
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Took too long reading now out of time. Lost 2.4 lbs over the holidays. I'm sure it was all the walking we did in FL. Working to decluttering my house and already have a garbage sack from just two drawers.
    We are very cold here in NorthCentral TX. My car had a little picture of a snowflake this morning. Probably won't snow.
    Fun reading all the interesting posts. I do believe I am the oldest "girl" on the thread. Maybe II am crazy for trying to keep up with all you young chicks. Lol
    I also weigh everyday. It helps me know if something I ate the day before affect my weight.
    See ya tomorrow
    Sue Dew in TX

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Mary You don't look like you've got 40 lbs to lose, girl! Did you gain weight when you got injured? Or is that just the name of the challenge? I might have missed something... <3
    Karen in Virginia

    No, I am aiming for 20+which is less than I weighed before. I did gain some weight from my injury and lack of exercise. I kept eating like normal and I knew I was gaining but also knew I would be back at it as soon as my shoulder healed. I love food that is why I workout. I need to burn a lot of calories!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Jana in VA – My ‘minimum’ exercise is 15 minutes on the treadmill (which I hate ‘royally’). I prefer warm weather exercises … swimming and walking outside. While we do have nice days here in SW GA most of the time, it’s been awful the last few days. We had torrential rains for 2 days, making our dirt road difficult, at best, to navigate. I had to go pay property taxes and also son’s because he has been really sick. I think I went up and down it 3x today. But, really happy we were no longer living in Albany, that got hit by several storms, knocking trees over in a large section of my old neighborhood, down in an ‘older’ section of town, and down the main road going to the hospital which was lined with old live oak trees that formed a canopy over the road. That’s no longer the case. I went into town; but, nowhere near the damage. They’ve had a 7pm to a 7am curfew. I think most people are ‘surprisingly’ abiding by it; but, if you don’t have a very good reason to be out; you’ll probably be a resident of the city/county jail. Ambulances who normally go down 3rd Avenue to the hospital have had to find other routes or take people to the North Campus. Friends that stayed through it say it was the scariest thing they’ve ever gone through.

    Gloria – How do you go about doing that? I could use one less thing to worry about. Especially when it comes to my computer.

    KJ – Some have silvery white gray hair and some have yellow gray and that can be aging even on a younger woman. My middle sister puts blond in her hair because her gray is more yellow. My oldest sister met a new neighbor when we moved when she was 10. Solid white hair (silver) and sister prayed every day since that she would, also, have a head of white hair, she started turning gray in her mid-20’s and never stopped until she was totally gray in her early 40’s. My gray hair is white; but, my nature color is auburn, although a bit mousy. I’d highlight it for years to bring out the shine and not cover the gray; now I am almost too gray to put color back in my hair without a touch-up job every 4-5 weeks. Can’t afford that so I try to find a hairstyle that I like.

    I was surgically put into early menopause at the age of 35. I finally told the OB/GYN that taking hormones was going to get ‘someone’ killed if he did not do something. So he put me on them 365 and I finally just went off them … best decision I made. As I have gotten older, I can say that the one thing I inherited from my mother was ‘good skin’. I’ve never wore foundation other than in my early teens (13-14) in an attempt to cover up a birth defect. It has faded to almost nothing now.

    Toni – Happy Birthday (a day late)!

    Tngram2seven – My DBnL had a stroke (bad one) while they were traveling back from Key West with another couple and when she called our other sister, her son answered and told her to NOT let them take him anywhere except Mt. Sinai (in Miami). That was the Friday before Halloween; they performed 3 operations on him with 4 or 5 days to remove clots and control bleeds. The MDs said that it was the 'worse' bleed they had 'ever' seen in their practice and they were amazed at his progress. He has made a miraculous recovery; he will be on blood thinners for the rest of his life; but, every time he came out of recovery he recognized and spoke to sister and their two adult daughters who had flow down to be with them. She opened up a site called CaringBridge.com and that was the way they let friends and family know how he was doing, and also what types of prayers they needed specifically. He was in the hospital about 6 weeks and the MDs/Surgeons told sister that he was within 4 hours of being dead. He was home by Christmas and is doing well and doing the PT/OT thing and in 6 weeks they will reassess him. I believe with all my heart that God has a big plan for DBnL, if not just his testimony. We called him a couple of days after he got home, sister said that he might get emotional, which he did; but, then when DH came back from Louisiana, he cried because he said that DYS had gone to the gate with them (saying he needed to fix it). When they said their good-byes … said that DYS grabbed him and just ‘hugged’ him really tightly. When he was talking about it, he broke down; what else do you do when that occurs, other than to cry with him.

