

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    BeLLe_60 wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Lenora- the Kettlebell burns 20-25 calories/minute compared to 8calories/minute for most other exercises. That is because of the muscle after burn which continues to burn calories 3-4 hours after exercising. I entered it under cardio because on my MFP I can't enter anything under strength training. Go into settings-exercise-cardio and enter minutes-20, calories burned 20or25/minute then save it. Or 400-500 calories. I enter the lower of 20. When you then click on exercise it will show up and you can enter however many minutes you worked out and it will calculate that for you.


    Mary from Minnesota

    Thanks for this ... it's confusing. Do you have a particular step up plan on ~increasing Sets/ Reps with the KB? That was something I was going to looki into today as I am all over the place with the Challenge .. crunches, sit ups and squats.

    Here is a link to my success story. Look through it for a beginner workout, form videos and answers to most questions.


    Let me know if you need anything else!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Kelly-loved the creative ideas for the baby shower. Your hard work is very evident.
    Still foggy and cool here. Walked inside this morning and did my exercises for the challenge. I was talking to you, Mary. Did you hear me? Lol
    Have a great day and GO Cowboys.
    SueBDew in TX
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    suebdew wrote: »
    Kelly-loved the creative ideas for the baby shower. Your hard work is very evident.
    Still foggy and cool here. Walked inside this morning and did my exercises for the challenge. I was talking to you, Mary. Did you hear me? Lol
    Have a great day and GO Cowboys.
    SueBDew in TX

    Awesome! I am excited to hear about your success! You are doing a great job!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    OK, I looked back at the settings and decided that the "lightly active" category probably is more accurate. I do exercise 6 days a week, with an average time of 45-60 minutes per day, but I'm retired, so when I'm home I'm not that active. Too bad knitting and reading don't burn a whole lot of calories!! :D Changing to that setting has upped my allowable calories from 1200 to 1320, with a 1.5 lb loss per week. I think I will be closer to reality with that. But I also discovered that there is a specific entry for the bodypump class, which I'll use from now on. I hadn't seen it when I first started using mfp, so maybe it's new. I'd been using a general "circuit training" category, which gave me a greater caloric burn. I wish there was a way to simply browse thru the exercise database -- if this exists, please clue me in. There may be other entries that better fit what I'm doing. (Like "old lady doubles"!!)

    And I just realized that today is the half-way point in January. I will weigh in tomorrow, and see where I am. My numbers *should* be a net loss of 6 lbs per month. I know that will become progressively harder as time passes. Where are you all? Are you happy with where you are so far in January? I hope so! :D
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Love reading everyone's updates. Just completed my weekly endurance training. I gage the improvement by the number of calories burned. When I started it was barely over 300k in three hours. Today it was 734. Probably isn't much to you hard core types but it is an improvement for me. Going to have a quiet day and prepare for the week. Happy Sunday everyone.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2017
    We dodged the bullet and ended up with very little ice in the City, other than the streets and highways which were horrible. Starting about 30 miles to the west of us and clear over to the Texas border they got up to an inch of ice. It's a horrible mess, trees down and 1,000's without electricity. Very thankful today.

    I've been upping the incline a little on the treadmill every few days when I've been walking on it. I think I'm seeing a difference. I alternate between the stationary bike, the treadmill and weight resistance with dumbells. This includes arm/core work with 8# - 10# of weight in each hand, leg work using ankle weights, squats with the 15# kettle bell and crunches using Wonder Core. It seems to work for me. I'm seeing a gradual decrease on the scale. Not as much as I'd like to see but better than nothing. I stay around 1200 calories a day (unless I go crazy with late night snacking) and don't normally add back my exercise calories.

    SubBDew in TX - I'm adding my "Go Cowboys" :) I was really pulling for the Texans last night but... :(

    Janetr in dreary, drizzly OKC

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Kelly - I just love the theme! The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the Growing Soup look positively delicious.

    Charleen in Colorado (Dodging the ice storm but praying for friends to the East of us)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Pip – I can imagine they’d be a lot more comfortable than tennis shoes because with each step; you would be hitting directly on those points used in Reflexology. So your feet should not be aS tired as they’d be in tennis or running shoes. I just don’t think I could get my toes into them as my pinkie toe is crooked up under the next toe. I have a hard enough time with toed socks.

    Michele – What has really been bothering me lately, is to be on the computer and then pick up my library book and within 3 pages, I’m nodding off. Seems that my voracious reading has slowed down along with my weight loss. Maybe it is the droning of the TV being on.

