bjwoodzy Member


  • To be clear, I should state I have been OFF Lipitor generic since early May 2016 with no ill effect that I can see. Am having another blood panel done as soon as I can see my way to clearing the last out of pocket medical expense from the last lab test (was not covered under my previous insurance).
  • I will read this. I was on generic Lipitor for a few years after being diagnosed with T2D, told my triglycerides were off the charts and so part of my lipid panel results were too hard to determine because of that. After one month on keto, my triglycerides went down significantly and also my HDL went to normal-high range.
  • That's awesome.
  • Agreed. I have often thought I shouldn't eat them because of the wheat, but the high fiber content really keeps things moving for me in the bathroom, and I manage to stay full on just the one pizza and still lose weight, so ...other people's mileage may vary.
    in KETO PIZZA Comment by bjwoodzy June 2017
  • @babysteps2skinny they kinda do lol! Hope you try it. That website also has a lot of 1-serving recipe ideas, which some people prefer, but I am a person who buys whole food and cooks in batches to save time and effort so it's not for me most of the time. @LegosRule LOL thanks
  • My morning breath and first urine stream in the morning each have one or two different distinct odors, depending on the day. It's like vanilla-scented gasoline or nail polish remover, LOL So I can tell without sticks, etc., that I'm in ketosis. I used the sticks twelve ears ago on Atkins, and they were not reliable at all.…
  • I've often liked to share my 'ketogasm' high with folks but most are too skeptical and/or think of me some weird food Nazi and/or hippie person who reads conspiracy theories, or else just 'fad follower' because they are still indoctrinated to believe dietary glucose burning is king and "You'll have a heart attack," or "I…
  • When my body first became fat-adapted, I seriously was zooming around like crazy. Usually, I have loads of energy in the morning before I even eat thanks to cortisol (and am hardly ever hungry til around 11 or noon), but a high fat/moderate protein breakfast with 3-5 g or less carbs for the whole meal followed by my coffee…
  • Seriously, getting old sucks. Some of the time. [insert a Maxine cartoon here, preferably one of her shaking a fist in the air]
  • @KnitOrMiss - Sorry I just saw this comment from you from FEBRUARY lol. I got the recipe from here, but I used pepper jack cheese instead of cheddar
  • I have cabbage and sausage as a staple meal in my house. Drool.
  • @cstehansen dat steak is killin' me right now. I should go to bed!
  • @Laurie6578 - Sorry, no one has ever responded to any of my pics before! The chili garlic sauce you asked about is just the Huy Fong chili garlic sauce. Similar flavor profile as their sriracha sauce, but without the sugar, and a bit hotter.
  • I make and eat cabbage and sausage at least once or twice a week, no matter the season.
  • This is my fave kind of summer salad! Also, is that an Early American Pyrex bowl? I have a brown one (it was my grandma's) and it's my main salad bowl!
  • Saw this online the other day and decided to go to the kitchen to try it out. It was olive bread made in a mug in the microwave. I tipped it out and let it cool down, sliced it up, toasted the slices in a skillet for a bit, then topped it with feta crumbles and ate it right out of hand while standing at the stove. Recipe…
  • Pretty awesome, thanks. And I hate the word "awesome," so it's REALLY GOOD. You?
  • Once in a while I crave pizza too, so I use these for a crust (total frankenfood, I know...and it has wheat fiber) but it's only like once or twice a month (they seriously last forever on the shelf, but I keep them in the fridge and buy in bulk when they go on sale for $2.99 at my store and freeze them, too). I use this…
    in KETO PIZZA Comment by bjwoodzy June 2017
  • Thanks! Ugh, sorry about your legs, bruh. Tell you what, you can have mine. They're furry. Since I always wear compression stockings (either knee high or thigh high) to stave off leg edema, my bare legs never show (and being that I'm #foreveralone, I haven't had to shave them for ages.) Leg circulation is a funny thing,…
  • I was so mad when I heard doctors say that about diabetes. It should not be a progressive disease. I'm so glad you nipped it in the bud before you relegated yourself to a lifetime of insulin, which is what I almost did (I was on Lantus for the last 7 years of my diabetes treatment and also Victoza for the last 3). My…
  • Been there. Nice work, worth celebrating.
  • Phinney is definitely funny! Phunney.
  • Another guy I like is Timothy Noakes, because of him being able to admit he was wrong for so many years and trying to help folks un-learn all he espoused for so long.
  • Just found this thread after a bit of a hiatus from forums You all look wonderful. Great jobs!
  • Hope you feel better as soon as possible. I hate getting sick. Although being ill is rare for me I endured a couple head/chest colds during keto in the last year and can say drinking bone broth helped me feel good. I was lucky that I had just made a whole lot of bone broth before that happened and had jars of it in the…
  • This guys is one of my faves, on the low carb front. In my top 5.
  • These guys seem to be interested in it. I know they mentioned it before in another video, not sure what they use it for, but they are excited about it.
  • Maybe try opting for a grass fed brand that's local? Or else there's also some European style butter brands that are just as good. Sometimes farmers markets may have small local grass fed cow's milk products, too.