Parfumista Member


  • My dog is the same, she probably thinks I've eaten something delicious without sharing. Comparing my keto breath (sweet) to my brother's breath when he's had nothing but a protein shake, I think keto breath isn't that bad. No complaints so far and my mother and brother would definitively tell me if it was bad. Using a…
  • I believe the most common definition of the word diet is 'food and drinks usually consumed by a person or group', so calling it a diet isn't wrong. But yes, the main benefit of Paleo isn't weight loss and it's just as possible to gain on a Paleo diet. @hoovhome A ketogenic diet induces the state of ketosis by limiting…
  • 4 lbs in 2 weeks is most definitely not muscle gain. I usually gain 1-2 lbs thanks to water retention after a workout, could be the same for you. Are you drinking enough? Log your food, as long as you burn more calories than you eat you will lose weight.
  • I really want to put that sentence in a signature so everyone can read it. ;) As for studies: Jebb et al. (1991) - no metabolic adaptation, the subjects' BMR only got lower respective to their weight lost Weisner et al. (2000) - subjects lost over 10 kg via caloric restriction without exercise, no metabolic adaptation…
  • This is possibly going to sound super rude, for which I'm sorry. But as long as you hit your micros and macros for the day with about 1500 calories I wouldn't worry about eating more at your current weight. Going up the stairs is hard on your body at 400 lbs, imagine a 250 lbs person carrying a 150 lbs person - nobody…
  • Keto means high fat and appropriate protein, your diet sounds more like high protein. Skip the milk and try some coconut or MCT oil in your coffee, it's not as bad as it sounds. I hope you get better soon, because the overall tone of your post sounds like you don't care about yourself very much right now.
  • Of course fat isn't bad. Neither are carbs or protein. What is important is to take a closer look at the source of your macros. Certain oils have a better ratio of omega-6/omega-3 than others, many carby foods come with loads of vitamins, minerals and fiber, certain sources of protein work better for some people than…
  • You won't gain fat as long as you don't eat a surplus of calories. Once you switch from low carb to high carb your body will gain some water weight while replenishing the glycogen storages.
  • Carbs in form of fruit and veggies have a lot of nutritional value. Carbs in oats and rice as well. Those are combined with a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Sugar cravings, in my experience however, usually mean a sugary treat like donuts, sweets, milk chocolate. I don't think we have to argue about that being less…
  • We lose muscle when it's not used, when there's not enough protein in our diet to repair damaged muscles and when our excess body fat can not make up for the calorie deficit we're creating. As long as we don't know her bodyfat percentage and her protein intake we can't say for sure if she's losing muscle or not.
  • If someone still wants to include processed sugar in their diet, that's ok, of course. But there are certainly reasons for some people to exclude it. - no nutritional value, just calories - some people crave it and can't handle it in moderation, at least not at this point in their journey - blood sugar is more stable…
  • If 700 calories extra per week stalls weight loss I'd say the deficit was a bit low anyway. Unfortunately, 700 calories extra don't mean you automatically get more nutrients and the "magical" number 1200 is something to forget about quickly. The lower the calories, the more accurate the tracking of food has to be to ensure…
  • For me the best way to kill sugar cravings (or carb cravings like pasta, bread, muffins etc.) is to stop eating it altogether. The first week is tough, then it gets a lot easier. I still eat fruits and starchy veggies, but processed sugar has no nutritional value, so it's not like I'm depriving my body of something it…
  • Maybe you chose the wrong setting. If you put 'maintain weight' as your goal that would explain it.