lacruiser2016 Member


  • Penny, thx for the link--love finding out about different foods. I grew up in a fairly rural area of north Louisiana, so turnips and turnip greens were frequently on the table--still love them. My grandmother would cook rutabagas to mush (the custom for veggies back then), and I just never warmed up to them. Nancy D
  • Penny, if my choice was stay I and avoid polar bears or go out for RUTABAGAS, I know what I would choose!! Oh well, if we all liked the same things it would be a boring world, right? On the other hand, I'm curious about your "fermented milk products". What would those be? Buttermilk? Creme fraiche?
  • I am so glad I joined this thread...I'm seeing things I've never seen before!! Polar bear tracks, ice fog pics...don't see those much in my neck of the woods! Thanks for sharing. Katiebug, awesome! I made the roasted cauliflower turmeric soup from for dinner tonight. Subbed lite coconut milk for full fat…
  • Today is weigh day...and I'm down .8 lb, which gives me a mighty total of 5 lbs in January. I let the wine consumption creep back up, so I think that slowed me down a bit. Goal for this week is keep the wine down, maintain good food and exercise habits! Oh, man -- that shoulder pic is truly horrifying, and a little…
  • OK, I looked back at the settings and decided that the "lightly active" category probably is more accurate. I do exercise 6 days a week, with an average time of 45-60 minutes per day, but I'm retired, so when I'm home I'm not that active. Too bad knitting and reading don't burn a whole lot of calories!! :D Changing to that…
  • Thanks for the advice -- and specially to Mary! I am doing my dead level best to log everything accurately; I have a food scale and use it; I am eating primarily lean meats and veggies, with the occasional complex carb (brown rice, high-fiber whole grain bread), and fruit. I do refuse to stop eating fruit, although I try…
  • Allie, I haven't commented on your situation, but I do have a bit of advice re valuing your home. I was a real estate agent for 18 years. If you know a realtor or have a realtor friend, ask for a comparative market analysis. All realtors will provide one for free. If you don't have a friend, then choose one who you can…
  • Hey, Lisa, are you sure you aren't really Sharon Stone???
  • Christy, I am so jealous...we are avid tennis fans and the AO is on the top of our bucket list! Do you have a guest room??? :D Melbourne looks like such a beautiful city. Enjoy your days there -- anyone you are specially wanting to see? I'm a Rafa girl (and Fed, of course). At this moment I'm watching Taylor Townsend in…
  • Sue, every lb lost means 4 lbs less load on the knees!! So -- 60 lbs less for you (if my admittedly shaky math is right). Cheri, I'm scared to death of the side effects. But today has been completely normal, so maybe, just maybe I'll skate through with just that one weird day. Have read on internet about others…
  • Ladies, I am so excited to share this NSV with you! I've been going to a Les Mills Bodypump class now for a couple of years, first at the gym in La, now at one here in FL. Today, for the first time since last December, I was able to complete the shoulder set using weights!!! Bodypump is a weight class, using a weighted bar…
  • Charleen, wow!! Now, that's a quilt! I've only made one, a lap quilt using all Kaffee Fassett fabrics. If I can figure out how to post a pic I will. Yesterday was miserable. I take cymbalta for osteoarthritis pain in my hips, and am in the process of stepping down the dosage. Yesterday was 2d day of lower dose and my head…
  • Pip, your kitty is scent-marking the dog -- cats have scent glands along the edges of their jaws, and rub the sides of their faces on people and things in their territories. She's claiming him! :smile: Had a great week last week, so am motivated to keep it going. Still haven't seen the quilt pics -- where are they?? Thx!
  • Hey, girls, Some things I'd like to respond to: First, I clearly missed the quilt pictures, to my great dismay. Please point me in the right direction. Second, we are inundated with panhandlers in sunny south Florida, especially this time of year. I never give to them, for all the stated reasons already given. Also,…
  • Mary, that must have been it! OK, won't make that mistake again. I made an old favorite for dinner tonight -- a Cuban comfort food -- and discovered something fabulous. Mfp will import any recipe from the web, match the ingredients (you might have to make a couple of substitutions) and file it under your "Recipes"!! I…
  • Oh jeez, I probly shouldn't try to do this on an iPad... I had a lovely post all written out, thought I was posting it, and only 2 sentences show up! Grrr. Ok, brief revised version: sorry y'all are suffering in the cold; love love love the doggy pics; have had a great week so far with exercise and food. I was telling a…
  • Hope all your u ladies are staying warm...I feel guilty about enjoying our pretty weather! I'm feeling really buoyed up by my progress this week (which I know isn't over till monday
  • Awww...Yogi is a handsome fella!! Lenora, feeling your distress. Although I live in Florida now, I was born and raised in north central Louisiana, and experienced those hideous straight line winds a couple of times. Once I was at a local country club playing tennis -- their lightning alarm went off and we scooted into the…
  • Keep the bios coming, girls! Heather, LOVED your "novel". I'm such an anglophile...have only been to London once, and then as we were passing through so only stayed a day. I'm a fan of several British writers -- P.D. James, Dorothy Dunnett, Elizabeth George, and my dear Georgette Heyer -- and a trip to the UK is high on my…
  • Barbie, how do you download audiobooks onto your phone? That's a GREAT idea -- I love audiobooks to knit to, and walking to one would be awesome. If this isn't appropriate to discuss on this forum, feel free to email me at
  • Well, dang, don't know how I did that!! All that bullet biting made my hands spasm, I guess. Take 2: Bicep 14" Waist 36" Bust 42" Hip 46.5" Thigh 23.5" Calf 14" Weight as of this morning 191. I'm 5'9", and my posted goal is 160, but I'd dearly love to see the 150's again. Yep, I live about 2 miles from the ocean, and we…
  • Ok, girls, here goes (and that scritching sound you hear is my teeth biting the bullet): Bicep
  • Wow, ladies, we are a chatty bunch!! :D I can see that I'll need to check in every day just to keep up! I can't believe that I never used the Community feature of mfp, what a great resource you guys are. There are so many things that were mentioned that I'd like to respond to, but can't remember them all. I…
  • OK, let's see if I did the photo thing right...
  • Hi, ladies, You all sound like a great bunch to hang out with! I'm returning to mfp, and at the heaviest I've ever been. Lots of contributing factors, but nothing that can't be changed with commitment to exercise and clean eating. I'm 63, have a titanium shoulder (one of those contributing factors!), and a knee that's…
  • I 24 days out from a total left shoulder replacement. So no upper body at all. I have been able to use a recumbent bike and walk on a treadmill -- would the recumbent work for you? Perhaps if your back were completely supported? Only you and your doc can make that decision! If not, advice already given is…
  • Well, it seems like I've hit a gold mine with this group! I'm new to MFP, but paid WW for years just to have access to their online trackers, etc. Finally got smart! I am 62, 5'9, and have been very active since my 30's. My husband and I used to own and run a health club, and I taught various classes for about 18 years.…