amyjane_g Member


  • I'm a project manager, so a mundane desk job 4 days a week.. I workout before work at the gym if I can, but run around the office grounds / lake at lunchtime to get out and keep active. Parkrun on a saturday and a swim on a sunday..
  • Kangaroo keeper
  • Mother-in-law. Enough said.
  • Avocado on toast with chilli flakes.... <3
  • A peanut butter and banana huel shake..
  • Vegan.. :)
  • Have a look at Huel..
  • This is an incredible recipe and goes down really well in our house (I'm a vegan the rest are omni's) The Minimalist Baker is one of my favourite cookbooks..
  • Keith Urban - John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16...
  • I drink soya milk only (which has many nutritional benefits) and have not eaten dairy since I was around 7.. It does not digest well with me at all and the texture of cows milk really makes my chuck up reflex contract violently..
  • I am also vegan and agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views about lifestyle choices. Personally, veganism for me is a way of life and is more than not eating meat and living off of nuts and vegetables.. It's the ethical side of it just as much..
  • I am vegan and get most of my protein from huel shakes. You make them up with water.. They work a treat in providing me with a good amount of protein and are very tasty and filling..
  • I went to funeral colleage and studied embalming..
  • I have been wheat, gluten and dairy free for many years due to intolerance's and the fact dairy makes my chuck up reflux contract violently. Veganism was natural to me and I have never felt better for it. I could go into the many, many ethical and environmental reasons as to why I have chosen to become vegan but I won't…
  • Whilst I agree that the main ingredient in coke zero is (carbonated) water. It also contains the following, which water does not: * Carbonated Water * Colour (Caramel E150d) * Phosphoric Acid * Sweeteners (Aspartame, Acesulfame K) * Natural Flavourings: Including Caffeine, Acidity Regulator (Sodium Citrate) Contains a…
  • Coke Zero does not contain any of the following: * Calories * Fat * Carbohydrates * Cholesterol * Sugars It also provides zero nutritional benefits. and does not contain any protein, fibre, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium or iron... Makes you wonder what it actually does contain.... (If anything)
  • Firstly, well done on your journey and achievements so far! Not at all.. I am 5'4.5 and my pre baby weight was 110lbs and had a healthy BMI. I have since lost 19lbs and like yourself it's the last few lbs that just won't budge as easily as the rest.. Though I would say, if you are feeling happy in your skin now and have…
  • I feel your pain, on Wednesday I am going into hospital for a hip operation - The thought alone that I am going to be on crutches for the next 4 - 6 weeks literally has me in tears.. It is going to be one hell of a struggle with not over doing it and pushing myself too far, too quickly, as I am as equally as stubborn..…
  • To be honest I sprinkle chia seeds on everything.. Cereal, porridge, in smoothies, with yoghurt and fruit, on ice cream (yep) in salads, works well in tacos too.. As I say.. Pretty much everything gets a sprinkle of chia seeds on it.. :smiley:
  • I have been in your situation, my (now ex) husband used to call me 'tubby' - I weighed 56kgs at the time !!! ...and despite feeling happy in myself it soon knocked my confidence and cutting a long and boring story short I lost too much weight as I starved myself and ended up in hospital.. That was not good. You need…
  • I haven't drank cows milk since I was about 7, personally out of choice as it makes my chuck up reflux contract violently! I live off of soya alternatives and never feel bloated. Soya milk is a good source of protein, full of vitamin A, B12, vitamin D, and potassium. It also contains as much protein as cow's milk, and is…
  • I use MFP for my food log and calories and use that as opposed to my FitBit - My Fitbit is really for steps, HR and exercise logging..
  • Hi I'm from Hampshire...
  • I know exactly how you feel.. For me it would seem that I either eat everything in sight or nothing at all.. There is no in between.... It's a vicious cycle really as I eat everything then feel guilty, so the next day I barely eat a thing to compensate for the previous days actions.. I found CBT (Cognitive behavioural…
  • I agree with Alatariel75 ginger tea is wonderful for seeing to an upset stomach. I have a weak immune system and always start my day with a cup of ginger and lemon tea. Peppermint, spearmint tea or even frresh mint in hot water are great too to help sooth unsettled tummies and cramps.. Hope you feel better soon
  • Hi everyone, I have been vegan for a while now, but was a vegetarian for a number of years - I haven't eaten eggs/dairy since I was around 7.. So I am not sure why I never made the commitment earlier.. Looking forward to sharing recipes and meeting some new vegan friends..
  • I weigh myself when I wake up each morning. Why. It's habit. I can easily put on 2lbs by just breathing at times.. :-) Though I did find this to be an interesting read:
  • I always find it easier when I plan my meals. I generally get everything ready the night before Mon-Fri and prep my dinner each evening before a workout. It also helps make sure I use up the fresh foods I have in my fridge and also the dry foods in my cupboards that otherwise will just stay there. I also batch cook up a…