amynicole4104 Member


  • Lol. I knew it seemed right, but it was almost too easy! Glad I asked instead of wondering!!
  • Maybe a wash cloth with plain water and some good smelling lotion? That's what I do if I don't want to shower. I have sensitive skin and can't take three showers a day :) Good for you for getting your workouts in no matter how often. I admire you and wish you luck in your journey!
  • Although I way myself daily I don't really pay attention to the day to day weights. I log all the weights on a weight tracker app and go by the averages and the trend. My weight can fluctuate by a few pounds a day. Sometimes I go a few weeks without losing and even gain a pound or two. Then I suddenly drop several pounds…
  • That happens to me sometimes. I will not lose for a few weeks and sometimes even gain a pound or two. I start to panic a little. Lol. But then, all of a sudden my weight will go down several pounds over the course of a couple days. Give it a little more time and if nothing happens maybe reevaluate your intake? Maybe try…
  • Thanks so much. I always check the label. I have found some that were way off!!
  • I tried diet soda a few years ago. Switched from regular. It gave me the worst sugar cravings. I didn't realize for a while what was causing it. It doesn't do that to everyone, just wanted to give you a heads up so you watch out for it. That said, drink away!! The calorie count is what matters for weight loss. If it…
  • I had always been a little chubby as a kid and teenager. I gained a little in my early twenties and was a little overweight. Over the next 10ish years I slowly gained until i was almost 200 pounds (I'm about 5'5"). I decided to lose some weight and ended up at MFP. Over 3 months I lost around 20 pounds but a lot happened…
  • I'm 37 in September and I thought it was about me too :D I'm still young!! :*
  • Not just feet. I have neck and back issues. And knees elbows and hip pain. I have recently tried walking on a tread mill. That was too much for my lower body. I tried Jillian Michaels 30ds but that was hard on my neck and back. Another mfper suggested yoga or pilates and I will look into that. A pool will be great once I…
  • Not really sure why you had the need to reply? You either didn't actually read my post or you are trying to be snotty. So why waste your time to reply?
  • Thats a good idea. They may have a discount on the pool! I love my neuro but unfortunately he is not so helpful in the exercise department. Thank you for the discount idea!!! I will definitely look into it.
  • I cant right now but as soon as I can afford it I'm going to get a membership at a gym with a pool. I think that would help in so many ways. Thank you for the reply!!
  • Thank you so much!! I hadn't even thought about yoga or pilates. With so many different issues it makes it hard. Cycling would kill my knees and I've considered boxing like activities but that would kill my elbows. LOL. I'm only 36 but I feel like a ninety year old. Lol. Thank you for your time and ideas. I will look into…
  • I am eating a deficit and losing just fine. I've lost about 25 pounds so far. I'm thrilled about that. Just wanted to do some exercises to add to the calorie deficit. Thank you for the links also! I just can't do typical exercising because of health reasons. Just wanted to say I appreciate you taking the time to reply.
  • I too have a love of sweets. Especially chocolate!!! And i do not deny myself my chocolate. It would be unsafe. For others. :) I just moderate! You are in the right place. I love mfp. My husband and friends are probably tired of hearing about it LOL. I am 5 4 1/2 and want to lose another 30 to 35 pounds. I have lost about…
  • Please ignore all the spelling and grammar mistakes. Typed on my phone. ;)
  • You look great!! You should be proud! Do you mind sharing your stats?
  • I love the chocolate rice cakes! I spread a little peanut butter on and yummy! You can have a chocolate and peanut butter snack for about 100 calories depending on how much peanut butter you spread on. Some times I go for it and use the whole 2 tablespoons serving :wink:
  • I'm new here and looking for friends. Add me :)