    Allie – Go with the one that knows where the jugular vein is and knows just ‘how to hit it’ right from the very first moment. One who has the reputation of a 'go-getter'. Let him know from the very beginning that you are 'serious' as a 'heart attack' ...; and, for NO reason allow him back in the house. Get all the locks changed (including one that might be on a garage). Ask your attorney-friend who she'd [maybe a wrong assumption] would want to be represented by? Go for the most, you can always come ‘down’ on your ‘wants’; but, if you start off 'low', you ‘can never’ go ‘high’. Make him feel the pain, you’ve been subjected to most all your time with him. Let him be the one who has to struggle to get back on his feet. It’s ALWAYS easier for a man to get back up and financially stable, than for a woman to do so. A lot of this is due to ‘making money’. As you say, you’re making only a little more 1/3rd of what he does. I’m not a ‘man-hater’ and I think that people ought to be ‘fair’; but, occasionally they need to ‘feel' what is right and what is wrong’. If that makes any sense. Tom's been 'wrong' in so many areas when it came to being a man with principles. He's already proven he has little, or no, scruples. Where to hit him, ... right after the 'nuts' ... is in the 'wallet/bank account, etc.'

    Once you have filed the divorce action (with a Rule Nisi Hearing that will award some sort of temporary support and other things), tell him that y'all need to communicate through your respective attorneys (with them being the ones ‘duking it out’). Tell him that he has 2 days to get his 'personal' stuff 'out of the house' ... and that would be his clothes and toiletries only). Everything else, including furniture is yours until a court order says differently. I would let him take the bed that he sleeps in. I would allow him to take 'a' TV; just not the newest, best, one. He could write out a list of ''furniture" he would like; let him 'have it' if you agree; if not - 'don't'. Don’t talk to Tom about ‘anything’ … tell him that ‘he needs to talk to HIS attorney’. You are ‘finished talking to him’ - about anything. Get his sorry @$$ out of the house, by filing the divorce action which should 'order' him out of the marital home; and let the Rule Nisi Hearing Order be what makes him pay ‘temporary support’ until y’all can reach a permanent “settlement agreement” to flush out division of property. You can ‘get the Decree taken’ 45 days after the filing of the action, and wait until later to have the ‘Settlement Agreement’ filed to go with it (and his answer). He would still be under the 'temporary order' as to 'support payments' until a 'Settlement Agreement' is filed. What you get 'temporarily' would be less that what you'll end up with - because he will have to divide the property and that would mean selling it to make it liquid. The lady who said that a 'house' (supposedly) worth $200K is a LOT different than having $200K in a retirement account that could be liquidated much more easily and it doesn't have "Money Pit" tied to cash as a house would.

    We love you, Allie – hang in there and be ‘tough’!!!

    KJ – Love the party items … so I take it that she is having a ‘boy’??? About 'baby shower' decorations and doing 'games'. When my great-niece had a baby shower given to her; they melted different candy bars (mostly chocolate ones, or a mixture - Like Reese cups) and put it in diapers'; they were numbered on the front and passed around for everyone to 'smell' it and decide what kind of candy bar the 'fake' poop was. I know it sounds 'gross'; but, I don't think I have heard so much cackling going on about a shower party game. It was 'different'. Then they had 'little' feet and palm stickers and you were supposed to try to figure out 'when' the baby would actually come, and stick them on a 'page from a calendar'. Nothing had been mentioned about the 'due' date at the party, so there were some who had no idea when she was due. You could not put more than one sticker on the same day. So it was really something to add to what they could hang up in the baby's room - framed. She would go back and mark the day when the baby was born. Also, when gifts were opened ... if it had anything 'blue' (associated with a boy) or anything pink (associated with a girl) ... if they had the opposite color or did not have the color, you had to pass a stick to the next person sitting next to you. Anything green or yellow also meant the stick got passed on. I won that prize (which looked like a make-up bag); but, I gave it to the mother-to-be so that she could store diapers in it, for a quick trip to the MD's office without having to carry a big baby bag. Big enough to hold a few diapers, a bottle, pacifier, outfit. It was a nice bag ... but, I have make-up bag running out the whazoo.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Marcelynh, I am beyond proud of you!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Marcelyn- fantastic accomplishment! Great picture of you!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Woohoo Marcelyn way to go!!

    Kelly you can see all the love and creativity that went into the shower-enjoy every minute

    Chris I remember when you posted about starting at this job and how determined you were about staying healthy in an office environment--now look at what an inspiration you are to others!!!

    what a strong, creative, wonderful group of women we are! Kindness, courage and compassion for ourselves and others is inspiring!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Marcelyn - Great job, what a trooper to do that with your arm in a sling. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Those were the cutest baby shower foods! Although the next baby shower in my family will be when oldest grand daughter Trinity who is now 15 has a baby, I will more than likely forget these.

    Taking a shower and going to grocery store is in the picture for the next hour. Both I dread.

    Joyce, Indiana