    I hope that your friend’s husband is doing better. I think under those set of circumstances … you just need to let her know that you are there for her. I see that my sister’s life will change drastically; because her DH has always wanted ‘her’ to do things for and with him. I know that my oldest niece was concerned about it when they transitioned home, hoping that he would not be so bad once he got home. If you live close enough to ‘give her a break’ so she can be ‘off’ or ‘by herself’ … that might be helpful.

    Heather – I like the ‘highlighted’ message, ... sounds good. But, I have to agree with Mary … and we had a similar circumstance that Mary and her husband have had. Being cut out of ‘family’ and being in their lives. Also hurtful when it occurs ‘online’ because you have nothing you can ever do or say to some that have disagreed with you.

    Cheri – We can get fresh pecans around here, too. This part of the state is known for its pecans and peanuts.

    Nancy D – I like apples; but, I stick with the crisp ones, I do NOT like a mealy apple or an over-ripe banana. I’ll buy my bananas on the greenish side; leave a couple out for DH (to eat when they are ripe); but, put mine in the refrigerator. The skin will turn black; but the banana won’t ripen nearly as quickly.

    Lanette and Nancy D – My goal is to get my weight down enough that my BMI down to a ‘normal’ rage. I tend to gain weight from the toes up; and, lose from the face down. I have to watch to make sure when I lose weight that I don’t start losing too much (in my face) and start looking ‘gaunt’.

    OK, a 're-introduction' of myself:

    I’m 65, retired on a disability (bipolar disorder) from a job that I truly loved and for the man I had worked with/for about 20+ years as a paralegal. When he was an attorney, instead of a judge, we were in a plaintiff-based firm that concentrated of medical malpractice/malfeasance, auto collisions, product liabilities, divorces, and criminal actions. I loved all of it. Hard work, good pay.
    1) I got up to 200lbs at my heaviest; or should I say, I would no longer weigh myself on our home scales; still don't. I’d only weigh when I had to get weighed at MD, who only ‘fussed’ about the extra weight. I've on a CWLCP which is taking it off slowly and incorporating 'real' meals in
    2) I was 200lbs when my DYS got married; and, I ‘looked’ dowdy and probably more than my years. At least I felt old. Now I feel like I am in my early 50’s; but, my personality is ‘I’m a teenager/young adult at heart’.
    3) I’m trying to get my BMI down to what is ‘considered’ normal for my age and all that. I think I have 2 or 3 more points to go. I got within 1 point once, than I have lost and found those 5 – 6 pounds since. I’m ready to make a change, even if it means I have to do something ‘kooky’ at this point. I’ve changed up my eating habits; and, hopefully that will help
    4) I a wife of 44 years to the same sweet man (9 ½ years older than I am); mother of 2 wonderful sons; have 2 DDsnL; 4 DGDs, a cat – outside – doing his job; and a spoiled rotten Jack Rat – inside – name is “Cracker” … she is so spoiled rotten stinky it is funny - Louis says that 'if' she could talk (English) she would and we've never get a word in edgewise. But, I only have myself to blame. Louis (DH) loves her as much as I do, even though he was not ready for an ‘inside’ dog. Since I am out here most days alone, I wanted a companion and she is certainly that.
    5) I think if I get somewhere around 145 – 150lbs I will be in the ‘normal’ BMI range.
    6) Tracking my food and drink is a habit that I do not plan on changing.
    7) I’m an artist and I love to talk (and type, which is very relaxing to me).

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Heather: You've stoked up my HUGE desire to go to London. For now, I have business trips this year to New York City, San Francisco and Honolulu (yes!).

    Kim: ((hugs)) I love your gratitude list. o:)

    Allie: Hope you have wonderful dreams and deep sleep in the new bed.

    Joyce: Hope the tens is working wonders and you're enjoying the vibration of the choir music.

