What Are Your "Strange" Eating Habits



  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I eat the edge off all of my burgers and then eat the middle.
    I also do this with bagels, doughnuts, etc. Not that I eat bagels and doughnuts very often anymore!
    but bagels and doughnuts don't have middles? :happy:
  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    My food CAN NOT under ANY circumstances touch each other. Hubby jokes that there are invisible little dividers in my plate and the food can't cross it.

    i;ve gone as far as separate plates/bowls.

    I've done this too. My mother in law bought some of those old cafeteria lunch trays with the sectioned off areas just for me when I come over to eat.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I eat my veggies first at dinner - to get them out of the way. I eat pizza crust first so I can enjoy the best, cheesy part until my last bite. I also abandon buns/rolls/bread frequently on sandwiches. I'll have a few bites with the bun, but then I ditch it and eat the sandwich fillings with a fork and knife.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I eat the edge off all of my burgers and then eat the middle.

    OMG, I think we need to be friends. I do the same thing!!! I've never known anyone else who does this! LMAO

    I also do this with bagels, doughnuts, etc. Not that I eat bagels and doughnuts very often anymore!

    Ha ha, awesome! Everyone always looks at me weird when I do it. The middle is the best!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    I eat all the toppings off pizza, then cheese, then the sauce, and last eat the crust. I've done this every since I was little. No idea why.

    i don't always do this but i find myself doing it about half the time :)

    plus i have chocolate chips on every bowl of cereal, practically. i love love love dill pickles and have been known to have one as an appetizer to anything i eat, including cereal.

    i scrape the cream off oreos and eat the each half of the cookie once the cream is gone.

    peanut butter on top of ice cream...that's happened.

    ummmmmmm. i'm sure there are more habits/weird combos. but my brain is fried right now.
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    i *always* save my yummiest looking french fry (or super yummy covered nacho chip) for last.

    then some *kitten* comes by and says "oh yum! can i have one?" and takes the f00king one i'd been saving.
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    My food CAN NOT under ANY circumstances touch each other. Hubby jokes that there are invisible little dividers in my plate and the food can't cross it.

    i;ve gone as far as separate plates/bowls.

    My hubby mixes EVERYTHING! I don't mind if mine touches, but really--mixing everything together at every meal??? He made bacon blueberry pancakes.

    I on the other hand will eat fried chicken, but peel off the skin first. I also will eat the hotdog or hamburger out of the bun and throw the bun out. I also eat the topping off pizza and throw out the bottom part of the crust, then the crunchy outer crust I dip in olive oil & parmesan.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I eat the edge off all of my burgers and then eat the middle.
    I also do this with bagels, doughnuts, etc. Not that I eat bagels and doughnuts very often anymore!
    but bagels and doughnuts don't have middles? :happy:

    Well yeah I know, but they have an inner circle!! lol What can I say, I'm strange!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I eat the edge off all of my burgers and then eat the middle.

    OMG, I think we need to be friends. I do the same thing!!! I've never known anyone else who does this! LMAO

    I also do this with bagels, doughnuts, etc. Not that I eat bagels and doughnuts very often anymore!

    Ha ha, awesome! Everyone always looks at me weird when I do it. The middle is the best!

    Oh it's definitely the best part! And yeah, I get the weird looks too, lol.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I see a lot of mine up there already but....

    Nothing can touch.
    I cant eat ANYTHING with mustard in it., on it or near it.
    I eat the crust off my sandwiches first.
    I eat around things like burgers and donuts.
    I have to pick the top and edge crust off a pie. its gross to me. But the mooshy crust at the bottom is yummy.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    when i get pizza, i rip off the outter crust and pull off the toppings. i eat the pie crust (not the outter crust) and then i do that for the second peice. THEN i eat the toppings. THEN the dog gets the outter crust.

    Weasley LOVES pizza crust.

    I also eat one thing at a time on my plate, starting with the thing i like least and saving the thing i like most.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    lol just like Iamfit4life I eat my popcorn one piece at the time, I can last the whole movie eating a bag, DH thinks "its so cute"
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I guess my eating habits arent all that weird, but here are some off the top.

    -I REALLY REALLY REALLY love ketchup. I mean take someone you know who says they like ketchup, and multiply that by 4, thats me. I one time went to a resertaunt and we ordered waffle fries for dessert (best kind of french fries, followed closely by krinkle fries). I told the waitress to bring some ranch (for my gf) and then ketchup for me. I told her whatever amount they bring for someone who says they like a lot of ketchup, and double it. She came out with a thing of ranch for my girlfriend (size youd normally get at a resteraunt) and a BOWL of ketchup for me. Probably about half a cup worth of ketchup. I ate it all, but I made a point to thank the waitress. She told me she was a ketchup lover too, and hated the portion sizes people gave her when she wanted ketchup, so she new exactly what I was talking about
    -I put ketchup on my carrots
    -Note, besides carrots, I only put ketchup on normal things, like fries, burgers, hot dogs, etc.
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I'll pour milk in my cereal and eat the cereal but dump out the milk rather than drink it.

    I do this also! My dog always sits at my feet when I eat cereal because she knows she's getting the milk!
  • I'll eat each thing at a time and always the best thing last, which can be stupid because I'll be too full to eat it. :p

    If I have something mixed like tikka or bolognese with pasta, I will eat the rice/pasta first then the chicken/meat last. Always look forward to my little pile of meaty loveliness :D

    And on a slightly different level of strange, if I have jacket potato with cheese I never have it properly - I skin the potatoes (skins go in the compost bin, can't stand them), pile the potato up on the plate and cover them with grated cheese and then eat with my fingers.

    I know, I'm weird!!
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    If my meal comes with a dessert, I always end up eating it first.

    And contrary to what mother says, it doesn't spoil my dinner, so HA!
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I eat the edge off all of my burgers and then eat the middle.

    OMG, I think we need to be friends. I do the same thing!!! I've never known anyone else who does this! LMAO

    I also do this with bagels, doughnuts, etc. Not that I eat bagels and doughnuts very often anymore!

    LOL I do the same thing!!!
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 351 Member
    I eat tomato sandwiches with ketchup. Cucumber sandwiches, I only eat the crust from pizza unless its papa johns. And I eat hotdogs with out the hotdogs lol
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    When I eat a pie, I eat the lid first, then I use a spoon or fork to eat the "meat" out of the middle, like a bowl, and then I eat the bowl :D

    I can't fathom eating it any other way.

    And to the ketchup fan - do you have ketchup on eggs? Yummy!
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I eat tomato sandwiches with ketchup. Cucumber sandwiches, I only eat the crust from pizza unless its papa johns. And I eat hotdogs with out the hotdogs lol

    Ok...... a hotdog without the hotdog..... that is a little strange, LOL! :laugh: