Gena575 Member


  • I had one of my two feasts already (the other is Saturday) and I simply ate what I pleased, in quantities I pleased. I was so stuffed that supper ended up being an apple lol. I didn't attempt logging of breakfast (eggs and bacon easy enough, salted caramel bread pudding made by someone else not so much lol!) Or the noon…
  • You sound stressed. Adding dieting to that may be a recipe for failure start with small changes. Try diet sweet tea or even half and half tea. Do that for a week or two then start swapping fries for salad, or small fry aND a salad. Choose light dressings and use half or less of the packet. Once that stuff is comfortable,…
  • TDEE already includes exercise if calculated properly. In that case, no you would not eat back exercise calories. If MFP set you at 1300 for a 1lb a week loss then 1800 is your NEAT which excludes exercise. In that case you would eat back at least a % of your exercise calories.
  • All the other stuff aside, where are you in your monthly cycle? The 2 days before the witch shows I could out eat a high school football team. I just keep myself around maintenance calories those days and move on.
  • One thing to consider, among all that was said above, is the weather is cooling. Has your gym attire changed? Going from a pair of shorts to a pair of sweats, even on a size zero woman, can add 1- 2lbs clothes are heavy! Also, having battled depression myself, don't forget to be kind to yourself The work and grit it takes…
  • I eat a lot of salads, but I like salads. Sometimes they are a side for bulk, sometimes they are the meal ( or as Aaron says a meal on a bed of lettuce lol). My typical side salad is about 140 calories due to cheese and croutons and dressing, so more than a side of green beans or other veggies. But as I said, I enjoy them.…
  • I spike more at ovulation than TOM. The painting could also have something to do with it... just did one room this spring and omg my arms were dying. I wasn't weighing daily then but I'm positive I had muscle repair water retention going on just based on how sore I was for 3 days lol!
  • Is it even possible to cut all fat from one's diet? Kale has .6g per serving. Blueberries have .5g per serving just 2 random so called super healthy foods I googled.
  • 10 days could be about anything. A change in carb or sodium intake. The weather is cooling and soups are on the menu a lot here now. Until I adjust to the sodium increase, I'll play with 5lbs or so. I'm also struggling to drink as much fluids because I'm not as thirsty in the cold.. that and the increased salt... Be…
  • A big glass of water and an excedrin. If you've dropped pop there's your culprit
    in HELP! Comment by Gena575 October 2016
  • First set your goal to 1lb per week at max Second you can alter serving sizes vs searching out one for exactly the amount you ate the ounce or gram section has a drop down menu for this purpose
  • The day before I start my dogs start looking at me like " please don't eat us!" For real, if it even resembles food I'm contemplating eating it Stupid hormones. And the 2lbs gain, I'd blame the Ramen and 50 hundred grams of sodium in it lol
  • Fitbit often has me under target yet over budget for calories. No clue why or how it gets this way, but I just ignore it. Yesterday I ate 1750, total fitbit burn was 3000. I'm set for 1.5lbs/week loss. I was over budget by 200 calories yet under target. I think I had around 500 left in my budget according to mfp after…
  • I'm confused. You have a calorie goal of 1430, why do you think eating 700 is a good plan? MFP builds your calorie deficit into your goal. You *need to eat to your goal or very close to it. Meet or exceed your protein goal (treat it as a minimum!) daily. For your lunch I'd add 3-4 ounces of chicken or tuna (around 100-150…
  • Are you weighing your food? Because if not you may be eating more than the 1400 calories. I'd start there if you feel like your loss rate isn't what's expected by the math. But averaging a lb a week is pretty awesome and look how far you've come! Patience is HARD but worth it!
  • And this is why I weigh daily, logging it in the Libra app. I gained 2lbs from Sat to Monday this week. But I expected it because I know i was nuts on the sodium all weekend (nasty head cold...needed soup!) Tuesday I spent half the day peeing and today I'm .4lbs lighter than Sat.
  • Cabbage roll soup and crackers.
  • I'm 5'5" SW 248 CW 208 GW ehhh it's a moving target lol. Maybe 150...we will see when I get closer.
  • Berries, peaches, kiwi, cheese sticks, nut butter, deli meat, yogurt, yasso frozen yogurt bars, cottage cheese, oatmeal...
  • I have a nasty cold so I had a can of campbells chicken noodle for breakfast. I've never been a breakfast food in the am kind of person though. Most days breakfast is a Quest bar.
  • Thing is, especially when you don't read extensively here AND follow the many links, being told CICO never fails and eating more is never the answer isn't helpful. Both may be true, but they don't help either. Too large of a deficit can, in a sense, activate a body's self-protection *to a degree* and reduce CO. Even when…
  • There are so many things that could be affecting your loss rate. If you still get your monthly, that can cause water retention at both ovulation and shark week. Your increased exercise can cause it as your body works to repair and strengthen muscle. Even the soup could have due to canned stock and sodium counts. I HIGHLY…
  • I agree with purposeful exercise 100%. But a mom to two babies isn't sedentary either. Not saying the OP was/is set to that. But when true hunger is an issue, reevaluation is never a bad idea. Also +1 to the protein, again. It's amazing to me the difference in my gnaw my own arm off urges when I have sufficient protein.…
  • Are you breastfeeding? And chasing after two babies/toddlers *may mean your activity level is higher than you think. I would honestly reevaluate that and/or your deficit. With 30/40lbs to go you should be at a lb/week rate. The extra calories there would go a long way toward more fat and protein. Batch cook some chicken on…
  • I'm right there with you. For now, 170 seems amazing and a happy weight for me. Once I get there, I reserve the right to change my mind. But I haven't been 120 since I was 11, and much shorter. 150 probably left the building around age 13. If I settle at 170, it's a far cry better than the 250 I was at. Or my highest of…
  • I so understand your frustration. Doing all the right things (of course, check your logging/weighing habits) and it appears to have "quit working." I was so there the end of last month. I'd played with 5lbs for several weeks. I don't buy starvation mode, or that you can trick your body...but, that said, I found a huge…
  • My plan, since there will be 50.hundred events going on, is to take a break the week of Thanksgiving and Christmas but to be mindful of what I'm eating. Eat what I love best and leave the rest. There will likely be 3 or 4 other maintenance days sprinkled potluck, cookie exchange day with family etc. But I'm not…
  • The macro goals she gave you would equal 1340. No way around increasing macros without increasing calories. Her macro ratio is 30% carbs, 30% protein and 40% fat if you want to follow the %s
  • What calorie level were you eating prior to the recent bump to 1500? And for how long? I'm wondering if a diet break isn't in order. I'm not sure if I 100% buy all the hormone reset part, but I do 100% buy the mental state reset. You're tired, hangry, workouts are suffering...your body is begging for fuel. Take 10 days, 2…