What are your Pet Peeves?



  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    People who loose weight but cant keep their shoe laces from coming lose.

    I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE!!! >.< *glare*
  • hazelmae123
    hazelmae123 Posts: 109 Member
    People who slow down to a crawl to go over a speed bump!! Come on people, it's just a bump! AAARGGG!
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    People that come to my house and change the toilet paper to go over instead of under. They are not the one that has a cat that unrolls it. Hmm wonder if they would mind if I came to their house and changed things around with out asking?

    Hahahha, I sometimes do that to people. But, I wouldn't if they had a cat!
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    My husband leaving the dirty pots and pans on the stove.... when the sink is 2 feet away... UGH. The worst!
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I can not stand eating noises. Not even my own. I have to have background noise while eating. It's tenfold when people smack their lips. It honestly makes my blood boil and I see red.

    My longtime flat mate will do the: eating or using all but a tiny bit of something. Because she is so lazy, if she throws it away, then the bin might be full and she'll have to take it out!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    People that come to my house and change the toilet paper to go over instead of under. They are not the one that has a cat that unrolls it. Hmm wonder if they would mind if I came to their house and changed things around with out asking?

    Hahahha, I sometimes do that to people. But, I wouldn't if they had a cat!

  • Hj723
    Hj723 Posts: 141 Member
    People that come to my house and change the toilet paper to go over instead of under. They are not the one that has a cat that unrolls it. Hmm wonder if they would mind if I came to their house and changed things around with out asking?

    I only do this at my boyfriends house (just because he does it on purpose).... anywhere it's rude... Not gonna lie though, I totally notice. If I've been drinking, I might close your shower curtain though.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    People who think that yawning has to be audible. Cut it out. I don't want to hear your moans from my office.

    Also, people who don't cover their mouth when yawning. You look like a jack@ss
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    People that come to my house and change the toilet paper to go over instead of under. They are not the one that has a cat that unrolls it. Hmm wonder if they would mind if I came to their house and changed things around with out asking?

    I only do this at my boyfriends house (just because he does it on purpose).... anywhere it's rude... Not gonna lie though, I totally notice. If I've been drinking, I might close your shower curtain though.

    Lol, feel free to shut the shower curtain, if its open it was mistake.
  • People who chat in class. This is college. People pay a lot of money to listen to the Prof. not you.
    And over-generalizations. Like "Everytime X happens, Y happens." No, it doesn't.
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    People who think that yawning has to be audible. Cut it out. I don't want to hear your moans from my office.

    Also, people who don't cover their mouth when yawning. You look like a jack@ss

    When even while reading the word "yawn" you... yawn! LOL :yawn:
  • Housemates who do F-all day in, day out, week after week after week no matter what I say, do, threaten, what threats I follow through on... seriously. I've cajoled, bribed, asked nicely, praised, rewarded, punished, complained, and publicly embarrassed her. Just what the hell does it take?!?

    Oh hang on... is that too much of an issue to just be a pet peeve? LOL!

    Ok... people who don't indicate. Drives me nuts. Also people who stand in the middle of the aisle at the supermarket, totally blocking it. Rude.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    the phrase "with all due respect"
  • Oh...I can make a list out of this topic's answer:

    - When people touch the windows of my car (I HATE FINGERPRINTS!!!) :explode:
    - When the toilet paper flap is under and not on top like it's supposed to be!
    - When the toilet seat is left up. Gross!
    - When people tap or bang on things consistently for no reason.
    - Eye boogers. Yuck!
    - When women wear too small of clothes and their rolls and/or muffin top is made worse! :huh:

    HUGE PET PEEVE: When people you're out with text, use the internet or take a call while you're out to dinner or wherever with them. Excuse me...I took the time to be with you now be with me and get off your damn phone!!! (I hate it when I see strangers at restaurants doing this too. They're not even talking to each other and they're on a date?!) :mad:
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    People inject " to be honest with you.." in a conversation. So, that means everything you said prior may not have been honest?
  • Dander
    Dander Posts: 26 Member
    People who don't use a toilet brush (:sick: )...It drives me mad. Especially when I'm at work as I end up cleaning off other peoples' cr4p because I don't want the person after me to think it was me...

  • HUGE PET PEEVE: When people you're out with text, use the internet or take a call while you're out to dinner or wherever with them. Excuse me...I took the time to be with you now be with me and get off your damn phone!!! (I hate it when I see strangers at restaurants doing this too. They're not even talking to each other and they're on a date?!) :mad:

    Seriously. Remember the days when people could get a hold of you when you were HOME and couldn't when you weren't? I miss those days sometimes....

    Yep...me too. That's why I update my status on Facebook when I'm out so if someone calls me, they know I'm busy that's why I missed the call. I think it's so rude when people use their phone out in public (restaurants, movies, etc.).
  • SCR56
    SCR56 Posts: 64 Member
    Bad parkers!!!! If you can't get your huge *kitten* SUV to fit in between the lines or are too lazy to back up and straighten your car.... just drive a mini!!!!!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    When someone says they only accept friend requests with a note or message attached, and they still deny it or ignore it. :ohwell: