MelodyBri Member


  • I love history, and found the Stuff you Missed in History podcast back when it had just started, and it directed me to Stuff you should know.
  • Hamilton is my current go to, but on average it is a combination of Nightwish and Within Temptation
  • I tend to like to over estimate my calorie intake (Over estimate calories under estimate Exercise), so I don't factor in the drained part. And when you say drained I am assuming you are talking about drained of grease, because ground beef can have varying degrees of filler which is where some of the extra fat comes from.…
  • Swimming or Running
  • Most of the stuff from Smodco (Kevin Smith's Network). If you like stories (and horror) there is a podcast series called We're Alive, which is about a group of people surviving a zombie like virus. It plays like a radio play, with voice actors, sound effects, etc. The first couple episodes are rough as they find their…
  • I actually know how I got them, and they came from a blister pad protecting another more easy to treat blister. Basically the edge of the pad rubbed up against the crook of my toes. It's kind of pathetic, I know.
    in Blisters Comment by MelodyBri June 2016
  • Is stubborn a good trait? Let's go with persistent.
  • I don't think it is outdated, but needs to be expanded upon. For example you can eat 2,000 calories of X, but if X is the only thing you are eating you may be missing out on some if not all of your nutrients, including foods that actually satiate your appetite. So finding balance in what you eat, not just setting a limit…
  • Ummm, look at the person next to you and give them the stink eye indicating it is them..... other than that I don't know. Most people seem to have headphones on anyways so not sure how much they can hear or the overhead gym music is really loud.
  • Mostly
  • Most of my exercise and food goals I have a plan for, it is all about sticking to it, which is hard when you work in an office that loves to bring bread products in on a regular basis. But as for a basic short term goal, I want to every night write 100 words for a book I am working on and finish up the requirements to get…
  • My name is Jane, I am 5'7 1/2, and as of today I am 163lbs, ideally I would like to get down to 130, but I'll be happy with 140 with added muscle build. So I have at least 23lbs to lose.
  • Today, I increased my weightlifting weight amounts by a couple pounds each on my strength training exercises.
  • Most of mine come from When I get a chance (it is close to bedtime right now) I'll share them. They span across all areas of food, Vegan to carnivorous, gluten free to "I love bread" (which should be my motto. Mainly I like to keep a variety.
  • One day is one day. Acknowledging that it was one day and getting back on the the wagon/horse/plan is what is important. There are some diets actually that allow for a once a week cheat day, and it works for some people because it gives them a chance to have a once in awhile indulgence without feeling restricted. You can…
  • I use MFP more for tracking nutrients and fitbit for calories.
  • Click on your profile picture and the url that comes up is your username profile link.
  • I am currently at 164lbs and I am a little under 5'8", I'd like to get back to 130lbs, and compete in another Tough Mudder. I was maintaining pretty well at 130, but then pregnancy hit me hard. So here I am. I don't have a set date on when I want to get back to 130. I would like to be at that weight before my husband and I…
  • Years ago, it was so I could fit into my wedding dress without alterations. Which I was able to. Now, after 5 years of marriage and an almost two year old. I just want to feel the way I felt when I was that weight, I felt stronger, confident and better about myself. Plus exercise got me off of anti depressants, so I wasn't…
  • Yep I've had a fitbit since the original clip on model. Feel free to add me, I like competition //