This just in - Fat not bad for you!


Article in the Globe and Mail. Yes, yes, I know it's not a study. Just thought it was an interesting read. The one takeaway I got from it was this excerpt:

"The modern history of nutrition science is fraught with controversy, flawed theory, faulty research, vested interests, suppression of evidence, and vicious battles between the old guard and the insurgents. They’re still fighting. But it’s clear that a lot of what your Food Guide says is flat-out wrong."



  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    Sooo, instead of vilifying fat we're now going to demonize carbs and sugar sigh....

    I'm just going to keep doing what works for me and that's eat all the foods I like, without cutting anything out. I focus on staying within my calorie parameters and being mindful of portion sizes. Doing this I've lost the extra weight, improved my health and most importantly-it's something I've been able to do through several years of maintenance and it's something I can continue to do for the next 40 or more years of maintenance I have ahead of me.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It's not news, but that op-ed also distorts the current views somewhat.

    Most nutrition types still say that sat fat should be limited, and the idea that we all stopped eating fat and that was bad is mistaken. We didn't actually eat less fat during the low fat days, just added lots more non nutritious carbs (instead of the carbs like whole grains and legumes and especially veg and fruits that were actually being promoted by doctors).
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited April 2016
    The bacon grease diet.
    My next book - look for it. Nothing but bacon grease all day.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    Fat does not make you fat, that's correct. :smile:
  • Parfumista
    Parfumista Posts: 15 Member
    Of course fat isn't bad. Neither are carbs or protein.
    What is important is to take a closer look at the source of your macros. Certain oils have a better ratio of omega-6/omega-3 than others, many carby foods come with loads of vitamins, minerals and fiber, certain sources of protein work better for some people than other.
    Some people do best on a high carb low fat diet, for others high fat low carb works better.

    For someone who's really interested in the matter, look at studies rather than articles, those are sometimes rather inaccurate.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    nothing is bad.. unless you have medical reason that you may need to limit something.... this just in... its been known that none of the macros are "bad". everything in excess can kill you.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    "We were wrong to demonize fat. Sugar is the demon instead!"

    The real truth is - there is no demon. There's no insidious evil lurking in the corners of our cupboards, driving us to obesity that needs to be expunged. We get fat because we eat too much. It's not the fat, or the carbs, or gluten, or anything else - it's the fact that, since 1970, our average daily calorie intake in the USA has increased by 25%, while our exercise and activity has fallen over the same time period. We're eat more and move less than we did in the past.
  • MindPump1
    MindPump1 Posts: 77 Member
    Interesting. I have cut out carbs for some time and increased my fat intake, basically taking on a keto diet. I have a minimum amount of protein, and I feel fantastic. I have more energy, I feel more alert, and I think clearer. I lift heavier in the gym, and I no longer feel bloated and fast after eating food. Everyone's body reacts to food differently, so everyone will have a different experience. But I have read many studies showing that saturated fat being good for you. I can post them if anyone cares. Problem is everyone is believes what the government says, or the fitness industry says... And most of the time what they are telling their followers is not applicable to their lives. Besides my diet, I started following Mind Pump, and my eyes have been open on the crap the fitness industry has been feeding everyone. Checking them out, you won't be disappointed.