

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Hello to all: DD came home from work early yesterday. She is now sick with the crud my DH brought home, laying on the couch miserable. I went and got my hair cut this morning, nice to have that done. I am enjoying all of the pictures of everything. Maybe I will be able to figure out how to post pictures after I get my new phone. We will see. I think it will be a steep learning curve figuring out how to use it but it will be good for my brain, right?

    Re - Yeah for good numbers!

    Joyce - Sorry about your friend.

    I am off to make some chicken soup for DD. Everyone take care. Sue in WA
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Sue if I can learn to post a pic anybody can!! Off to the airport yippee!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Klamore cute! I will c if I can find a pic of me and Kirby on our wedding. Only time I was a fat bride
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kelly ~ Great pics.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Joyce ~ Sorry about your friend's passing. Dementia is an awful thing.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now....

    Allie - google "definition of narcissist" and see if Tom fits the description, they are master manipulators, my counselor in Portland called my abuser that and I had to look it up, sure enough it fits him to a T! It kinda sounds like Tom might fit the description too. It's kinda nice to be able to put a label on their behaviors. I believe there are a couple of books (maybe ebooks?) on how to deal with and effectively communicate with a narcissist. I downloaded one, don't remember the title - will go look it up on my tablet, but it is a very interesting read with helpful ideas and ways of dealing with one that I will be using on my abuser if I am faced with him again. It might help you communicate what you want better in mediation.

    Here are a couple of minion funnies for you all for today...

    OK, let me go look up the title to that eBook...


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allie, I worry that when you talk to Tom about this that he might get angry enough to hit you. I hope I am not right. Is there anyone who could be nearby and you could text a panic word to?

    Decided that even though I really can't do a whole lot but sit in this recliner, it is time to start thinking about taxes I save all receipts so that I have sales tax. Last year I didn't and IRS would only give me $200 in sales tax deduction. By keeping receipts, I got $390. I'm not sure if it will make any difference or not but I got it done.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Allie - the eBook is called "Disarming The Narcissist", check it out and see if it will help.

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »

    Marcelyn – I want to know what sports bra can hold you like a concrete block and still be comfy... Double D girls need lots of love and support...

    The bra is made by enell. They are seriously strong bras. They are not a stretchy fabric and actually are a satin so that your clothes slide across them instead of hanging up on it like sometimes happens with bras and clothes. I was a size 2 according to the website but when I went in to try one on at a local place I ended up being a size 1. Probably the only time I will ever see a size 1. lol The size 2 just had some baggy spots and when I jumped up and down I got bounce. With a size 1 there is absolutely no bounce whatsoever. I would advise trying one on before purchasing or at least making sure you can exchange it if it isn't the right size. They are very tight but not uncomfortable. It took me a couple of wears to get used to it but that's true of any bra for me. I just make sure I hang dry them as any shrinkage (unlikely but always possible no matter what they say) would not be good.

    So what makes them good? Like I said, no bounce. Holds you secure and has complete full coverage. The back has a support design too. You have to hook them at the bottom, tuck in your bosoms, hook a couple more hooks, tucks some more and adjust, hood, adjust, and so on.

    My daughter is a DDDD and she wears the sport for working out and buys the "Lite" version for daily wear. She says that her back doesn't hurt since she's been wearing them.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Joyce sorry about your friend. :flowerforyou:
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2017
    Joyce – Whoops! Spoiler Alert! That one was the one we saw last week. Hopefully, you can delete and hopefully forget what I said. Sorry; maybe we were not affected by something; the Oscars or President’s Goodbye Speech or something that Louis doesn’t normally watch on the other channel.

    Condolences for the loss of your friend this morning. When my boss died, they had a memorial service (he had been cremated due to all the weight he loss) and one of her sisters and husband (of brother in the Coast Guard) could not make the memorial service because of being in court. Her brother is a JAG Officer and her brother-in-law are both attorneys. So about another month later when all 4 of the siblings could be together they had a military funeral for him, probably attended by more people. A 2nd Memorial Service and (private) burial at Andersonville Cemetery. A landmark in Georgia which was a prison for captured Yankee soldiers. It is near Americus, GA … between Byron and Ft. Valley if you ever get down to Georgia and like this type of Museums. A couple of times a year they have an enactment from that part of the Civil War. I've never seen that. I think, if I remember correctly, that the prison, cemetery are not in the same spot; maybe one is across the road. They had visitation, and the line was all the way into the lobby; and another funeral room down the same hallway. People mingled around and were not really actually standing in line. I did not ever go up there to see it and we have lived in the Albany, GA area for 40 years, interrupted by a 2-year stint in Macon, GA. That was a hard move both coming and going; but, I sometimes think that things happen for some reason and all in God’s timing. I go to a MD in Macon, GA (about 2 hours away) to meet with some of my former HS classmates. Can you adjust your TENS unit when you are having a particularly rough day? When I had my really bad wreck I wore a TENS unit for quite a while; and, I could adjust it and as I started not needed it set up on ‘high’ I could lower it by numbers as soon as I felt like it.

    KJ - You daughter made a beautiful bride. My mind was 'in the gutter' this evening ... go back and closely look at the first picture of you and your husband. RITFLMAO!

    Allie – Only you know how ‘reasonable’ or ‘unreasonable’ Tom can be; so if you try mediation and he tries to drag it out, ask that you get a Bench Trial … in most states (such as in FL – which is a ‘community property state’ … the woman actually already own 50% of the property that was bought after they married. I agree with Mia in MI’s last sentence … figure out what is fair and stick to your guns. Having it written out and discussing it with your attorney will help him/her know if it is reasonable or what can be substituted in lieu of something else that you might rather have. A ‘hold harmless clause’ is something that you need to talk with your attorney about, so if he is told that he has to take on certain debts to pay off, and doesn’t it will be something you can show to any collector and they cannot make you pay. It might also save you from filing bankruptcy just because he has/does. Also look at his 'retirement' account, if he has one ... and how much was put into it after you married. My sister was also 'able' to collect from her husband's SS, which was more than she could if she collected on hers. That might be a Federal thing to check into. Talk to your attorney with that ‘in mind’. It works both ways … you would also have to agree to it.

    Skuenhn48 – I’m sure that people like Pip and Heather can tell you how to do it. I’ve only done it once – but I went a different route than I am sure these ladies do. It's not difficult to do once you do it (or do it often).

    Someone has set up a FB page named Albany Storms or Albany Storm Damage (maybe they will announce the site again. Or go to WALB-TV.com (or net) to see pictures of videos. Looks like a bomb dropped. Supposed it was just a matter of seconds; but, the weather channel and the meteorologist said that everybody in the storm area (cone) needed to get to shelter immediately. They are listing things that they need to help those affected by the damage need to help recover. They have already picked up 48 Thousand cubic yards of debris; and, that is just starting it; some areas have not even gotten their power back … since last Monday night.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member