fcanad Member


  • Look at options through your insurance company. Sometimes your insurance company offers a discount on a program that’s separate from doctors, etc.
  • It sounds like you want to look at recomposition instead of gain/loss? If you don’t get responses, try posting for recomp advice or something in the title?
  • There’s hope. You will have some learning experiences. It happens to everyone. Most of my meals this week are frozen fruit or veggies with cheese and toppings (seeds, nuts, or nutritional yeast) or a sliced avocado.
  • On iPhone app, go to settings, then profile, then units. If that doesn’t help, google it with your device listed.
    in Help Comment by fcanad May 2019
  • Consider getting a cheap ice cream maker and doing with a blend that fits in your macros/overall goals. It almost hits the spot. Figure out what exactly you crave. The cold and sugar? The cream?
  • Chia seeds! Rehydrate in water first. Also, apricots and mushrooms.
  • Look at the dash diet books for ideas? For lower carb variety, consider tempeh baked in chips, broccoli with nutritional yeast sauce (high vitamins, low fat/cal’s), bean salads, curry, avocados, flax meal or chia seeds with berries and yogurt or cottage cheese? Also, check the research on fat types for better health? I saw…
  • I’m down about 45 lbs from my highest in feb. worked - counting calories (measure or weighed food, planned out the day in advance, etc) - Avoiding added sugar - Lower carb (I don’t get hungry as fast) - A ban on eating out/buying coffee - College food and nutrition course No go: -Keto, I couldn’t handle those macros…
  • I switched from 1200 to 1350. I’m loosing about 1 lbs/week instead of 3-4/lbs a week. I had to switch to maintain my emotional wellbeing. I do 2 days lower calories when I’m not as active.
  • I lost at 1200 a day, but, around 175 had to decrease to 1 lbs/week because 1200 wasn’t enough food for emotional stability. How are you feeling? Do you have energy? How is mental health?
  • OP, I hear you with being unable to see my own changes. I considered accusing my BF of hacking my scale to go down regardless of weight. I did 30 lbs in 3 months and don’t see a difference in myself.
  • Listen to your body and the evaluation of friends and family. Are you diet miserable? Are you in a horrible mood? I’m 33, 5’4” started at 2 lbs/week at 206. It was fine, until I emotionally wasn’t, right about 176-180. I changed my settings to 1 lbs/week and went up to 1350. Im still loosing 2 lbs a week.
  • Or because someone is overestimating burn at gym or is listening to a fitness tracker and overeating the result.
  • Be Careful. I’ve accidentally overcooked protein powder too many times, resulting in a clumpy mess (microwaving with cereal was a disaster) Consider if you are okay throwing away a test batch or three while you experiment.
  • I’m not in your situation. I am working full time plus and a full time student. Meal prep is limited. I am unashamed that I eat very small variations of my microwaveable home cooked day to day. Do you have a meal that mostly fits into everything? Personally, two of my three meals are based on chia seeds or flax meal, and…
  • I played with macros. I’m female, 5’4”, currently 173 down about 30 lbs in 10 weeks. I get MUCH hungrier on higher carb. I’ve found for emotional stability I do best at about 45-50% fat, 20% carbs, 30-35% protein. If I eat lower fat, say 38%, I emotionally crash during the day. I do however carefully try to meet my fiber…
  • You want your potassium bar from diet to go up faster than your sodium bar. They are set up for a higher ratio of potassium to sodium.
  • My goal is 160. I want to stay there at maintenance for at least 3 months before trying to loose more. My ultimate goal is to hit 145 and be at the highest point of healthy for BMI. I am eating back some exercise calories. If changing the percentage of fat I’m eating up doesn’t fix the low mood in the am, I’ll likely try…
  • I am usually 1200-1300. I’m 5’4” and am 177 down from 206. My goal is to drop to 160 and then move my calories to loose 0.5 lbs/week instead of the set for two.
  • About 50 g per day now, mostly from fish, nuts, and dairy. I think I felt better at 60 g a day.
  • I am usually more stable on low carb (5-70 g) daily, but I’m trying to figure out if I need to eat more fat.
  • I’m not hungry yet in the morning, but, as I’m getting up and going I’m miserable, unhappy, ready to sit down and start sobbing on the phone, convinced I’m incompetent, convinced my diet won’t work (despite loosing 25+ lbs), and feeling unable to face the day.
  • Chia seeds with fruit! Protein powder Cottage cheese (can be low fat, had cholesterol) SARDINES! I know, not for the faint of heart.
  • I got premium as s reward for myself. It’s useful paying attention to enough fiber and protein, but not essential. It was a “lost the first 15 lbs” award. The bargain is that I MUST measure and log everything.
    in MFP Premium Comment by fcanad March 2019
  • Be conservative about how many extra calories you actually burn. Are you breathing at an easy pace or slightly faster? If it’s easy pace, cross check with the equivalent effort walking. Try using your core when you swim (especially breaststroke!) use back, chest, and abs as you pull, and extend everything with each glide.
  • For the I really shouldn’t eat but I’m hungry: Sardines Unsalted nuts A spoonful of olive oil Protein powder in water Usually something that isn’t going to be a treat food, but something with fat or protein that I have to be hungry to want.
  • Check with your doctor if you should take a multivitamin or fish oil. DON’T just start supplements, some can cause permanent medical problems or be contaminated with various drugs.
    in Supplements Comment by fcanad March 2019
  • You should definitely look for a therapist that deals with obsessive behaviors or food problems. Are you trying to loose weight or get your eating disorder under control? If you are trying to get things under control, you may want to eat at maintenance levels. It’s really hard not to overeat when constantly a bit hungry,…
  • Bake topped with salt, tomatoes, feta, onions, artichoke hearts. Spice to taste.
  • I hope you are talking with a mental help professional in this difficult time. It sounds like you could use somebody to advocate for you. Are you within the healthy weight on BMI charts? If you are below healthy weight, please find professional help. Please be safe and take care of yourself.