Cindy01Louisiana Member


  • Have you tried including a paper towel in the bag when you get home? I learned that little trick a few months ago, and it really does extend the life. Not indefinitely, of course. But by at least several days or a week or two on some items. Also, check your produce every few days, and remove the parts that are starting to…
  • Do you think maybe a better solution might be to get a food scale for the office? Mine was $12 on Amazon.
  • It is great to hear that you are in remission! Losing weight is not easy, and I hope that you get to a point where you do not think it sucks all the time. After pushing myself to go to the gym as often as possible over the last two months, and logging my food every single day, for the first time in my life, I am actually…
  • I also would be interested in leg and butt successes, specifically related to cellulite. I want to know if I should maintain hope that eventually my legs will simply look nicer. Thank you all for sharing.
  • Like Canadian just above me, I also never thought I would enjoy working out, or enjoy this journey - but I do!! I don't really enjoy being at a calorie deficit, but I really do enjoy logging my food and knowing exactly how much I am eating.
  • I agree. A dose of Miralax (or generic) works in 1-2 days. Also, I learned in these forums last week about Vitafusion fiber gummies and I bought them and have been taking them for a few days. 5 grams of fiber each and 5 calories. Yes, like one other person mentioned, this WOULD cause you to keep weight on -- because food…
  • For somebody who has never eaten this, how do you eat it? As is? With crackers? With vegetables? All of the above?
  • Yeah! For me Doritos!! Especially on a road trip!!
  • I eat maple syrup with all breakfast meats - sausage bacon and ham. Another for ketchup on scrambled eggs and macaroni and cheese. My best friend used to cut up a lemon, douse each piece with Lawry's seasoning salt and eat it like candy. My aunt and her kids used to eat little balls of RAW ground beef doused in Lawry's. If…
  • My honest opinion is that you would do better for yourself to look in the mirror and find your self worth and self acceptance from within. To me, it comes off as needy and insecure - and like a big "ick" to solicit opinions about your body.
  • Just click on the member's name. On the next screen, their profile page, if there is a button that says "diary", you can look at their diary. A lot of people keep their diaries public or open and that is how you see them. Some people keep their diary private so you will not see that button. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
  • I agree with everybody! I love my scales, the one at home, at work, and in my purse! If you are at all nerdy about numbers and accuracy and things like that, you will love it. And, I second the sentiment about peanut butter. It is quite shocking and sad how very little 20 grams of peanut butter actually is. Happy accurate…
  • You're paying extra to have them wrap it for you. Stab it a couple times with a fork, wrap it in a paper towel, give paper towel a few drips of water, put it in the microwave and save the money on the plastic wrap.
  • Wow, a lot of different perspectives that I had not considered. And, a lot of what y'all say is absolutely true. However, when I think of my own friends and my sister, I cannot imagine them being disinterested or rude no matter what accomplishment I shared and, likewise, I would not be with them.
  • I would sincerely suggest going over to the Success stories section and reading the current one at the top called "How I lost 80 pounds..." It might be the most helpful, inspiring, and motivating post I've seen in these forums. You CAN turn this ship back around!!
  • I will be 50 this summer. I had a flat tummy most of my life (even though I was not truly fit) - and, I liked my tummy! When I get a flat tummy again, if I do not like the way the skin looks, I absolutely will look into a bit o' plastic surgery.
  • That sucks. I cannot say that I have been in the exact situation as I am just starting on my journey. I would, however, absolutely say to my best friend, "It really hurt my feelings when you did not show any enthusiasm when I told you about my accomplishment, which I had to work very hard for." And, by the way,…
  • In mirror facing front, I am not cringing anymore. From the back, that is a completely different story and I hope to be you where you are at the end of the summer.
  • I agree wholeheartedly! I just shared it with my cousin, sister, and my contest team at the gym!
  • Apples in the skillet also? Hmmmnnn....sounds interesting. I might try it.
  • I LOVE yams -- with butter and brown sugar. I've cut back on the butter and brown sugar tons in the last couple of months. I would be willing to try paprika! So, that's all you use is just the paprika? Are you all talking the white/yellow flesh sweet potatoes, or the orange fleshed yams? I only eat the yams and wonder how…
  • Ah, like a Kit Kat! :smile: (I was curious.)
  • I know this is an old thread, but since I'm switching to TDEE next month, I really appreciate a few of the helpful posts here!
  • The first part made me laugh! You are so right!! Your "Mindset" is me too!! I definitely think of my calories as currency and my allotment and what I have left as my budget.
  • I LOVE chips and salsa. If I'm out at a restaurant, I try not to think about restricting myself, but there is still a part of my brain that says "Okay, chick, slow down." When I am at home, depending on how many calories I have in my budget, I will weigh out 1 or 2 ounces in a bowl, put the bag away and feel fine, content…
  • I am voting for the water increase. When I was diagnosed with embarrassing and painful adult onset acne, I had a naturopath recommend a lot more water, carrot juice, and to never ever ever ever put soap products on my face. That was about 20 years ago. My acne cleared up within days, and I have never struggled with it…
  • I took probiotics every day for about two months. I did not notice ANY changes in my body, only in my bank account, so I stopped.
  • When your legs are bent like they would be if you were treading water, you are going to lose several inches and you will not be able to touch the bottom. Since treading water is much like the leg position of riding a bicycle, imagine yourself sitting on a bicycle pedaling. You are not stretched to your full height, are…