    Welcome to all our newbies. May you all find this forum as wonderfully inspiring as I have for the past 3+ years.

    My bio:
    [This month I'll turn 61 and celebrate my 29th wedding anniversary. No kids, but one highly demanding cat. ;) I work full time as a fundraiser for the national office of the Girl Scouts and travel frequently for business, when I'm not working from my home office in Littleton, Colorado. I am blessed to have access to a well-equipped condo gym, where you'll find me most mornings between 5:30-6:30 doing tabata, elliptical, rowing, treadmill, HIIT, weight training and/or something off Jessica Smith's channel. I didn't used to cook, but thanks to this site, I've learned alot of the benefits of preparing meals using lower fats, sugar and more vegetables. I am 5'5, and weighed over 180 in 2011. Sloooooowwwwwwly, I've whittled the pounds down to 156. Would like to drop about 10 more. B)Health is my wealth. I've suffered in the past with fibromyalgia, knee pains, Morton's neuroma, back pain and tennis elbow. All gone now. In fact, neither DH (age 71) or I have any prescriptions beyond vision correction. KNOCK ON WOOD! :)

    And that why at the end of my posts, I close with "Stay well, friends. We can do this."

    Colorado Foothills

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Joyce, I sure hope the doctors can get you back on track. I don’t like for you to be in pain or bleeding. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr, thanks for the update on Mia. So glad she is doing well.

    Heather, I have to agree with you on enjoying food and having it as entertainment. I certainly don’t go to the lengths that you do to prepare such wonderful meals but I do enjoy food and work to savor each bite. You are my inspiration to work out more so I can enjoy the things I like to eat and drink. smiley-cooking-emoticon.gif We do all seem to agree on the negatives of mindless eating and stress eating. BTW, I’m making the Spinach—Feta Pie tomorrow.

    Rita, sorry to hear that you are a bit down. Wish I could reach through the computer and lift you up!!! (((Hugs)))

    KJ, I had to giggle when you talked about your hubby not eating your veggies. Thanks for the smile.

    RLady, we often have more than one Carol which is why we often put the state after the name. You can be CarolVA if ya want to? Our Carol is CarolGA and for the longest time we had CarolNC. I really miss her and hope she is well.

    Belle, don’t let us overwhelm you. Just read what you can and post what you want. The main thing is to log everything that you put in your mouth and check in here as often as you can.

    Toni, when I read you post I thought you said yesterday was your birthday. You said it was 64 yesterday but I read, “I was 64 yesterday”. Lol

    Mary, I have been having trouble with MFP not working well for me, also. Especially the food log. 

    Joyce, I hope you made it to choir practice. Wish I was nearby to come help do your hair and drive you there. (((Hugs)))

    Nancy, the nice thing about this group is we discuss almost anything. (NO politics) I can’t tell you how much I have learned from these ladies over the past 2 ½ years.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I went to my friend’s house today and a cleaning lady was supposed to come start cleaning it to get ready for renters. She was sick and showed up two and a half hours late, too ill to work. I sent her home and rescheduled. I got a lot done to prepare for the next Garage Sale. I was planning it for Saturday but the weather will be around freezing and raining. Decided to do it Sunday later after it’s had time to warm up a bit. I hope we sell most of her things as I may sell the rest in one lot to a resale store. The movers come on the 15th then I can get needed repairs done to make ti more livable. Yes ladies, in a month or so I hope you won’t have to hear this storyline any more.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.
    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DJ- my community is what won't open for me. You won't be gone for the month will you?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    Barbie, how do you download audiobooks onto your phone? That's a GREAT idea -- I love audiobooks to knit to, and walking to one would be awesome. If this isn't appropriate to discuss on this forum, feel free to email me at nancydiaz710@gmail.com.

    :) My library has an online site where you can search for books that you want, including audio books. The library site and the audio book site helped me with instructions for downloading audio books to my smart phone....I think someone at the library would have helped me if I hadn't been able to figure it our myself.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did one hour on the stairmaster today. Boy, have I missed that machine! The plan for tomorrow is to do Jari Love's Slim & Lean DVD.

