it's only dog poo



  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    ok that is hysterical and i am going to say he was insane for following you lol
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I have 3 dogs. I pick up after them as much as possible. Dont even think I ever left anything behind ever. But here, people seem to leave their Horses to poop all over the trails. I dont find that appropriate either.

    Agreed! I don't know why horse crap seems to be ok. There is nothing worse than trying to dodge a huge pile of horse poo on a bike path.

    I live in a condo and I HATE when people don't pick up their dog's poo. I am forever armed with plastic bags when I walk my dog. Not cleaning after your dog shows pure laziness and lack of consideration for others.
  • hey dont get me wrong i love dogs. dont have one but use to. what i dont like is when neighbors dogs come and use our yard for there bathroom and than go home. and we step in it. they have a big yard to use and they use ours. poopin is a way of life. and they are not little poop piles they are huge.

    I would be neighborly and pick up what they left and leave it in a pile in their yard. :):bigsmile:
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    And that is why I don't have a dog...I don't like poop and I don't want to have to pick up a dog's poop.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I had picked up my dog from the vet and was walking him around thinking he only had to pee, but nope....I went back inside to ask for a bag to pick it up....and the receptionist seem surprised(happily) that I was going to pick it up. It just got me thinking that no one else really did that. Seriously, who want German Shepherd poo lying around?
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    There was a guy who walked his dog on the grass in the school yard across from my house. And every morning at the same time, he would come across the cross walk in front of my house and the little bugger would take a crap on my lawn..the dog, not the guy...So finally we started picking it up for him. When we had a plastic shopping bag FULL, we watched to see where he lived, then late at night, emptied the shopping bag on his doorstep and left a sticky note on his front door that said, "Thanks for thinking of us, but we really have no use for this so we are returning it." Problem solved. Now he poops in the neighbor's yard. Some people can't take a hint.
    On a sort of related lady who could...kept waking us up every morning at 3 AM. She would go over to the school and throw a ball for her two dogs who would run and bark and chase it. Again..directly across from my bedroom window. At 3 freaking o"clock in the morning! And my dogs would go nuts in the bedroom, barking because of the other dogs. After two weeks of this, I yelled out my window.."Go home before I open fire!" She did and hasn't been back since. Don't think she has any idea which house it came from and didn't want to take any chances. Yeah..I'm nuts.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Perhaps if you carry a water bottle to wash away some liquid poo for the next time? Or maybe not walk on a public sidewalk when he has the runs? Is there such a thing as doggie imodium? lol
    Its hard to say what the right thing to do is in that situation, but since you actualy would have scooped it if you could, than at least your tried. That dude chasing you down in his car was way over the line though. :noway:

    No funny stories to share though.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Thank you for this post!
    When my neighbor let his dog crap in my front yard I had assumed he was just being a lazy prick. It never occurred to me that he might be trying to share something he found fascinating with me. Turns out I was the lazy one because I was scooping it up in a bag and throwing the bag at his truck.

    For now on I will have to start showing my appreciation for his thoughtful gift. I will also share with him my love of abstract art, by using the excrement to paint a mural on his windshield for him to enjoy.

    Now that I fully understand the wonders of dog poo I just know that we will become the best of friends.
  • LordRahl
    LordRahl Posts: 48 Member
    At Buntzen Lake (British Columbia) in the off leash park which opens on to the lake, there is a woman laying on a blanket with all the dogs running around her. My one dog must have smelled pee and cocked his leg, I only had a chance to yell a warning as he started, over her towel/blanket and some on her. She was sorta of upset when I apologized but really... it is an off leash park, why are you laying on the ground?

    I always pickup when I have bags, I try to have bags in the car, house, pockets when I am walking. There are the times of "swamp-butt" when it sprays rather than ploops. These I have to leave there is no way to pick up but I try to bury it in leaves and dirt.
  • Perhaps if you carry a water bottle to wash away some liquid poo for the next time? Or maybe not walk on a public sidewalk when he has the runs? Is there such a thing as doggie imodium? lol

    Pro-kaolin's great for this - and not walking them when they've got the squits of course :p

    My lot, I always pick up unless I physically can't get to it or I just can't find it (we walk a lot in long grass and woods). Otherwise I always, always pick it up - given that I am always walking 4 dogs at a time, twice (I have 8) and they are all big, I'd be found out pretty quick if I didn't!!
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Pick up your dog's ****. Seriously. Some of us are trying to have a civilization here.

    For real. Just because it's a natural bodily function doesn't mean it cool to leave it anywhere other than a trash can. People flush their toilets right? Parents throw away poopy diapers. Why should dog poop be any special?

    Do they? I encountered a dirty diaper left in the park just today.

    I always pick up my dog's poo unless I really can't for some reason, and in that case I make a mental note to come back for it. (like the time I realized at midnight that my husband had used the last bag in the packet and it started raining - I left it and picked it up the next morning)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I have three dogs and I always have bags with me when i walk them. Our boston has a habit of pooping on TOP of bushes (yea don't ask), so it's interesting trying to gather that little mess up. Ugh....

    As for the when the dogs have the runs, I don't know what I'd do if that happened with my dog, although my housing tract has an HOA, so if you don't pick up or clean up the poo in the public areas you risk getting fined if someone complains.

    Personally I hate it when people walk their dogs and allow them to poo on someone else's yard, that is very annoying. I have a few people like that in my neighborhood, I got some great ideas on how to deal with them from this thread. lol ;)
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I have a weimaraner and a jack russell... guess who poos more and nastier? - yep the little frickin' JRT is a $h!ttin machine! 6 times a day!!! Often she gets the "splatters" (as I refer to it...) after swimming - she likes to chase and bite the water, but our pool is salt water and well, you know what happens if you drink the pool water :laugh:

    I don't really have a funny story, but back when I only had the Weim I got a phone call from my grass cutting company about the cleanliness of my lawn. Personally I don't think its a terrible issue - it's a great fertilizer for the grass and wherever my dog leaves his deposits, the grass comes in super lush and dark green, but they said it wasn't fair to the next person's lawn being cut. I asked what about the person ahead of me who didn't weed his lawn and now seeded my lawn with his weeds? Point taken. They never complained again...
    but I also keep a clean lawn since now I have kids...

    And I saw a woman cleaning her child's dirty butt in the water at a local splash park. yeah, hmmm, she thought it was a-o-k to use the water to wipe down her son's poopy bum.:sick:
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I can't believe I just read 3 pages about dog poop lol but we always clean it up no matter what even on our own land...
  • TexasPatriot
    TexasPatriot Posts: 63 Member
    I have to say that humans leaving diapers in public places is more disgusting than dogs doing business in public places. I think humans are the truly disgusting species.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    Thank you for this post!
    When my neighbor let his dog crap in my front yard I had assumed he was just being a lazy prick. It never occurred to me that he might be trying to share something he found fascinating with me. Turns out I was the lazy one because I was scooping it up in a bag and throwing the bag at his truck.

    For now on I will have to start showing my appreciation for his thoughtful gift. I will also share with him my love of abstract art, by using the excrement to paint a mural on his windshield for him to enjoy.

    Now that I fully understand the wonders of dog poo I just know that we will become the best of friends.

    LMFAO! :laugh:
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    My dog used to get a lot of attention when we would walk at the park; he's pretty good lookin'. One day, I was talking to this guy who was walking a pug. At some point I looked down, and my dog had lifted his leg and was peeing all over the pug! A quick end to that conversation. And no, I didn't clean it up.

    I almost always pick up the poo. If I know my dog's about to drop a deuce, I do whatever I can to get off the trail quickly, and I admit, if I'm 15 feet or more off the trail, half the time I'll leave it, especially since it will mean that I have to carry it another 3 miles before there's a place to throw it away. So sue me.

    What I really hate, though, is when people will put it in a plastic bag, then just leave the bag and the poo laying there, as if there is a person who walks around all day picking up trash. At least the dog poo will biodegrade sometime soon, but the shopping bag - no. As for diapers, I see a new one in the gutter or along the sidewalk AT LEAST once a week.
  • hey dont get me wrong i love dogs. dont have one but use to. what i dont like is when neighbors dogs come and use our yard for there bathroom and than go home. and we step in it. they have a big yard to use and they use ours. poopin is a way of life. and they are not little poop piles they are huge.

    I have been known to pick up these "gifts" from my neighbors and redeposit them back in their yard once they leave. :devil:

    I have 4 cats....they do not poo in their yard, their doggies will not poop in my yard and leave it there for long. Common courtesy :bigsmile: