oedipuss Member


  • This!!!! *surreptitiously checks oneself in the full length mirror and gives a little flex*
  • Treadmill walking is for me! I'm not particularly fond of running or jogging as I'm still somewhat heavy and factoring in my age too, I don't think it's very good for my knee joints. Plus being prone to shin splints is the final say in that it isn't my thing. :) However I love a good strong walk, either out in the great…
  • +1 for arch inserts. I bought mine "off the peg" in a pharmacy and had them checked by my podiatrist and she says they are fine. Easy to slip in and out of whatever shoes/trainers I'm wearing. I always wear them, especially when on one of my very brisk walks either outside or on the treadmill. Feels awful without them tbh.…
  • I started again at 56 and am 58 now. Used to bodybuild in my early 30's but had to stop when my job demanded I spend 95% of my time on the road with no time to even visit hotel gyms! I'm hypothyroid but now my medication seems to be stabilised (for now) I'm back on the iron again doing free weights and LISS cardio so that…
  • I changed to whey isolate protein powder. Still mixed with milk but the air biscuit problem is massively reduced. My house is a happy and non-smelly place again! :D
    in Farts Comment by oedipuss March 2016
  • I eat a lower carb diet. Have wholegrain basmati rice in a meal after a heavy lifting session but always lots of varied stir-fries with my tuna or steaks. Stir-fries cooked with coconut oil (refined version) and a dash of teriyaki sauce...yum! I love potatoes but I need to hold back on the starchy carbs, the leafy veg you…
  • Potential hyper-extension of the knee joint.... your posterior and anterior cruciate ligaments will hate you! And what jessef593 says. ^^
  • Being accountable for working out on a regular basis can only come from YOU :) It is for YOU that doing this will be some of the best insurance for your health and wellbeing that you can give yourself.. Many many years ago "block" gym memberships were a rarity, it was a years membership or nothing.....very expensive! In…
  • If you think you are retaining water which is adding to weight, don't slack off on the drinking of water thinking it will help, it doesn't work like that! If anything increase your water intake, especially so on cardio/weight lifting days. I know it seems a bit of a "huh?" but regular water intake is really important.
  • I bought a carton of coconut water, took a sip and immediately suspected that it was some sort of prank; it tasted like the water from where an entire football team had just washed their socks......bleurgggh! Now I'm dreading it because I'm going on holiday to Mauritius and apparently the hotel gives you a glass of chilled…
  • There are various apps that you can set up to target how many glasses of water a day between preferred AM and PM times. A little logo pops up on screen with a chime (if you have the sound on) to remind you.
  • I few weeks ago I tried on some skinny jeans which were made of stretchy material. Talk about strangulated thighs! My legs looked like ridiculous chicken drumsticks. First time I have noticed this as I've always had a boyish figure and usually preferred to wear men's jeans because the hips are slimmer.
    in Thighs Comment by oedipuss March 2016
  • Don't be frightened of free weights! Maybe hire the services of a PT for a session or two to start you off with a free weight programme. After that you will find loads of exercises on websites such as Bodybuilding.com. I started on machines but soon found out that with the dumbbells and cable machines and onto barbell…
  • That is the answer, to pre-warm, filter and humidify the air...that is what breathing through your nose does! Some people cannot breathe entirely through their noses due to nasal polyps, past fractures or whatever impeding the airway. Fine for sedentary breathing but not enough airflow is managed for running. Warming the…
  • That sounds like no fun at all, I would be going stir-crazy too! Do you think you could do something like split squats (either bodyweight or dumbbells if you have them at home) using a chair to put your leg on. Or leg extensions....sit in a chair and drape a bag of frozen veg or sack of something over your ankle and raise…
  • There was a headline in my local newspaper today......."Higher Car Park Charges Will Not Solve Child Obesity Crisis". Well stop feeding your children mountains of sugary pap and endless fast food rubbish then.......and then make them walk to school!
  • Half a cup of blueberries in my porridge oats with banana whey isolate in milk on top......cup of real strong coffee, wait half an hour so I don't throw up in my throat on the first lift and I'm good to go!
  • You definitely need to see a doctor about this and be examined. Seriously.