Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Rachel, the pound class was cool!! I would do it again, but maybe with earplugs. Lol! The drumsticks are loud, that's for sure. We did standing, sitting, lunges, everything, all while drumming different ways. I definitely broke a sweat! I found it easier than Zumba, only got discombobulated a couple of times!
  • gethntysear
    gethntysear Posts: 47 Member
    Hey so I've been following the thread for a while enjoying the success' and going through the lows. Some really inspiring moments and honest human ones. Finally got the courage to join in!

    The scales haven't shifted for me these past 2 weeks but today I measured myself and in total since mid feb; I've lost 2.5 inches from my hips and 3 inches from my waist at the navel and 3 from my waist. Have to keep reminding myself that muscle has a smaller surface area than fat! It does help keep momentum rather than relying on just the torturous scales.

    Loving the community spirit here, you're all brilliant, keep it up!

  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Gill – That’s excellent, so you’re doing alright with the ‘calorie tweaking’, a 1lb loss is great! Sorry to hear about the muscle pull though, rest it up and you’ll be back to your fighting best soon enough.

    Jen (Changels) – I meant to look into the Android ‘happy scale’ apps, but was so sick last week it went out of my mind. I’ll have another look soon, see what I can find.

    Nichole – How’s the new work our regime going? 3 days off to just chill sounds divine, enjoy it.

    Karen – You and me both. Crappy weekend on the sofa feeling rubbish, I didn’t even do 10k steps on Saturday, I just didn’t have the energy. Hope you’re well again now. Onwards and upwards though, good attitude to assess any damage and move straight on.

    Jill – I so need to get back to yoga, I keep saying it, I’ve just got to kick myself up the backside and actually do it! Yoga is good for the soul.

    Rachel and Joy – very jealous of your Pound Classes, I looked it up as that’s something I think I’d enjoy loads, but the nearest one to me is in central London – boooooooo!

    Amber – Well done for dragging yourself to the gym, it’s really hard when you feel unmotivated, but you did it, and as my OH says, “a bad workout is still better than no work out”.

    Indygirl – Keep at it, it can be so hard to stay on track, but keep popping in here and we’ll support you!

    Jen (Jkhoffe) – Arrggghhh, what is it with these colds right now. Hope you’re feeling better.

    Shy – I know it’s disappointing to only see 0.5 difference, but it is going the right way, rather that than a gain.

    Welcome gethntysear, jump in and join the gang. :smile:

    Well I went to RC last night, still feeling a bit rough, and we did a ’20:20’ which I’d never heard of, basically you run for 20 mins at an easy pace, then when you hit the 20 min point, you turn around and run back but at a slightly harder pace. Well, being that I’m still trying to recover from this bone shaking cough I’ve had I think I did ok, I only stopped once (to having a coughing fit) and just plodded my way through it all. I can’t say I was particularly faster on the way back, but I think i did well to manage it at all considering my lungs wanted to explode. I’m not sure of the total distance though because the Fitbit app is telling me different things. It’s logged in my tracked exercise as 3.67 miles, but when I click on it to get further info it says 3.73 miles…..anyone else (with a Fitbit) notice this?
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @linlinjay I feel your pain. The key is to both make healthy food tasty and to incorporate in your favorite foods so that you don't feel deprived.

    @bluepoppies777 Sounds like our classes were really similar. I agree it was definitely easier to follow along than Zumba (which I don't do in public since I can't follow the instructor to save my life!). Rhythm inclined I am not, but I try!

    @gethntysear Welcome! Keep posting and congrats on your major loss of inches! Also, what's your name so I know what to call you?

    @CariTJR That's a rough run to do any day, but especially when you're still recovering! You're a rockstar for still powering through!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    We found out my significant other got the local job we were hoping for so I get to A) keep my job that I love and B) stay in the area that I love. It is definitely a week for celebration! I am taking him out for a fancy dinner this weekend. He's on the Atkins bandwagon (ugh) so I see a delicious steak in his future
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    We found out my significant other got the local job we were hoping for so I get to A) keep my job that I love and B) stay in the area that I love. It is definitely a week for celebration! I am taking him out for a fancy dinner this weekend. He's on the Atkins bandwagon (ugh) so I see a delicious steak in his future

    Oh Rachel, that's great news! Congratulations to your OH on getting the job. You must be over the moon. :smiley:
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Well, so far so good today. Had aerial yoga this morning and boy my legs are killing. We did a ton of leg bindings. I see bruising in my future. Got up this morning an immediately got dressing so I would not get on the scale so yea me!!. My goal is to weigh on Monday and Friday only.

    Well, crazy Karen just realized that Sunday was Easter and I have 10 people coming over. I mean I knew it was Sunday but heck it is THIS Sunday. I have a menu to plan and a house to clean in the next few days on top of my normal stuff. I always wonder how I got this stuff done when I still worked.

    @gethntysear - welcome, measuring is important when the scale does not move for sure. It was the only thing that kept me sane in the last few weeks.

    Cari - great job getting out there running even though you are not 100%. They say sweating helps clean out the lungs.

