
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,047 Member
    total stats for the day:
    rowing machine- 20minm 71aw, 3534meters, 121ahrr, 138mhr, = 168c
    apple iwatch- 176c
    S Matrix Machine- 10min, 5wt, 8resist, 144ahr, 157mhr, = 123c
    applie iwatch= 120c
    Lateral Machine- 20min, 2712str, 45fl, 5-7resist, 132ahr, 153mhr, = 203c
    applie iwatch= 192c
    stairclimber- 15min 59fl, 5-7lvl, 133ahr, 141mhr, = 150c
    apple iwatch- 147c

    total cal 644
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Janetr OKC – Do you ever see elk out there? Or is it not in elk places? I’m sure you must see deer. Pretty place! I don’t blame you for staying it, so am I … for SW GA – it is very cold, even though it is not snowing. It usually goes north of us. Americus, which is 20 miles NE from us gets it even if we don’t. DYS said it was snowing in Louisiana but not really sticking.

    Michele in NC – Guess Mother Nature thought you needed one; but, when you go out and buy another one … you won’t get snow again until you sell it with the house. I think most people in the Deep South did not think it would hit … we are supposed to get strong winds later on, just hope we don’t have what they had in Albany on Monday. They’re still digging out and some people won’t get any electricity for maybe as long as 2 weeks.


  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Oh jeez, I probly shouldn't try to do this on an iPad... I had a lovely post all written out, thought I was posting it, and only 2 sentences show up! Grrr. Ok, brief revised version: sorry y'all are suffering in the cold; love love love the doggy pics; have had a great week so far with exercise and food. I was telling a friend about this group just the other day...really enjoying getting to know you all. Scale says down 4 lbs, which won't last but is a great incentive!

    Be careful in the weather, and enjoy your weekend!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hi guys. Still cold here in southern Indiana but is sunny. Temp is 19 and I would imagine the wind chill is that. I know school systems must protect their children and not have law suits from sending kids to schools and people have wrecks getting them there. But come one, an inch of snow on the ground and snow is cancelled. The next day it's cold, really cold and we have a 2 hour delay. Do you ladies remember walking to school when it was cold or your parents driving you?

    I don't like coffee at all. I love the smell of it. My Dad was a preacher and his hours allowed Mom and Dad to be in the kitchen making breakfast for us. They loved us very much and to me I had the best set of parents in the world! Mom and Dad loved coffee so that's what I smelled every morning. And I knew that it also meant love was in the kitchen waiting for us. So I love the smell of coffee. When I was in nursing school in psychiatric training, they insisted on us sitting and drinking coffee with the patients. I asked them if I could drink hot tea which I love and I love it strong. But they said no, it would show non-acceptance of the patients. So, pardon the pun, it put a very bitter taste for coffee in my mouth.

    Michele, NC, my MRI showed disc extrusion and from what I am finding, I am pretty sure it means herniated disc. What has made the big difference in my pain level and allowing me to actually walk and drive is being able to sit in a firm recliner with my feet up. And then there is the TENS unit. I have an appointment with my family doc next week and we will discuss if there is anything else to do. I have previously had surgery for a herniated disc and it gives immediate relief. I do have a sleep number bed but I'm not sure if it is helping me any. I sleep pretty much pain free but wake up in pain.

    Sherry, good to see a quick note from you here. Thanks Allie.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    For Boxing Day dinner I made some lovely rich chocolate sauce to go with the pears and ice cream. Basically I just tipped a whole lot of plain chocolate chips into hot double cream. Yum.
    It wasn't all eaten, so a jug full has been sitting in the fridge ever since. Solid.
    Today I excavated the mass and rolled it into balls and dusted them with cocoa. TRUFFLES! :D
    Luckily I was well down on my calories so I allowed myself two of the heavenly balls. Wow! <3

    Had a wonderful nap on the sofa this afternoon, but now I don't feel tired. ;) I might have to go and read in the spare room.

    Night night. Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Joyce - So sorry to read about your back problems....I have spinal stenosis and DDD and osteoarthritis in my lumbar region so I feel for ya!

    Sounds like everyone is having cold weather and snow too. It's snowing where I am and they are expecting a severe winter storm here tonight and tomorrow....yeeesh!

    Sherry in "somewhere" lol
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,984 Member
    Ok so I am exhausted ... came home from work around 12:30 to snow to beat the band.. still snowing.. soooo I start putting the bed together.. I had to ask Tom to help me a couple of times and he did, and also made me a cup of tea.. which was nice.. I just sat down npw.. but the bed is together.. DB will be bringing box spring down tomorrow and then mattress will be here monday.. but have to let it poof for a couple of days... boy is it gonna be awesome to sleep in a bed finally..
    I did message Sherry and she will be back with us soon.. Oh I see she checked in ;)
    sleeping on futon mattress in the living room for the next few nights..
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Oh jeez, I probly shouldn't try to do this on an iPad... I had a lovely post all written out, thought I was posting it, and only 2 sentences show up! Grrr. Ok, brief revised version: sorry y'all are suffering in the cold; love love love the doggy pics; have had a great week so far with exercise and food. I was telling a friend about this group just the other day...really enjoying getting to know you all. Scale says down 4 lbs, which won't last but is a great incentive!

    Be careful in the weather, and enjoy your weekend!

    I found that it cuts it off with emojis from my iPhone. I can only use the emojis on the site if I want my full post. Haven't used emojis on my computer.

    Sherry- Hey! I hope you're staying warm!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,201 Member
    Marni loves the dachshunds. We had one growing up and my brother still has one.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Got up and walked this morning inside since it was 17 degrees. As I was walking, the electricity went off!! Our house is all electric so that is a problem. Decided the best thing to do was keep walking. It took them almost two hours to get it going again. I didn't walk two hours tho.
    Charleen - your quilt is awesome. My favorite thing at the State Fair of TX is the quilt show.
    Been decluttering my house and beginning to make progress. As long as the cold weathers hold out, will keep decluttering. Not sure what to do with old electronics that we don't use anymore.
    Better go fix dinner as we just snacked on zhouda chees and apples for lunch.
    SueBDew in TX
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Mary - I'm stayin' as warm as a bug in a rug! Got lots of blankets for my bed and warm clothes.

    Well, I will be posting just my name and no location (long story) for a while for security reasons so I can remain safe. Hope you all don't mind.

    Lots of love
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Allie - yep! I'm here, I made it back!

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Are you kidding me?????!!!!! I just spent an hour typing in an intro and a bit about what I've been up to since August and the whole thing just disappeared. Nope. Sorry. Not doing it again today. I'll try again tomorrow.

    Mia in MI
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Mia - I've had that happen soooo many times but I finally figured out what was doing it...I use this forum on my tablet and every time I set it down when I was posting it would rotate the screen and my post would be gone!! So now I've got my screen pinned into the portrait position and don't have that problem anymore.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,814 Member
    I just ruined two pounds of haddock ... won't go into the sad details ...

    Marni ... yes, I know where the Asa Ransom House is. There were several areas hit with a dumping of snow in a short period of time Thursday afternoon into Friday. While it caused a lot of uproar, the children were better staying at their schools than being stuck on the roads. I barely made it home from an appointment just a couple of hours before the children in the area were done with school. Plows couldn't keep up so it was like driving through 2 feet of snow in your front yard ... treacherous!

    Sherri ... Hello! Was thinking of you today!

    Beth near Buffalo

  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Beth - hi sweetie! I'm back....just for the forum and you lovely ladies!