    Exercised, then went to Food Lion since I wanted to get some lemon yogurt to make these muffins to give to the library (don't know when I'll get to it, tho), then to CVS because I bought these vitamins, took my receipt back with a coupon and was told that they couldn't do it after the fact so I went to another CVS who did it, when to the Salvation Army since I wanted a hair dryer to take to the Y (I use it to dry my feet in winter), then came home and brought in most of the Christmas decorations. Didn't take down the lights on the arches or the "fence" since we need to get to the containers to put the lights away and the inflatables are in the garage right now running to dry out. Also didn't bring in some of the longer extension cords.

    Went to ceramics tonight. Vince's back was hurting him so he didn't go

    Marni - I love nuts by themselves, but detest peanut butter or nuts in cakes/brownies/cookies. Is that weird or what? I think it's more a texture thing than anything else. Sometimes cars just have a mind of their own and go places we would never go to...lol

    Sharon - I'm o sorry for your DIL. Only good thoughts for your brother

    That crustless quiche from skinnytaste also makes a good appetizer when cut into smaller pieces. I've made it and everyone loved it

    Karen in VA - oh, yes, it is me who loves my veggies. You have no idea how many times I've been after Vince to throw things away. Just today as we were taking down some of the decorations, I found the sign from our security system. We haven't used it in the 7 (almost 8) years we've been here. I said "why don't we get rid of it". Do you know that he wanted to hold onto it?

    Didn't we used to have a member from Africa? Welcome Meredith

    KJ - congrats on the arrival soon to be

    I must admit, I had two brownies tonight. Mainly to get them out of the house so they are no longer tempting me.

    We have a lunch to go to tomorrow with the Newcomers. I know this restaurant. Their desserts aren't good, but they do have steamed fish and veggies. Unfortunately, the veggies are in what I think is some sort of butter. But then they do have raw veggies. And fruit.

    Welcome everyone new and all those returning!

    tngram (I forget your name -- Toni?) - so sorry to hear of your best friend's hubby

    Carol - I usually buy shelled edamame. No pods, just the peas. They're a bit more expensive, but certainly worth it.

    Congrats to all the losers and those who did so well over the holidays.

    Charleen - happy birthday

    Yea, where is CarolNC?

    I went to a talk at the library and I can download book to my tablet and then listen to them on the drive to FL.

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ wrote "Toni, when I read you post I thought you said yesterday was your birthday. You said it was 64 yesterday but I read, “I was 64 yesterday”. Lol

    Too funny because I read the same thing and went back and re-read it. Several others read the same thing we did and have wished Toni Happy Birthday. Why do you suppose so many read it wrong at first? Never say it might be our age. :)

    Janetr okc
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    My goal is to get to choir practice tonight. To do that I have to be able to drive. So I have to be up and walking about so that I know I can not only drive but walk to the choir loft. My hair is a mess. I still can't stand long enough to fix it and back hurts to much to sit on a stool but I emotionally need to be in choir practice. I have been wearing ear muffs when ever I am out such as doctor appointment, MRI, etc. I need to do this for myself.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Hi Joyce, I am sorry you are gong through sou much. I hope you made it to Choir practice. I made it to Prayer Mtg. and it is the first time since I have wrecked my knee. I am disabled, I know where you are coming from. Hugs, CJ
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, I have a dear friend who is a missionary to the deaf. She has had several tumors in her eyes and it might make her blind. Her and her husband communicate with all of her friends and churches through CaringBridge.com. It is a wonderful site.

    I did get to choir practice!!!!!!!! I was in pain and walked slow but I didn't care. I was sitting there with my wonderful friends learning our music. Before we took off for Christmas we made sure we learned this Sundays's music. Well mmmm, we have a problem. But from what I have always seen, God takes our voices and makes it good. I hope I didn't offend anyone who isn't religious in any way. Tonight was our first night after Christmas , I think they were off 2 weeks so we were all excited to see our new music. So we started music for the next several weeks and also Easter. Some one suggested taping our choir practice. Our director provides CDs of our big music pieces so we can practice them on our own.

    Joyce, Indiana
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I had never heard of CaringBridge.com before; but, it made us all feel like we were all around my sister, BnL, and their girls. So many people tapped into the site for him. So many prayers. PRAYERS WORK!!!!!!
  • lizh9
    lizh9 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone,
    It has been a few days and I am still tracking my food! Baby steps!

