
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    barbie happy anniversary, what a lovely way to celebrate <3

    Beth I am hitting the reset button as well--my scale must be a different model than yours cause the numbers are going up :s It's great that your husband is asking questions.

    Allie discuss everything with your lawyer period

    Hoping to have a restful Saturday!!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :)<3Allie, that's a great first step with Tom, but don't let his seeming agreeableness blind you to the possibility that he is short changing you.

    <3Rori, sorry to hear about what's going on with your DH...I love the principled way you live your life.

    :) Thank you for the anniversary wishes...we'll start the day with an "errand date" going to Office Depot, post office, grocery store, drug store.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington where Sasha and I walked for an hour and 45 minutes
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,984 Member
    Happy Anniversary to both Barbie and Rori~
    Believe me it is alot to take in and I will speak with the attorney I spoke with and maybe have a small retainer held with him and see if we can work with the retired judge on mediation... if he is willing to work with me and we can do this neatly and fairly.. I would much rather do it that way then a knock down drag out..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    edited January 2017
    My very best wishes to Barbie and Jake <3 and to Rori for her birthday. <3 Thanks for those nice reminders, Rori. :D

    Allie - Be very, very careful. Very careful. Check everything out double time with the attorney. Do not have him live with you. Bad idea. :flowerforyou:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member

    Very sorry to hear about your husband's situation. It's so hard to watch them decline. Great big (((hugs))).

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rori- Happy Birthday!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,471 Member
    Did an hour of an Ultimate Weight Training and Cardio workout. Not too impressed, it's just OK. The plan for tomorrow is to ride the recumbant bike

    Gloria - wonderful NSV. I'm built the same way, big in the hips, small in the waist.

    Sherry - love the minion cartoons

    Sharon - I'm so sorry that your sister lost her cat. Could that be possibly why she didn't want to come to the party? In a very short time pets can really get to our hearts. A month is certainly enough time for him/her to have gotten into her heart.

    Alison - so sorry you are in pain. Best of luck talking to Tom

    goto ...lol taking eyes out...lol

    barbie - happy anniversary. Sounds like your anniversary is about as exciting as ours is!

    Carol - yesterday was 70, today it's 50. But tomorrow promises to be 60. Go figure

    Allie - I agree with pip, have EVERYTHING written down, signed.

    Rori - happy birthday! How very sad about your husband. Happy Anniversary, too

    Michele in NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,983 Member
    Hello all: Beautiful morning here even if it is cold. Horses are standing in the pasture soaking up the sun. We were going to get a new phone setup today but the phones did not come in so we must wait until Tuesday. Ate a small breakfast so I can enjoy brunch with family including DS and DGD. Will plan for the rest of the day later when I see how that goes. Will try to get in some exercise at home.

    Barbie - Happy anniversary to you and Jake.

    Rori - Happy birthday to you.

    Gloria - Great NSV!

    Allie - Remember he is a manipulator.

    " You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream" - C. S. Lewis

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, happy anniversary, Rori, happy birthday. So sorry of your husbands dementia. From what I have have seen of many patients with dementia, with correct medicine they can still recognize, love and have some what a life as long as well taken care of.

    Allie, I'm not sure that was a good conversation. He is still taking control. Am I reading it right in that he still wants to live there with you? Or would you live in Florida until he has it paid off. And how can he be held liable to actually making all payments. But it does sound like he is agreeing to divorce. That is one step and you are able to take a deep breath and sigh of relief.

    Sherry, thank you for putting up with us, I am so relieved and grateful you are here. You are here on your terms and that is good. You are getting a double dose of support, here and wherever you are staying. At least I hope you are getting support and love there.

    Joyce, grey dismal Indiana still raining
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    edited January 2017
    Rori - I really feel for you. I think CJ, who we haven't heard from in a while, was in a similar, but much more advanced situation. It's something I think about a lot. Either for me or DH. Lots of love and hugs to you. <3<3<3

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

    PS - Because I sent out quite a few Christmas cards I have been slowly hearing back from old friends who didn't send any. Really lovely to hear from them. Gladdens the heart. :D
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,047 Member
    Good evening Ladies.

    Trying hard to stay on track to get the 11 lbs. I put on off for good and then try to lose a few more. I wanted to lose around 5 lbs. last year but so much changed in my life it didn't happen. Diligently logging all food and making sure I have some reserve calories for those social situations. I was extremely proud of myself yesterday when I passed on the carrot cake (a favorite) that was offered to me at work. I knew I was seeing a friend for her birthday and had budgeted for only 1 slice for the day and her birthday cake won out. I also nixed the glass of wine in favor of a cup of coffee. Tomorrow will be a challenge, pot luck night at a friend's and I have already chosen from the restaurant menu what I will have on Friday for our book club outing. I baked lemon squares for the pot luck.

    I want to get down to Heather's weight. I am an inch shorter.

    Pip posted her holiday nails and I'll share mine now (since I wasn't around then).

    Love and support to everyone.

