uoflgirl89 Member


  • Hi Ladies, Sorry I have not been on in a while. Had some major family medical problems, but now everything seems to be doing good. So I am back at it. Hope everyone has been doing well since I've been away and I have a lot of reading to catch up on.
  • So I had my first NSV yesterday. My weight has been holding steady +/- 1 lb over the past two weeks (bad eating on my part). However, my sisters wedding is in May and we order bridesmaids dresses last month. When I got sized one was too small and the other too big, so I ordered the smaller one. Yesterday I tried on the too…
  • Hey ladies, hope everyone has an awesome weekend. I know I ate too much lol. But did make sugar free cupcakes that honestly tasted like the real things. So def need some motivation this week. just feeling in a funk and I'm letting my emotions rule my diet (Bad Amber). but I am starting to catch my self, so here is to a…
  • here is how my week can be summed up.
  • so has anyone ever heard of daily burn or used it before? They are offering a free 30 day trial and I was wondering if its any good?
  • So questions for you lovely ladies... I am finding I enjoy walking a lot, especially in the evening with the hubby. My only concern is if it will give me enough fitness for this journey. Instead of spending time at the gym doing the elliptical- I'd much rather take a walk. In your experience would this be enough? I plan to…
  • @FitEqualsSmile in my bracket I have Oregon going all the way, though there are a few surprises in there. My team isn't in it this year due to self imposed banned. So gotta say Oregon is gonna take it.
  • Hello ladies and Gents. So this weekend was horrible for my calorie intake, with march madness basketball the wings, cheese sticks, cookies and cakes were all over the house at my parents. We spent almost all day Saturday with them watching the games. Then this morning it took everything for me to wake up and force my self…
  • so got on the scale this morning and I am down 1.6 lbs, but I wonder if I am down a little more since its the TOM.. I noticed I carry water weight especially towards the end and for about 3 days after. So who knows, we will see next Friday. So I've had a rough week and was terrified there would be no loss this week, but…
  • Oh since I am late to the party LOL. My name is Amber and I am 27. I live in kentucky with my husband, german shep, and 4 cats. No kids. At my highest weight I weighed in at 304lbs ( I'm 5'11") and currently at 288 and wanting to get to 180 eventually. So I lost over 61lbs before in order to join the army, I got hurt, am…
  • So yesterday I managed to go to the gym before work, had a good day, and maybe went a little over at dinner. But me and Hubby went for a walk afterwards that was 1.6 miles that burned over 300 calories. Then today started off good cause I made it to the gym again this morning before work :smile: Trying to build better…
  • I am loving all the memes. Even the ladies I work with are laughing so hard at them. Its a bright stop to otherwise rainy day.
  • One thing I have learned is its ok to slip up every once in a while. Its a marathon not a sprint. Like yesterday I got to have chinese and chickfla.. OMG the calories were thru the roof, but today is a new day and I am doing better. If you deprive yourself at every turn, you'll never make this lifestyle change stick. it…
  • @committedtolose feel free to add me and join us here daily for motivation and support. feel free to post what ever is on your mind. @piperx222 welcome as well, feel free to add me and you can join our little daily discussions.
  • I know how you feel about the knee. I have a bad knee thanks to the Army, I do injections every 6 months and they do help alot. walking is about all I can manage, no running for me ... Elliptical is also a very good friend of mine
  • So to start today off, one of the best suggestions I have ever gotten is to start small. Don't try to do a complete over haul all in one day, becasue you will never stick with it. Work on your diet and then add small bits of exercise and work your way up. I've made slight changes to my diet every few days and I find it…
  • I am right there with you. I have about a 110lbs to lose. I am happy to provide enocuragement and support, feel free to add me and we can check in here daily to hold each one accountable. :smile:
  • since the weather was so nice outside, I got a nice 20 mintue power walk in on my lunch. So far breakfast and lunch have been good, and I have a large pot of cooked veggies waiting at home for dinner. I can wait. I feel so much better when I get in the exercise. And it has improved my mood since this morning I was down…
  • I am with you my goal is to lose 110lbs. Feel free to add and I am happy to keep posting and motivating everyone.
  • I am also trying to do small goals this time.. I am wanting to lose between 15-20lbs by May 14. does this sound realistic and is it better to do smaller goals to reach teh ultimate goal?
  • Ok so I need a little guidance. I put in my information into the system and I am debating if I am doing light activity or no.. I work as a lab tech in a Dr. Office and get anywhere from 6,000 or more steps a day just there. So what would you say my daily activity is then? The reason why is I feel that my current calorie…
  • Yep, it is but I am getting better at bringing my lunches such as the frozen healthy choices or lean cuisines. But now the wether is nice I am actually think of walking on my lunch, and then have a soup on the go at my work station. Think it will help my self control to just not even go to the break room for those catered…
  • So yesterday did not go so well for me today. We have catered lunches at work almost daily and well the mexican won me over yesterday along with strawberry cake. I so need to work on self control. However today is starting a lot better. Got a nice breakfast smoothie and have plans to go to the gym after work (even brought…
  • Hi everyone. I am just getting back into this. I was on here a fwe years ago and lost 61lbs, but due to injury it all came back. Its now time to make a change and I need some motivation from some MFP friends. I am happy to add anyone that is will to be cheerleaders for each other.
  • Just started my journey yesterday. Was on here before a few years back and lost 61lbs. after an injury the weight just kept climbing and looking in the mirror I decided I needed to change and not blame the weight on my injury anymore. So here I am looking to lose around 105 to 110lbs altogether. Im at 290 and want to get…