    Barbie and Nancy - and anyone else who likes listening to audiobooks. Have you ever listened to podcasts? There are so many topics and so many interesting stories! And they come in all different lengths...from a few minutes to a couple of hours. The first season of "Serial" was a big hit last year. I also listen to some weight loss ones: Primal Potential and Psychology of Eating.

    Joyce - glad you made it to choir practice.

    Michele in NC - I'm a big fan of working out to DVDs at home and own a million of them (including Jari Love). I just started a Jessica Smith rotation, and am a longtime fan of "The Firm".

    Heather - Your trip to London sounds divine! I love going to museums. My husband is an artist.

    Sue Dew in TX - You are a rockstar for losing over the holidays!

    take care,

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Enjoy your time in London--and tell us all about it. :smiley:

    Lanette SW WA: Welcome to a great group of women. I live in Oregon, not far from Woodland if we go there by boat. Our forecast is for 19 degrees as tonight's low. There isn't any snow in our yard but we see snowy fields across the river in the Washington hills. They are lovely to look at. :smiley:

    Pip: I don't mind walking in 33 degrees because I don't create my own windchill. Be safe. :flowerforyou:

    Rori: Do you get to cherry pick your business trips? You have what looks like an amazing year coming up. :bigsmile: Happy birthday and anniversary for this month! :heart:

    Barbie & lacruiser: Our library also offers electronic books and audio books through a program called Library to Go. It is managed though Amazon. When I was a commuter I bought many audio books from Audible.com. I think they may now be part of Amazon, but I'm not sure about that. Since I retired & no longer have a commute I rarely get audio books. I still have access to those I bought. :smiley:

    Marni in AK: Thank you for sharing the cartoon, photos of Alaska & of your parrot. We have friends who have a parrot they love. Wyatt Earp is a lovely fellow. Welcome to a great group of supportive women. :flowerforyou:

    I have nothing on my calendar for tomorrow. I hope I can take the dog for a walk & burn some calories riding the recumbent trike in the garage.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Whew - just got finished reading. welcome to all the returnees and newbies. stick around we are a friendly bunch of caring women.

    I read an article recently that said Wednesday is the most accurate day of the week to weigh because most people gain over the weekend then get back on track on Monday. That said I am going to weigh on Wednesday for the 40lbs by May 27 challenge and as today is Wednesday my weigh-in weight for today is 266. Tomorrow I will do my measurements.

    Silly me put something on top of my food scale so now I need to get a new battery. that's on my To Do list for the weekend.

    11:15 so off to Never Never Land.

    Joyce so glad you got to choir and it was so uplifting to you.

    Healing prayers and thoughts to those in need and kudos to those with successes!

    Love you all,

    Gloria in frigid WA
  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! Where can I find info on the 40 pounds by May 27th challenge??? Just what I need!
  • MeredithDeVoe1
    MeredithDeVoe1 Posts: 67 Member
    Rita from CT: Sorry for a downer day. Something that helps me is telling myself it is okay to feel that way. Anyone who lives this long has plenty of reasons to feel sad now and again. It will pass.

    I feel more positive about this year than I have for several years! I should finish my masters at the same time both my kids graduate college, and we will be on furlough (my husband and I are missionaries in Nigeria) till the end of the year. Not that furlough is restful!! Lots of churches to visit, family matters, doctors, dentists... But it is a more relaxed schedule so it's easier to exercise.

    I turn 55 next month, and I'm even great with that! What is wrong with me?? Lol.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all!

    Marni in AK - you're welcome for the welcome... :smiley: I received a similar one when I began here, so I pretty much never left. I've had some times when I respond more slowly, or miss a few days entirely, but I always come back. Rori in CO and I even got a chance to meet when she came to West TX for a Girl Scout thingie. Such fun!

    If you're not interested in gastric bypass or the aftermath, guys, skip this next bit, I got longer than I intended!

    On gastric bypass--I don't always go too deeply into the psychological side of things, because everyone is so different, and everyone has their reasons for being heavy. A lot of headwork and writing on my side finally helped me understand, in hindsight, that until my father was dead (he abused us all), I didn't feel safe walking the earth, and particularly didn't feel safe to be an attractive woman. He died in Dec. 2004, and I talked to a doc six months later about GBS and had the surgery by Sept. 2005. I also hoped it would save my marriage--it didn't. One thing the shrinks are beginning to understand--the massive changes the GBS patient goes through will expose any cracks in a relationship.