    Chris in MA where the flu is rampant in my home and I am staying away from everyone

    Think I'm gonna steal your design !
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Happy birthday Rori!
    Happy Anniversary Barbie!

    All packed and ready to go in the morning! Disney World here I come!

    nervous and excited about the next 5 days
  • bmidwinter
    bmidwinter Posts: 21 Member
    NSV - actually made it to the gym, bike and weights....wonders never cease

    Allie - please discuss everything with a lawyer to protect your interests. I am recently divorced, albeit living in Canada so laws may be different, but we both had to provide all financials and taxes to our lawyers before arriving at a settlement. Do not sell yourself short just to get it over and done with, you may regret it later on.

    Now...on to house cleaning.

    Have a great Saturday everyone.

    Barb in Edmonton

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Yeah, WTG Cheri! Have a fantastic time! :drinker: <3

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Allie, I haven't commented on your situation, but I do have a bit of advice re valuing your home. I was a real estate agent for 18 years. If you know a realtor or have a realtor friend, ask for a comparative market analysis. All realtors will provide one for free. If you don't have a friend, then choose one who you can tell is successful and sells a lot. Again, this should be a free service. Don't worry that you aren't really planning to sell; you can say you are considering it and that will be fine. You don't have to mention a divorce or separation unless you choose to.

    It would be even better to get 2 or 3 from agents from different brokerages. Zillow (and other internet services) are wonderful for showing listings, but their databases can be very flawed regarding sales. This is something I know from personal experience. I do wish you the very best.

    Now, a question about mfp and calories gained from exercise. What do y'all do with these calories? Do you eat them all back? None? A portion? I think the exercise calorie estimates run a little high, so sometimes adjust them downwards by manipulating time, etc. I have my profile setting at "Sedentary", which gives me a 1200 calorie base per day, which goes by REALLY fast. Would love to know how you all handle this -- especially you that are working out on a regular basis.
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    edited January 2017
    Happy Saturday ladies!

    6-8 inches of snow overnight and 27F - time to get out and get shoveling. The weenies have trouble with snow over 3” but the temp is great for them to be able to get out and “help me” move snow.

    Picked up some new teas from Tiesta (for my birthday at the end of the month) and to share with my coworkers. They are super flavorful, and when I’m drinking tea, along with my lemon/waters every day help to move the #’s off of my body. Yoga today rather than walking exercises due to an infected cyst. I bought a treat for the staff the other day and put it in the clinic kitchen .. an hour later it was gone. Came to find out one of our Dr’s liked it and took it home - HE TOOK IT HOME - the specialists I work for make $$$ - buy your own damn snacks!!! LOL sheeesh https://tiestatea.com/shop/ .. Fireberry https://tiestatea.com/product/fireberry/

    Healthy eating everyone! :)<3:D

    - keep posting and hopping in, I’m always happy to talk with you :)

    Barbie - Happy Anniversary! .. have a wonderful day! :)

    My word for 2017 is “Mindfulness” .. age 51, -28 lbs, 50 to go! 1200 cal/day
    Canadian/Niagara Falls (36 yrs), now Alaska (16 yrs) + DH + 4Dachshunds + 1parrot

    Goals for 2017
    Drop 50 lbs by 2018
    Declutter my life, my closets, my mind and my house
    Exercise in a variety of ways and enjoy it
    Get outdoors and see more of my State - Alaska
    Develop the best wiener dog mushing team in the state
    Be a better friend to my friends, including my best friend - my DH Scott

    OSWxN2h.jpgOSWxm9.png Marni in Alaska


    My babies as babies
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,047 Member
    Allie, I haven't commented on your situation, but I do have a bit of advice re valuing your home. I was a real estate agent for 18 years. If you know a realtor or have a realtor friend, ask for a comparative market analysis. All realtors will provide one for free. If you don't have a friend, then choose one who you can tell is successful and sells a lot. Again, this should be a free service. Don't worry that you aren't really planning to sell; you can say you are considering it and that will be fine. You don't have to mention a divorce or separation unless you choose to.

    It would be even better to get 2 or 3 from agents from different brokerages. Zillow (and other internet services) are wonderful for showing listings, but their databases can be very flawed regarding sales. This is something I know from personal experience. I do wish you the very best.

    Now, a question about mfp and calories gained from exercise. What do y'all do with these calories? Do you eat them all back? None? A portion? I think the exercise calorie estimates run a little high, so sometimes adjust them downwards by manipulating time, etc. I have my profile setting at "Sedentary", which gives me a 1200 calorie base per day, which goes by REALLY fast. Would love to know how you all handle this -- especially you that are working out on a regular basis.

    when I was in the process of loosing weight, I didn't eat any of my calories back.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,047 Member
    stat for the day:

    treadmill, skip/sidestep/scissors/jog/sprint- 1hr, 1min, 28sec- 12.17ap, 4.1-8.2sp, 0-5.0incl, 132ap, 156mhr, 5mi= 577c
    apple watch- 530c

    total cal 577