
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,984 Member
    Lovely Karen~~~
    Looks like they had an awesome time..
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Good morning, it is so inspiring reading all your posts. I am an early bird, usually up by 0500 and off to work by 0650 so this is a great way to start my day. My biggest challenge is logging everything I put in my mouth. I think I am an unconscious liar lol! And when I am already over my target, I figure what the heck. I am so committed to exercising but always struggle with the food part. I have been diagnosed with high cortisol which is common as you age but wow it makes weight loss harder. So I don't like to wine just want to put my reality out there. Thanks for reading my post and have fantabulous day!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Karen - Beautiful <3 - both of them. Your DH looks so young! Mine is 71. :laugh: But he's young at heart.

    Joyce - Lovely post from you. You write so movingly. ((((HUGS)))) <3

    Feels a bit odd today being at home when I was expecting to be up in London. I could easily have got there, but my friend was panicking about the snow forecast so she got a substitute. I will go on Feb 20th.
    Dragged myself through my exercises this morning, but at least I did them, even if not exuberantly. ;)
    Our painter friend turned up as the sun is shining and he could see what still needed another coat. All done now. :D

    I so wish I could post the new video of Bea, but I don't want to go through the Utube route. She is in her high chair and getting very excited about dancing to The Hall of the Mountain King. Cheers the heart. We are Skyping on Sunday at 11.30. <3

    Re - Have you read Younger Next Year.? I have it on my Kindle. Not because you need it - you don't - but I have found it a wonderful confirmation of all the hard work I am putting in with the exercise. I can now visualise all the great things that are happening inside my body when I truly exert myself. The HRM has also spurred me on. Today, I'm afraid, I just went through the motions, but at least I showed up. I might get a knee support so I can do kettlebell swings again. My bad knee doesn't like them.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,984 Member
    morning again ladies~
    I indulged in a few things last night and my body is feeling it..wont be doing that again anytime soon...I was very proud of myself when I went shopping yesterday,, I did buy myself 3 kind bars ,but got mostly fruits and veggies for myself.. got stuff to make chili and pot roast for Tom..yep I am still cooking and cleaning and all that other stuff and keeping the peace. but will have to sit down and speak with him this weekend to see how he wants to proceed,again like I said if he starts putting up a fuss. then all bets are off.. I will do what I need to do to protect myself... working 8:30-5 today and we are jam packed solid.. so will just bring small things to snack on as my stomach is just not sitting right..
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,201 Member
    edited January 2017
    Marni love the posters.

    Melatonin is a hormone and I agree with the author since I am trying to regulate my hormones taking that is not necessarily the answer. Raising it naturally with tart cherry juice is what I am trying. I also use the essential oil chamomile to help relax me and I use it on my knee as an anti-inflammatory. I am trying to naturally lower my cortisol levels because I know they are high from where I am storing my fat. My knee does not help with this either. I am meditating again and I am finding that helpful too. Meditating is something the author also recommends.

    Sherry love the minions poster.

    Lisa you look so happy and gorgeous!

    :heart: Margaret
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Love all the pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  • ctleonard9
    ctleonard9 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, This is cat. I have only posted a couple times on this friendly thread. There are so many people on here I am having trouble keeping track. My update is that I am gaining a few pounds not losing. I know two times this week I was over my 1400/day cal. goal but one day by only 100 cals. I gave up yesterday after starting off breakfast with 2 Krispy Crème donuts on the office "Thursday donut day". I have restarted my exercise program with weight training and cardio (at this time I can only handle 20 minutes of multi-machine cardio at 120 cal per session.) I am going to keep counting the calories and logging as accurately as possible and keep moving it at the gym. I know I cannot give up. I have borderline high cholesterol and I am just tired of lugging around all this weight and not being able to wear cute clothes or tuck my shirts in.

    I am single with no children by choice so I certainly have the time after work to hit the gym especially since my boyfriend does the cooking, cleaning and laundry :) However, I am the main bread winner which is OK for now. He is looking for a new job that is easier on his body than construction and remodeling and I am very supportive of his efforts.

    I am able to play 9 holes of golf with a cart and my BF and I do that together in the warmer months. I was hoping to restart quilting but I am having trouble figuring out where in my smallish house I can put the sewing machine and all that goes with it. I joined 2 women's meet-up groups that I attend occasionally. It has been good meeting women my age to socialize with I am 56. Well, that is a bit about me. I am going to try to follow the posts more closely to learn about you all.


    Cat in Northern VA near DC
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    Marni love the posters.

    Melatonin is a hormone and I agree with the author since I am trying to regulate my hormones taking that is not necessarily the answer. Raising it naturally with tart cherry juice is what I am trying. I also use the essential oil chamomile to help relax me and I use it on my knee as an anti-inflammatory. I am trying to naturally lower my cortisol levels because I know they are high from where I am storing my fat. My knee does not help with this either. I am meditating again and I am finding that helpful too. Meditating is something the author also recommends.

    :heart: Margaret

    Thanks Margaret.. good info on the melatonin It's one of the few things I can take. DH loves it because he says his dreams are like watching a good movie every night. Hope your knee is feeling better soon.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,187 Member
    Rita from CT
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks for the prayers and well wishes for my DDnL. Nothing broken just feels beat up. She can't take pain pills because they make her sick so is on a muscle relaxer which is helping her to rest.

    Sherry - sorry to hear about your accident. Two weeks is a long time! Thanks for the cartoons!

    Gotu52- welcome to our group! Have you ever tried the Keto diet? It is a fat burning diet and gets rid of belly fat and really fast! My DH and I are getting ready to go Keto for 3 weeks in February. We are slowly cutting down on carbs and increasing our protein and fat intake now. When we were doing Keto earlier this spring we both dropped 7-9 lbs the first week and 4 lbs each week after for 4 weeks total. We ate a lot of eggs and bacon, steak, deep fried fish, ribs, ham, chicken and turkey! As much as we wanted. I usually ate 6oz of protein at every meal. Good bye cortisol!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,047 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: (((HUGS)))

    msfanglet: You asked how we keep up with this thread. I stop in more than once a day most of the time. I respond only when I have something that I think/hope is supportive so I don't always comment to everyone. Sometimes I read and put in a smiley, star or heart to mark my place. This is a busy thread, and January is usually the busiest of all because so many people make a New Years Resolution to lose weight and somehow stumble into our wonderful group. Some people stay and others drift away. :flowerforyou:

    Karen: Your daughter is gorgeous. I love the picture with her dad. :smiley:

    Lisa: I love the pics of you and your DH. Gorgeous! :star:

    I am not inclined to go to yoga today due to snow on the roads, so I'll ride the recumbent bike in the garage instead. Our weather forecast is a high of 34F and a low of 10F. It is currently 14F. I have an appointment for a hair cut and it is within walking distance. I plan to go. I can walk to the beauty shop from home but I may choose to drive. Well see.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey, Lisa, are you sure you aren't really Sharon Stone???
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Thanks gals for sharing. I joined a yoga class on Tues and Thursday. I've been doing a seniorcize aerobics class on MWF since Sept. Now I just need to get my sugar and carbs under control. I learn so much reading the posts and especially I don't feel like I'm fighting battles that are unique to me. That is such a good feeling. I'll try to write more about my life soon but wanted to say thanks to everyone for welcoming me and for sharing.
    Betsy in NW Washington
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member