    On the success or lack thereof--I went into GBS with the solid belief that I was risking my life to save my life. I was prediabetic, among many other co-morbidities, and at 5'1" and 303 pounds, was nearly 200 pounds over my ideal weight. You may have seen me mention that I'm 5'2" tall earlier--the weight was compressing my spine so much that I had lost an inch in height. But, I had the right attitude going in--and on this side of things, I take my supplements religiously, because to me, I made a lifelong commitment, knew what the risks were, and still take that seriously. I also stay aware that I struggle with constipation, so I always have some form of liquid with me. I took miralax daily for the first five years or so, but weaned myself off of it slowly, and do ok most of the time.

    I was also lucky--I was 45 when I had the surgery, but didn't have the excess skin issues that so many do who lose the weight quickly. But then, even at 300+, I was one of the fit fat, worked out regularly, walked as much as my feet could stand, etc. Most of the skin issues seem to be genetic, however, more than fitness-related.

    Don't get me wrong--there are times when something gets stuck going down, which still happens more often than I care to admit, that I feel as if I made a deal with the devil. Hours of throwing up due to a lack of attention to chewing a bite of food long enough seems like harsh punishment at the time.

    If anyone wants to try to eat like a GBS patient, here's the straight scoop: Don't drink with your meals (I can't, even if I try) or for about a half hour afterwards. Don't eat any serving of food that is bigger than your hand. For any dense food, particularly meat, try to have some kind of sauce with it. Dry chicken is the worst offender for getting stuck. Also, cut meat up small, the size of a pencil eraser, and chew it until it's liquid in your mouth before swallowing (that's the one I forget a lot). Pasta is often an offender for getting stuck, so my husband (bless him) overcooks it. Al dente pasta is almost a guaranteed issue. Every GBS patient is different, but for me, lettuce of any kind gets stuck as well. I try it again about once a year, knowing what I'm risking (I miss salads!). Potatoes digest well, but are pretty much a guaranteed nap within 15 minutes, so I only eat them at home, and for dinner. :)

    Sugar can make you sick--I'm one of the approximately 20 percent that still have sugar reactions. They're called "dumping syndrome," for the uninitiated :). If I eat a sufficient amount of sugar--the amount varies, but anything over 15 grams is a risk--Anywhere between 10 minutes and three to four hours later, my body will begin dumping insulin into my bloodstream with zero warning. I get horribly dizzy and nauseated, hot flashes, cold sweats and when it's worst, I get stomach cramps and diarrhea. They don't know why some people have sugar reactions and some don't, and can't tell you going in if you'll be the one that will end up unable to eat much sugar, if any.

    And, for me, unadulterated water HURTS. It feels like someone punches me in the stomach when I drink regular water. Doesn't matter whether it's cold, hot, or tepid. This also doesn't occur with every GBS patient, but it was an immediate thing for me. It will go down and does what it's supposed to do, but I always carry one of the Mios or powdered drink mix type things around with me just in case all I can get is bottled water.

    Unfortunately, salty, crunchy things go down a treat, never an issue with those, and though some do, I never had issues with eating bread. If I desperately want something sweet, honey doesn't trigger dumping, so it's my go-to on that side. You can eat your way around a gastric bypass if you ignore all the above, indulge in the foods that don't make you sick, and graze all day. That's what gains the weight back for most people

    Please note - I would have the surgery again in a heartbeat, even knowing what I know now. It allowed me to become the person I was supposed to be had I not put that blanket of security fat around myself and hidden myself from the scary world. But the journey is/was not without pain.

    Sorry for the book!

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Joyce bravo for knowing how important that choir practice was and getting there!

    So many new folks, great to hear everyone's experiences, victories etc.

    I am also a January baby, happily heading to 55(!). Can't wait for the discount at the grocery store :p 5%off wednesdays is a lot to look forward to in my book.

    Tip for today, wear a brightly colored blouse to ward off my gloomy disposition today. Also, avocado is my snacktime friend, I feel so full after eating one, I am not snacking or nibbling during dinner prep.