimotos from a medical perspective, make sure you go to the doctors overseeing your healthcare.... Its been my experience that dietary measures are better handled with your doctor who knows your individual care directly... A good friend of mine received some very bad advice from another weightloss-related message board and her doctor pretty much told her "they are not your doctor, please consult with me before you do anything".... she had taken something that caused a contraindication... wasnt good..
  • MrsKnockout
    MrsKnockout Posts: 6 Member
    I also have Hashimoto's. It has been very hard for me to lose weight. I have been told I have several nodules and also a goiter on my thyroid. My doctor treats me with synthroid, cyctomel and vitamin d. We had also tried Victoza shots in my stomach to help me lose weight, which I did lose a little but my best weightloss has come from so far from using Myfitnesspal.com. Best of luck to you, I'm here and can relate IF you want to talk.