chrriis971 Member


  • 1)Position: right/left wing. 2)Age:20 3)Goal would be to get as fit as possible in a short space of time, with sub goals of putting on lean muscle mass as well as increasing speed. 4) not at the moment no, unfortunately. 5) football:soccer
  • I know 1/2 protein sounded stupid to me too. I’ll be honest I found it only and this is the first time Iv had to do a cut due to the fact Iv allways being either bulking or maintaining with my body type. I’m currently going to the gym 4/5 times a week, working a LPP work routine, using free weights and resistance machines.…
  • Should I up carbs and cut protein and fat?
  • Hi there thanks for the replies. I’m by no means “huge” I’m doing a small cut to try and get rid of extra fat I have around my mid section. The reason for the macro persentages is due to the fact that I don’t want to lose a lot of muscle as I don’t have lots. My thought was up my protein and go into the cut slowly hoping…
  • Okay thank you
  • Thanks how long should I bulk for and then how long would it take to lose that fat ? As I don't want to look fat at summer
  • Hi there both of you if you played at conference level fair play mate
  • We only go to the gym once a week for 1 hr and a half and thanks for the information
  • Thank you very much great discription one quick question though I understand that for body building etc it's okay to eat unclean foods chocolate ice cream but will it not slow me down ??? I need to get quicker,run for longer basically I need to become fitter and more muscle can I eat unclean foods I am a semi professional…
  • Hi there I am looking to put on weight in the form of muscle obviously I will put fat on at the same time. I am fairly skinny and for the benefit of my football I want to get bigger. I am currently in 3,600 odd kcals a day to gain weight. So when should I take dextrose after a high intensity workout
  • What I have the products when should I take them
  • Thanks you very much so basicallly so long as I don't go over board with ice cream and chocolate it's okay now and again
  • Yes I understand with regards to surplus but what can I eat to hit around 3,600 kcals per day as that's what I am roughly burning and it needs to be healthy options as if I just go all guns blazing eating ice cream,cakes and cookies I am going to slow down my cardiovascular endurance will be *kitten* and sprints
  • Not really and around 12 hours a week sometimes rises to 20 and I can't just eat anything as I need to keep my fitness levels up so I can become faster and go longer
  • Surly the smaller u get interested of bf you need to get more aggressive also trying to lose quicker.
  • thanks
  • Yeah I'm in a deficit of 600 kcals per day. Finding it hard to get macros correct tho. How long do you think it will take to get to 10 or 11% bf assuming I am in a 600 kcal deficit and am 15 %
  • Okay thanks that makes sense.By clean I ment healthy options as I am a footballer and my diet needs to be in check as if not I will slow down.
  • Thanks you very much for the help much appreciated
  • Also how often off each
  • Football not American and thanks very much
  • So stay on maintains calories and gain strength and muscle by bumping up the weight . Don't do body weight exercise? By right diet do you mean eat clean or correct cals and macros? Thanks
  • My maxs are: Bench press:60kg Deadlift:100kg-110kg being a while. Squats:120kg
  • Thank you for this very full answer. In answer 1 when you say eat right and lift more do you mean bulk or maintain in terms of calories. Also how long would you recommend to do this approach before a cut Thanks
  • Thank you so much,any recommendations for foods to eat
  • Thanks mate I didn't know this. However I am fairly certain that a whole hour of lifting heavy weights with very little rest ie 20 secs between sets I would burn a fair bit
  • I have being doing weights for around 6-7 months however only started going 5 times a week and properly trying around a month to a 2 ago. I always do compound movement. I was just wondering what I should do to get a bit bigger as I am fairly skinny
  • I am in collage so walk class to class. Go to the gym Monday to Friday and play football for around 3 hrs a day should I set it as low and then track the gym and football work? Thanms
  • Sorry I did miss it thanks