    Rachel - congrats, no long likes to change up your schedule. It is very stressful.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Remember to smile.
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Wow-lots of catching up to do! Well, we went out of town for a three day weekend to try and get stuff done on the house. Yesterday was not great food wise. Tired, crabby and 6 hours in the car. Lots of snacking to try to stay awake. But, I only went up one pound over the weekend which is good for me! Usually I go up 3-4 pounds and spend all week trying to go back down. So I will take just one pound! I have a short work week, was off yesterday and will be off Friday. Maybe since I wont be sitting at my desk all day for two extra days I might get some more steps in! Gill, Shy and Cari-I can almost keep up to you step wise on the weekend, but I am so lacking during the week! Time to step it up!

    Rachel - that's great about the job! So glad you don't have to leave your job and home! I have had to do that several times because of my husbands job. I do like the adventure, but it always puts me back at the start when it comes to my job.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone! Keep up the great work! You are all doing awesome!
  • indygirl217
    indygirl217 Posts: 35 Member
    I have started walking in the evenings around my community. It's doesn't get dark here until about 8. Come summertime, it won't get dark until 10. It's nice because my daughter joins me on my walks. Of course her legs are way shorter than mine so my walks aren't brisk but it's nice to enjoy that time with her.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome newbies... Loving all the posts.. Great memes Joy! Love it!!! Looks like we are having success! Officially down that pound we were looking for!! Now to keep it off! ;)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome newbies... Loving all the posts.. Great memes Joy! Love it!!! Looks like we are having success! Officially down that pound we were looking for!! Now to keep it off! ;)
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Cari the workouts feel more productive. That's good I guess. Rode the bike yesterday and today I did the arc trainer. I spoke w the trainer and he said to do 5 minutes at 4 different I guess they r called elevations. I will have to work up to that as my thighs and butt didn't want to work together. But I did do 3 minutes at each level. Glad to hear u are feeling better. Hope u continue to improve. You have been killing it
    Rachel great news about the job. Rachel and Joy. Never heard of a pound class it sounds really cool.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Hey so I've been following the thread for a while enjoying the success' and going through the lows. Some really inspiring moments and honest human ones. Finally got the courage to join in!

    The scales haven't shifted for me these past 2 weeks but today I measured myself and in total since mid feb; I've lost 2.5 inches from my hips and 3 inches from my waist at the navel and 3 from my waist. Have to keep reminding myself that muscle has a smaller surface area than fat! It does help keep momentum rather than relying on just the torturous scales.

    Loving the community spirit here, you're all brilliant, keep it up!

    So glad to see you join in... Everyone here is nothing but positive and real. We are all human, have slip ups, accept it and move on. Celebrate the lessons, NSVs and have some fun!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    We found out my significant other got the local job we were hoping for so I get to A) keep my job that I love and B) stay in the area that I love. It is definitely a week for celebration! I am taking him out for a fancy dinner this weekend. He's on the Atkins bandwagon (ugh) so I see a delicious steak in his future

    Yeahhhhh!! Congrats!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @danan01 Sounds like you're off to a great start this week! You've easily got that 1 lb! (and I'm jealous your short work week)

    @ngolden3320 5 minutes sounds like a great goal to work up to. Way to go on pushing yourself the gym!

    @ShyCush6 Congrats on the loss! And it is truly lost and never to be found again

    @indygirl217 Your evening walks with your daughter sound like the perfect way to incorporate fitness and healthy activities for the whole family! You are such a great role model for her

    @FitEqualsSmile Aerial yoga sounds so cool! The soreness sounds totally worth it!

    @CariTJR I literally jumped for joy in my office when I found out lol. My extended family is in this area too so I'm very excited to make this location home for good

    In less exciting news, I am suuuuper bloated so I'm avoiding the scale like the plague. I know it's sodium/hormones and not overeaing, but it's still frustrating to feel like a balloon
  • uoflgirl89
    uoflgirl89 Posts: 26 Member
    So questions for you lovely ladies... I am finding I enjoy walking a lot, especially in the evening with the hubby. My only concern is if it will give me enough fitness for this journey. Instead of spending time at the gym doing the elliptical- I'd much rather take a walk. In your experience would this be enough? I plan to add maybe some at home yoga/Pilates/ push ups & situps combo on occasion thru the week. What is everyone else opinion.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    NSV. I was really wanting orange chicken for lunch. Put it in and saw that it was to many calories and sodium. So I am having tuna. At least it is chicken of the sea. Lol. Going to measure for first time this weekend. Question. I didn't add my thighs or arms initially. So I will start w a number this weekend. Should I measure both arms and legs or just one.
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Checking in. Not much exciting going on here. Just another day. I do have a question for anyone with a fitbit. Did your display on the phone app change? All of a sudden my steps are listed way down in the list, instead of on top where they used to be. Now I have to scroll down to see my steps. Is there a way to change the display on that? Other than that-I get to take my youngest son tonight for his first behind the wheel driving class. Scary! I am so not ready for this! They grow up way too fast! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    uoflgirl89 wrote: »
    So questions for you lovely ladies... I am finding I enjoy walking a lot, especially in the evening with the hubby. My only concern is if it will give me enough fitness for this journey. Instead of spending time at the gym doing the elliptical- I'd much rather take a walk. In your experience would this be enough? I plan to add maybe some at home yoga/Pilates/ push ups & situps combo on occasion thru the week. What is everyone else opinion.

    I think it's wonderful that you've found an activity that you enjoy. Many people have reached and maintained a healthy weight solely through walking. Adding yoga/pilates/strength training makes it even better. The best activity is one that you enjoy and that you can stick with.