angelwowings23 Member


  • Both?? I exercise even when I fast. Don't seem to experience any adverse effects as long as you're not going beyond the 48hr mark.
  • If you can fit it into your plan...have at it! That's what it is all about. If I could just limit myself to 2 tblsp, I'd have it daily, too. I love PB too much to just do a drive-by tasting like that, though. So I try to abstain as much as possible. When I eat PB, it's a full-on jar + spoon + couch + tv show event. Lol!
  • Healthy living is all about balance. Deprivation leads to binge eating. The key is to eat healthy MOST (85%) of the time. You shouldn't really have a day off. Eat healthy and then allow yourself a dessert or snack that makes you feel like you're taking a day off. When you take full-on cheat days, you basically blow all the…
  • Way to go!!! Got to roll with the punches in life and find the time for the things that are important to us. I feel your pain. I have a 7:30a-4pm job that comes with an hour and a half commute (each way), a 2 year old, a dog, and miscellaneous other responsibilities to tend to on a daily basis. I don't get home until…
  • You can certainly add me if you wish. And I'd be happy to help motivate/encourage you in any way I can.
  • First of all, the past is the past. No sense in beating yourself up over gaining weight back. All you can do is move forward and start to change your future. You sound like you are really ready to start making some positive changes, but change doesn't just take place because we want it. We need to work for it. And it's not…
  • I have a 2 year old, a full time job, an hour and a half commute (each way)...I wake up at 2am every day to work out so I have enough time to then shower, get ready for work, get my daughter ready, and be out the door by 5:30am. I know life is busy, but the things you find make time for.
  • That's incredibly false. With circuit training, your heart rate is constantly being bounced back and forth when you're juggling between cardio and strength. HRMs monitor this type of exercise wonderfully. They're great for CrossFit and HIIT Training, as well. I don't know where you got this impression, but it's not right.
  • Let's be honest, being healthy is super important to us all. However, you're 21. Your college experience is going to be such a small blip on your life's radar...enjoy it. Eat healthy. Work out. Enjoy the occasional midnight pizza with your friends. And, yes, enjoy your delicious alcoholic beverages when you go out. At your…
  • I log basically everything I do as Circuit Training as everything I do incorporates strength and cardio (as does JM's Body Revolution). I would suggest you get a HRM so you can figure out how much you're actually burning in the way of calories, though. MFP tends to over-estimate your burn.
  • You need to pay attention to what you are eating, too. It's not entirely just about calories in vs. calories out. Look at your macros. Sometimes peanut butter is a good high calorie snack. However, it's high in fat, you have to watch that. Protein bars, a protein shake, some jerky. You really want to try to get…
  • Cardio is not bad. Cardio CAN BE bad if it's paired with too few calories or just way too much time spent on cardio each day. However, over-training in any facet will eventually become a bad thing. It's all about cross-training and in a healthy supply. If you're doing an hour of cardio, an hour of lifting, and eating 1200…
  • Some people don't like to see chunkier people running around jiggling?? I'm not saying this like I care one way or the other. If you are fine with your extra meat flapping around, more power to you. A lot of people are a bit more critical of this sort of display, however. That simple.
  • Find healthier alternatives to the things you tend to have cravings for. I have developed a serious craving for peanut butter and chocolate since I started really watching my nutrition at the beginning of the year. Quest makes this protein "bar" that is basically 2 protein peanut butter cups. If you are an ice cream lover,…
  • I have a 16oz water bottle on me from the moment I get up to the moment I go to sleep. I probably refill it a good 8-10 times a day. Hydration is key!
  • It is actually recommended NOT to mix protein powder with hot things like coffee or oatmeal. Supposedly it breaks down the protein so you don't get the full potency of the supplement.
  • I am a fan of the Quest bars...and their peanut butter cups. MMMM!
  • He's actually not trying to sell anything. He has a cheap book out there but you can read all the content online or on his website. There are no supplements or expensive meal plans that come along with his Eat Stop Eat plan. There's actually a lot of research to back his plan, as well. The excerpt you posted is merely a…
  • How many calories have you been eating over the course of this year?
  • #1 - LOVE your hair. #2 - You are doing quite a bit, but now that you're focused on recompositioning and not so much fat/weight loss, you need to focus on the weight/strength training and get off the cardio. I would say a quick jog to just warm up is all you really want to do on your lift days. Then, you'll probably want…
  • I'm the same way! I've been on a 6-day/week workout schedule for over a decade. Last fall, I started doing 7 days a week, every week. I finally stopped doing that at the tail-end of June and I'm still struggling with guilt on Sundays when I don't work out. Lol! I work out at 2:30am and on the occasional day that I'm really…
  • I have done 2 rounds of T25 and love it. The second time, I used it in conjunction with a circuit training program, but I got great results both times. There is no dread factor in it (until you get to Gamma) and I LOVE Shaun T's "coaching" methods. He's so down-to-earth and his methods are approachable and fun. I'm…
  • I have a polarA360 and love it. So nice to be able to shower without having to take it off. Works great. You can swim with it. Tracks steps and cals burned.
  • 600 calories every day will do nothing but cause long-term damage to your metabolism, if you stick to it. If you want to maybe take a more drastic approach, alternate day fasting may be something that would interest you. One day you fast and eat 500 calories or less. The next day, you eat what you want...within reason. You…
  • I deal with a lot of really ridiculous stuff at my job. Things happen here that I swear couldn't possibly take place at any other place of employment where professionalism is actually important. However, at the end of the day, I enjoy my job and the people that I directly support and I make good money. You need to…
  • You can certainly add me! :)
  • I am doing ADF so I get to treat myself 2-3x per week. Love it.
  • Okay. I got ya. Honestly, even an INTENSE Pilates training is not going to cut down your fat in a significant way. I took a gander at the program from a few YouTube videos and her website. It'll build up some muscle and strength for you, lean you out a bit from the stretching, but won't be intense enough to cut down on the…
  • Anyone on a fitness journey has had their days where they have wanted to, or did, quit. The ones that make the decision to get back on track right away are the ones leading richer, fuller, healthier lives because of that choice. It's cliche but this statement is one of sheer truth: If it were easy, everyone would do it.…