New to MFP due to Thyroid Problems, College Student Trying t

Hello! I'm 20 years old and new to MFP. I had always been pretty thin until a not-too recent thyroid problem, that somehow grew in seriousness last year. I am now, thankfully, on a much higher dose of my synthroid medicine, but the weight that I gained from this isn't falling off of me! I am trying very hard to get back to what has been normal for my body (I'm 5'9", usually 120-125lbs, now 170! I feel like I'm horrid and a stranger to myself!). I work out almost every day for an hour or more (kickboxing, weights, elliptical, alternating those with an occasional spin class thrown in there if I want to). I eat 1100-1700 every day, usually falling around 1450 which is my goal for daily intake, but life doesn't always fit in perfectly to our plans, as we all know. I was just wondering if anyone else on MFP had thyroid problems that led them here, and if so, HOW did they manage to get back to their normal weight? I feel like I do everything that I can and lose trivial amounts, if anything.


  • Hello dear,

    I have hashimotos thyroiditis! Ususally my thyroid is under active, i piled on weight and 7 months of excercise and dieting DIDNT work, they finally gave me something like Cytomel and for the first time in a year ive lost 4lb im so so shocked.

    I believe its my medication thats helping! How long have you been trying to diet/excercise? How much have you lost? Any loss is good it may take you longer!
  • Hello! Similar position here although I'm not on any meds (my problem doesn't fit with the NHS's standard expectation of thyroid trouble so I'm fighting for treatment atm) so you're a step ahead of me :)

    So, can't offer any advice on the exercise/diet front - but I can suggest you go have a look at this group:

    It could be that your medication isn't working as well as it should for some reason, or your body might not get on with it - happens more than you'd think - or there could be an underlying issue preventing it from working properly (part of my problem). The peeps in that group are excellent, they've helped me no end and might be able to shed some light on this for you :)
  • Oooh and cut the carbs! Im doing well on veggies, meats etc
  • I am on synthroid 175 mcg. The problem that I had was that you...

    a. aren't supposed to eat within one hour of taking it
    b. can never eat soy
    c. can not take vitamins or fortified foods within four hours of taking it

    I did not know these things when I moved out and became independent, and therefore became much worse.
    Hince, where I am today.
    I have been dieting throughout this process. It was so bad before I got help and realized this wasn't normal that I could eat nothing and gain. I gave up for three months, because nothing worked anyways,, and gained 30 lbs! So now I have been back on to counting and intensive exercise for the past 2 months. I have lost 10 lbs, BUT that wasn't hard considering that when I temporarily gave up, I gave up hard core, so a return to fighting for myself created a big first impression. I look and feel a lot better, but the loss is now slow and unreasonable considering how hard I work out and eat.
    I'm so sorry to hear that you are all in by boat, but also so glad to hear that I am not alone!
  • Awww sweet I'm the same! I've shed many tears! But dont give up 10lb is great! I know you feel angry it should be more but it's progress :)